ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: TP on January 21, 2008, 07:16:20 am

Title: Feeling Great!
Post by: TP on January 21, 2008, 07:16:20 am
Just wanted to share some good news! I had my surgery 19 months ago. I was back to exercising and work within 3 months of my AN surgery. Had some complications but didn't allow that to intervere with my day to day recovery. My long term goal was to go skiing again. I have been a skier for over 20 years and finally was able to schedule a vacation to go downhill skiing. I just got back from Colorado where the snow was awesome! I bought me a helmet and made sure I wore it daily (I like tree skiing). I had no problems. I was a little nervous the start of my first day but after a few hours I was back to my normal self. I skied all the slopes I usually ski and never had any balance issues at all. My eye was my only issue and that was due to the very low humidity (I just made sure I wore my gogles the entire time while I was on the slopes and used plenty of drops). I still have some paralysis in my face but that is slowly getting better.

If any of you are feeling the road to recovery is very long and depressing we are here to support you. However, a simple suggestion is to right down goals you want to accomplish over the next year or two. I suggest short term and long term goals that are realistic and within a timeframe that is doable. After reaching your short term goals, CELEBRATE! Reward youself for achieving your goal. This will give you encouragement and motivation to have the patience to move on to your next goal. Life will get better!
Title: Re: Feeling Great!
Post by: HeadCase2 on January 21, 2008, 09:01:56 am
  It sounds like you're doing well.  The skiing also sounds great.  It's always good to hear positive news.
Title: Re: Feeling Great!
Post by: ppearl214 on January 21, 2008, 09:50:12 am

onward and upward to continued wellness :) FAB news! :)
