ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: linnilue on December 24, 2007, 08:50:40 pm

Title: Merry Christmas
Post by: linnilue on December 24, 2007, 08:50:40 pm
Let me wish all of my commrades a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Year's.  We all mean so much to one in another in all our times of crisis and need and a simple friendly (all-knowing) shoulder to cry on.   Let's all remember what we have all come through and say a quiet thank you for all we have recieved.  Happy Holidays, Holly   
Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Jim Scott on December 24, 2007, 09:01:59 pm
Thank you, Holly. 

I caught your post just as I was preparing to log off the computer and go enjoy Christmas Eve with my wife and a family friend who is staying overnight. 

Allow me to extend a similar sentiment to all my ANA friends;   Merry Christmas!

Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: satman on December 25, 2007, 09:26:53 am
Merry Christmas everybody and I hope we all have a better year,we deserve it.
Normally I would complain,as I am working today [xmas],but going through all the A.N crap,I feel blessed just to be able to do it.
If you are just starting your post op days ,you will go through quite a bit,physical/emotional but please believe me when I say 'TIME WILL HEAL AND YOU MUST BE PATIENT" I am far from over this ,but some type of normalcy does eventually present itself. God Bless.
Title: Re: Merry Christmas
Post by: Charlotte Lady on December 25, 2007, 10:09:27 am
I, too, am enjoying my first Christmas post op.   I am thankful for so many things...friends and co-workers who try to understand, and you guys who do understand.   I've discovered challenges are just things to overcome or work around, not things to stop me.   I've also discovered sometimes it's best to admit my limitations and ask for help than persist on a course. 
The "Grand Adventure" has changed me..hopefully mostly for the better. 

So Merry Christmas, my friends!   
