ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => Hearing Issues => Topic started by: krbonner on November 26, 2007, 07:16:53 pm

Title: Starting the Transear process
Post by: krbonner on November 26, 2007, 07:16:53 pm
So I have an appt on Friday with the Hearing Aid clinic at Mass Eye and Ear.  As of August, they hadn't done any Transear fittings yet.  (The only people in my area who have are almost 2 hours away, so I'm going to try these folks knowing they have lots of other experience.)  Any tips for that first appt when I'm educating them about Transear as much as anything else?  I'm trying to evaluate how good a candidate I am for the device.

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Boppie on November 26, 2007, 09:10:26 pm
Katie, as long as you have good bone/skull conduction at the hearing test you will be a good candidate.  Just know that the TransEar people are extremely good at designing an ear mold and unit for you.  The audiologist you choose simply must be a cooperative personality who will sell you this new instrument and remain willing to stay with you to final fitting.  It is a good idea to be close to the audiologist's office because you might need a few visits there before the final 'aha' moment.  Ask for permission to get followup appointments on demand. 
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Gennysmom on November 27, 2007, 06:28:17 pm
Yeah Katie, I have an appt on Friday for the same thing!  This local Doctor hasn't done a Transear yet, but has done the research and done other deep ear canal fittings.  I called up the clinic today after getting information from Transear, and she actually got on the phone immediately to talk to me about her experience.  I like that I don't have to do the educating!  Marg gave me the info on a guy two hours away that did hers, but if I can find someone local, so much the better! 
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: krbonner on November 30, 2007, 01:13:25 pm
Well, today's appt with the audiologist was exceptionally disappointing.  When I brought up TransEar, the senior audiologist told me that:
- it's not new, it's been around since the 80s, now it's just new marketing
- didn't work well then, doesn't work now
- everyone who tries it finds it uncomfortable and doesn't use it past the first couple of months
- "you don't want that"

I tried to explain that I had talked with several people who use TransEar and are very happy with it.  I tried to suggest that perhaps the technology has changed in the last 20 years.  (Ya think!!!)  I tried to explain that I don't expect a return to full speech discrimination or localization.  I just want to be better aware of when something's happening on my deaf side.

I was shut down again.  She obviously thought she knew my needs better than I do.  At that point, I stopped.  Clearly she wasn't going to be willing to work with me on this, so I figured I'm better off finding someone else who is.  I did get a chance to try out some other hearing aids to see what they're like.  I didn't like the cros one at all - not only did I not like having something in my good ear, but the sound quality seemed very unnatural.  I also tried a regular digital hearing aid in my good ear to compensate for my low frequency loss there - it made a difference and the sound quality was excellent, but I'm not sure I'd get $2200 worth of benefit.

I was so frustrated.  Is it so unreasonable to expect that the hearing aid clinic at a world-renowned facility would be willing to have an open dialog about this?   ???

On to find better people, I guess.

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Boppie on November 30, 2007, 01:33:12 pm
Katy, that is just too sad.  How do people with closed minds stay in business?  The rapid changes in technology will overcome them.  Too bad for you but the audiologist didn't get to sell you anything either. ;)

  I'd bet he will google tonight, if he knows how to use a computer...some catching up to do.
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Jeanlea on November 30, 2007, 08:22:31 pm

Sorry to hear that you did not have a good appointment.  Sounds like a misinformed person.  I'd try another audiologist.  Seems like the younger ones might be more interested in the new technology.  I'd refer you to mine, but she's in Wisconsin.  I've had my TransEar for 9 months now and I find it works better now than when I first got it.  I'm not sure why that is, but I'm happy about it. 


Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: TransEarXpert on December 03, 2007, 08:43:08 am
Hi, Katie:

I'm sorry you had that experience at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. We were at a big Boston trade show exhibiting TransEar to professionals November 15-17, and an audiologist from this clinic came by our booth to ask "what's TransEar?" Without commenting specifically to the claims made to you (all wrong), the lady who visited our booth said that they do not believe in providing hearing assistance to those with SSD - not BAHA, not TransEar, not "nuttin'." I was as shocked as you that such a major clinic would take the one-ear-is-good-enough approach, but they do. And, that attitude is not specific to that individual audiologist, it is the clinic policy according to this audiologist.

If you need any help finding a more open-minded professional, please let me know.


Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Gennysmom on December 03, 2007, 11:54:27 am
Katie, as I said in my email, I'm so sorry.  Why do "professionals" behave in this manner, when you are the customer??!!!!  I guess they didn't want your money.  Give it to someone who wants to help you!!!!!

I had a great appt on Friday, happy to say, and my audiologist was just jumping out of his chair with excitement when I told him I met Rick at the Symposium and already tried the device and it works.  He's so thrilled to be finally working on a TransEar for someone.  That's the kind of experience you need and don't stop until you get it!!!!! 

Rick, thanks for helping to steer me in this direction, I'm pretty excited too!

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Captain Deb on December 03, 2007, 02:57:10 pm
Yo Gennysmom!
Why don't you come and stay with me and Dr Love and let me drive you over the mountain to Johnson City to the Transear people to get your Transear in person? Dr Transear himself can take your moulds! And you can visit with me and Eric and our new puppy (if you wait til the end of January!) Of course you'll have to hang out here until the thing gets made, and wouldn't that be awful! No fun at all! You'd have to bring Brian with you of course, it's cold here.

Sound good?

Capt Deb(
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: matti on December 03, 2007, 04:20:32 pm

I am very sorry  this happened to you. This is the same thing that I  experienced and your audiologists words were exaclty what was told to me. I should have listened to my gut and just walked away, but I pushed for it and she finally relented. 6 months and 7 remakes later, I finally gave up. I got tired of her eye rolling and sighs anytime I asked for my device to either be reprogammed or sanded down. TransEar and Rick Gilbert went above and beyond the call of duty for me to make it right, but their hands are tied when it comes to the audiologist.

My audiologist was the only game in town offering the device, hopefully there is someone else in your area willing to work with you.

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: krbonner on December 03, 2007, 04:32:57 pm
Thanks for the kind words, everyone.  I'm now working with the nice folks at TransEar to find someone else in my area.

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: jerseygirl on December 03, 2007, 06:12:15 pm

I made up my mind that I will travel further but seek a Transear experienced audiologist for this very reason! I hope you have a good experience next time.

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Gennysmom on December 03, 2007, 06:22:46 pm
Captain....yeah, no waiting for me, when I make up my mind, I make it up!  Besides, that way I'll HAVE my TransEar when I come visit you and Dr. Love, and yes I will bring Brian.  He loves dogs, so you best have a puppy by then!!!!!  We can go visit the good Doc then anyway!

Katie, lots of luck with your next guy/gal.  You deserve someone enthusiastic about your health/hearing/well being.  Hell, we've already got a hole in our heads, we've been through enough already!

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: krbonner on December 05, 2007, 03:35:46 pm
I found someone else who's already done another TransEar fitting.  I go see her for a consult on Dec 17th.  Yay!

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Gennysmom on December 05, 2007, 04:56:15 pm
Yay Katie!!!!!  I'm thrilled for you!  Wonderful!!!
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Cynaburst on December 05, 2007, 10:14:45 pm
Wait until you hear one of your kids whisper something in your ear.  You will be so happy.
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: krbonner on December 17, 2007, 10:12:59 am
Had my appt this morning with another audiologist, this one up in southern NH.  She was wonderful!!!  Said I'm a perfect candidate for TransEar and did the mold on the spot.  I'll be her 5th TransEar patient - she's only had 1 returned, and he was a marginal candidate who had other issues as well.  We're waiting until January to place the official order so it can be submitted under next year's health savings account, but I'm just thrilled to pieces!!


Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Catflower on December 17, 2007, 12:30:15 pm
I had my 7th month hearing test last week and will be starting the Trans Ear process January 11

Linda in WV
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Gennysmom on December 17, 2007, 12:38:03 pm
I should be getting a call this week or so that it's ready!  I'm so excited for you Katie!!!  way to go!!!!!
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Boppie on December 17, 2007, 12:48:25 pm
That is wonderful news, Katie.  Glad you found an audiologist who listens well! ;D
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: ppearl214 on December 17, 2007, 12:50:32 pm

I am tickled to hear this! Great news and keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out! :)

Happy holidays to you, that terrific spouse of your's and the boys.  BTW, tell Jonah he gets to read me a book next time I see him since I read him the last one! :)

Happy hoiidays from me and the bloke.


Had my appt this morning with another audiologist, this one up in southern NH.  She was wonderful!!!  Said I'm a perfect candidate for TransEar and did the mold on the spot.  I'll be her 5th TransEar patient - she's only had 1 returned, and he was a marginal candidate who had other issues as well.  We're waiting until January to place the official order so it can be submitted under next year's health savings account, but I'm just thrilled to pieces!!


Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: krbonner on December 17, 2007, 04:18:50 pm
Thanks, everyone!  I'm still stoked!   ;D

Kathleen - can't wait to "hear" what you think of yours!

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: jerseygirl on January 03, 2008, 10:58:33 am
Hi, everyone,

I am also starting the Transear process with an audiologist next Tuesday. I sincerely hope it will work for me. The audiologist is relatively experienced in Transear, is in NYC, and charges me $2700. The other one wanted to charge me $3300. I will let everybody know how it goes.

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: krbonner on January 03, 2008, 11:15:05 am
Good for you, Eve!

I'll be paying $2900 - $2300 for the device itself, and $600 for the various services of the audiologist (including follow-up visits and batteries for 1 year).

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: okiesandy on January 07, 2008, 11:23:44 am
I wish you well with the Transear. I have tried since Nov. 2006. Due to having remakes, repairs, broken wires I am still trying to get this thing to work. The last remake had to be sanded down. By the time the sanding was done my ear was so sore I couldn't even get it in.

I don't know what the solution is to this whole picture. Sort of disappointed. Well, not sort of, I am dissapointed. I really don't know if it is the audiologist, the fitting or the product. My audiologist is more than willing to go the extra mile and has been very positive from the first.

If I the Transear up enough to get gain it squeeks and squalls, everyone can hear it. I haven't given up yet. However, I am close. Baha is not a option for me so can't do that.

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: jerseygirl on January 08, 2008, 07:13:59 pm

I had an appointment with an audiologist today regarding the Transear. He took the mold to send to the Transear but he asked me to keep an open mind because there is another product available on the market. It is CROSS hearing aid, the only wireless one on the market and it does not fully occlude the good ear, only half way. It uses FM radio waves and therefore its drawback is that it picks up radio sometimes. It has only been available recently, like a few years. All the other CROSSes have wires. Great for social occasions, I suppose!  ;D Why didn;t I want one back in 1988 when there were more wires and they were more noticeable?  ;D It also costs less than the Transear $1600 vs $2700. Anybody heard about it or tried it? Does it work?

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: krbonner on January 31, 2008, 05:04:30 pm
I picked up my Transear yesterday morning, and I've been wearing it for two solid days now.  It's very comfortable.  No sore spots or anything!  Very impressed by the fit. 

I'm not sure I really notice a difference (I've mostly just been at home with the kids), but the audiologist also warned me that she was keeping it turned down somewhat low for a couple weeks until I get used to it.  It is working (I can feel a slight tickle of vibration with loud, hard sounds) but I find I'm keeping the volume turned all the way up. 

I did experiment a little - I can definitely hear something if I block my good ear now and if I turned my iPod all the way up and put the earbud against the Transear (and nothing in the good ear) I could hear the music quite clearly if softly.  That was surprising!

I'm thinking I need it turned up a bit more when I go back to the audiologist.  But my first real test of a big, chaotic, noisy environment will be tomorrow night for the Winter Festival at my son's school.  We'll see what I think then!   ;D

Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: Leftie on March 01, 2008, 10:31:45 am
I have been wearing my Transear for 5 days now and last night was the first time at a dinner, seated, with 18 other people and I heard sooo much better.  I tested it at the table by taking it out, and then placing it back in .  I did notice the difference.  I go back to the audiologist on Monday and I think I need a slight modification to the fit.
Title: Re: Starting the Transear process
Post by: krbonner on March 28, 2008, 07:55:16 am
I have a pretty severe head cold right now, and the hearing in my good ear is somewhat muffled.  But I've been wearing my TransEar and there's actually a noticeable difference!  I'm finding it very helpful right now! 

Just wanted to pass along the observation...
