ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: bikerchic on October 21, 2007, 11:07:12 am

Title: Home from surgery
Post by: bikerchic on October 21, 2007, 11:07:12 am
Hi everybody,   

I am home from my surgery.  Things went well it turned out to be 10 1/2hrs on the table.  My left side of my face doesn't work at all.  They say it should come back in a year or so.  I had a gold weight put in the left eye.  That makes it close pretty far.  I have the drops and gelto put in everyday.  My balance is fine I am walking more than a mile everyday.  I have a stiff neck but not as bad as I thought it would be.  I don't have any headaches.  My blood pressure is up and am taking meds for that.  But everything seems to be healing great.  One thing I didn't expect is that my hearing on my good side seems extremely sensitive.  Everything seems much louder than before. 

I am just glad to be home.
Title: Re: Home from surgery
Post by: nancyann on October 21, 2007, 01:21:21 pm
Hi bikerchic:  WELCOME HOME!! - Sorry to hear about your facial paralysis, but glad the docs say your face WILL return to normal.    FYI which you obviously already know:  keep your eye well lubricated - I'm 16 months out & my cornea IS doing well because of vigilance with the lubricant.  I use an 'eye bubble' every night - made by Medtronic, you can order these - 14 nonsterile bubbles per pack; their tel # is 1-800-535-4646 - the woman knew exactly what I was trying to order, they were very helpful - I use it at night when I go to sleep.   Also, get PLENTY OF REST, take walks & ALOT of naps - your body will let you know when it's time to rest.   Drink lots of H2O; remember NO STRAINING - I was on Colace 100 mg BID for 6 weeks post op.  And yes, my good ear is more sensitive to noise, probably compensating for 'no hearing' on the AN side.    You may want to look into a 'musician's plug' down the road - I got mine at the Ear, nose & throat department where I had my surgery.
Wishing you continued healing.   Always good thoughts,  Nancy
Title: Re: Home from surgery
Post by: Jim Scott on October 21, 2007, 02:24:13 pm
Hey, bikerchic:

Good to learn that you're home from the hospital and doing pretty well.  Although your facial paralysis and related eye malfunction can be frustrating, you seem to have it under control with the gold weight and lube - and are keeping a good attitude, which is crucial, in my view.  The fact that your balance is good and you're walking daily is very encouraging and certainly good news.  The absence of headaches is also a blessing.  The BP issue seems to be controlled and may come down on it's own, in time.  Your sudden awareness of hearing in your functional ear probably just means that, with SSD, you are now hyper-aware of sound in a way you weren't when both ears worked normally.  All in all, you seem to have done well and are recovering nicely.  Imagine how good you'll be in 6 months!  Vroom, vrooooom!   :)

Title: Re: Home from surgery
Post by: Brendalu on October 21, 2007, 05:38:18 pm
Welcome home!  Glad you are doing well.  My hearing ear is very sensitive as well.  I protect it.  Keep us posted on your progress.  I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Home from surgery
Post by: satman on October 21, 2007, 08:49:24 pm
Theres no place like home.Congrats !
Title: Re: Home from surgery
Post by: Dan on October 22, 2007, 05:44:18 am
Glad to here you are on the road to recovery.  I've been out of the Hosp. two weeks and have facial paralysis and high blood pressure also.  The first place I started seeing a little bit of movement was wrinkles above the eyebrow.  The doctors said I  will also probably recover completely but you have to be very patient and do alot of facial exercises.  Keep on walking, lubing, exercising and naping and everything will come along with time.

Dan in Germany
Title: Re: Home from surgery
Post by: Yvette on October 26, 2007, 08:28:58 pm
Welcome home postie! My hearing was also very sensitive the first couple of weeks, then it settled down. Take care of yourself and take lots of naps! Best wishes, Yvette