ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: jacobs on April 24, 2007, 07:33:19 pm

Title: 1 yr anniversary
Post by: jacobs on April 24, 2007, 07:33:19 pm

 Hi,today marks my 1 yr anniversay of my surgery.I was so scared!!!!Here I am 1 yr later,healthy and coping with life after AN.Today the sun was shining and nothing could wipe the smile off my face.Just happy to be alive!I wanted to say thanks for the support I received on this forum as well.It was a great source of comfort following my surgery whether I was actively participating in discussions or just reading the posts.
 In the months after surgery I remember riding the subway in this big city of mine feeling self conscious of my "bad side" and searching faces for others who were "different". Now it doesn't even cross my mind,I am who I am,stronger, more tolerant and less concerned with the "small stuff" that clutters our lives. I wanted to mark this day somehow and would like to share with you the email I sent out to my family and friends.It is short but I think conveys what I was feeling.

 "Wow,can you believe a year has passed already?  My thoughts have been swirling around my head for the last couple of days remembering what my life was like last year at this time.It's also amazing how  quickly the memories start to fuzz around the edges.I know that my life has changed and I truly am grateful for all of the amazing people I have around me and whose love and support I drew from during my recovery. I rode my bike for the first time today since my surgery, woohoo!When I went outside I had a moments panic and thought "what if I can't ride it?"
 Well I got on my bike and off I went no problem.I think there are so many instances of "what if I can't" in our lives but they are also the times where "yes, I can" make us stronger...
 I just want to say THANK YOU !!!! THANK YOU!!!THANK YOU!!!!I am truly the lucky one.


Title: Re: 1 yr anniversary
Post by: Palace on April 24, 2007, 09:09:01 pm

That email was a beautiful as a poem; how lovely.  Good for you and the fact that you are so appreciative.  I know what you mean about "sweating small stuff" going out the window.  It has changed my life forever!  My first MRI since CK is next month.  I'm going to try riding my bike this spring, too.  I will think of you.


Title: Re: 1 yr anniversary
Post by: Desilu on April 25, 2007, 04:33:48 pm
Hi Tracey,

So glad to hear that you are doing well! They say, what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger! And I truly believe that. We all have become so strong through this whole experience.  You are so right when you say," what if I can't?" should now be changed to "I know I can". May life continue to Bless you!  Ann
Title: Re: 1 yr anniversary
Post by: nancyann on April 25, 2007, 04:53:00 pm
Hi Tracy & glad to hear about your 'love of life'.  One year ago I didn't even know what an AN is, I'm 2 months behind you, but can definitely relate to what you, Palace & Ann have to say.  Yes, LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, & the gratitude I have just to wake up, hear the birds chirping away (still loud & clear even with 1 ear working), all I have in my life, well  WOOHOO is right  !!!!
Always good thoughts my friend,   Nancy
Title: Re: 1 yr anniversary
Post by: Obita on April 25, 2007, 05:59:16 pm
Congrats to you Jacobs!! 

Thanks for sharing.........Kathy
Title: Re: 1 yr anniversary
Post by: Jim Scott on April 27, 2007, 02:46:59 pm

Thanks so much for your very positive post marking the 1-year 'anniversary' of your surgery.  The e-mail message you sent out was excellent, too.  I really admire your attitude. I'm amazed that my own one-year AN surgery 'anniversary' is only about 6 weeks away.  How did that happen?  ;) 

I think we're all lucky in some respects, and, like you, I'm very thankful for all the support I received before and after my surgery from my loving wife, my adult son, many friends and the great folks who post on these forums.  I can remember lying in bed in the ICU in the days following my surgery, feeling like I was in a bad dream (I hadn't been hospitalized since I was 8 years old).  One way I was able to cope was by thinking "a year from now, this will be ancient history and I'll be back to living normally again".  Well, a year has almost passed and here I am, living normally again.  Sure enough, that time I spent in the ICU does seem very distant, today.  That's why I like to say: Time Heals...because its true.

Congratulations Tracey on your 1-year surgery anniversary and your fine recovery. 
