ANA Discussion Forum

AN Community => AN Community => Topic started by: Palace on December 17, 2006, 05:02:02 am

Title: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 17, 2006, 05:02:02 am

It will be raining so, we are having supper in front of the fireplace at a dark (100 year old restaurant) and a dressy place, locally in the mountains.  We will be very dressed-up for that night.  (extremely fancy)  Sometimes getting dressy helps you feel better.  (somewhat)  That is for Christmas Eve.

Since I'm suffering with the AN symptoms and the fatigue, we will probably have our doggy gathering party for present opening on Christmas morning.  (also predicted to be a rain-day)  My dog Molucca sellected a present under the tree a few days ago and opened it.  It was a big squeaky turtle with long legs that she can shake back and forth.  I suppose it is like shaking a critter to death, in the animal world.  These are Golden Retriever litter-mates so, it would be a bird to them.  (just one of those *instanct* things.

On the happier note........What are you people doing for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?  Let's talk HAPPY!

Were any of you able to attend a holiday party, too?  (and I hope you AN symptoms didn't stop you from the joys of life)  These past six months, it stopped me, flat.  It isn't easy to enjoy anything with those symptoms all at once sometimes.  They come and go for me, these days.

So, what is on for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for you ANer's?  Talking happy now........

On a more fun week.......we hope,

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 17, 2006, 09:55:51 am
Oh one last thought, I may have to drink coffee to stay up.  We used to have our holiday mostly on the eve of X-mas.  The dogs actually open presents.  We would take pictures, etc.  (come home after eating out)  We might have to put off the celebraton until the next morning.  I can't stay up late since this CK issue.  I have no night-life anymore, as you all know.  I hope Cheryl has something wrapped for her Black Lab.   :)  Cheryl, and others a new motto of mine since the AN diagnosis is to LIVE FOR TODAY.

Merry Christmas.....

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Lorenzo on December 17, 2006, 10:42:10 am
Live for today, during the day. that's my new motto. :)  I'm like you, no night life at all, the little I had has vanished.

I'll be eating tapas and drinking cava on Christmas day, somewhere in Andalucia southern Spain – escaping the dreary weather here.. Will spend most of the day wandering around taking photographs, if the waether is good. Otherwise i'll check us into a spa and stay there for a few days. I'll be drinking to your health, all of you!

Ciao, Lorenzo
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Battyp on December 17, 2006, 10:45:09 am
Lorenzo will you take me with you?  Sounds lovely!
I'll be spending xmas eve with my brothers family. He has my soon to be 4 year old niece who likes to play pirates with me  ;D Xmas morning my son and I are going to sleep in and have a quiet present exchange.
Then off to the sisters house for a quick bite as that's all I can stand of that side of the family then follow up with dinner at my gf's! 

Merry Christmas to all!
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Lorenzo on December 17, 2006, 11:24:50 am
Sure, come on over, the more the merrier! I can hear the Cava corks popping; could be my tinnitus mind you...  :)  Yours doesn't soud bad either, except the sisterly thing in the middle that is. We all have some of those. We're escaping, but got dragged into the family stuff anyway, last week! Horror.
Ciao, Lorenzo
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Lorenzo on December 17, 2006, 01:04:59 pm
Sounds great. Cubed and roasted potatoes with rosemary and sea salt too?
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Obita on December 17, 2006, 02:06:31 pm
Hi everyone:

I did attend my company holiday party this year.  It was at a 100 year old hotel, just renovated etc....all went well except for the usual "I can't hear you" and constantly turning my head etc...I stayed 3 hours which was a hour too much.  My head felt like it weighed ten tons.  I am glad I went but dreaded going.......I like being home where it is quiet.

Christmas Eve at little brothers. Christmas Day the family scatters.  Maggie Rose, my 13 year old golden retriever and I visit my dad in the nursing home.  It usually takes us a half hour to get to my dad's room.  Maggie needs to stop in every room on the way. 

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Crazycat on December 17, 2006, 02:18:36 pm

    I'll be supplying the "kool-aid" !heeeheeeee

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: redgrl on December 17, 2006, 02:48:12 pm
Cooking for my brother and 3 year old. Im in seattle and my family is in philly. It's all good though. Just having any family around is good times! :D
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 17, 2006, 03:19:55 pm

Hi All,

It sounds like each of you have some fun, cozy and interesting plans.  Thanks for sharing.  We all know each other and it is nice to picture in our minds what you will be doing, since this is a "caring group."

It is going to be in the upper 20's tonight but, we are going out to look at Christmas lights.  (huge lit homes that do lots each year)

We used to light candles on Christmas eve when we got home from supper and open gifts.  We might just go to bed early and light candles at 2:00 AM or 3:00 AM the way things are going.  The ceremony is more for the dogs this year.  (med bills)  This is also the first year that I didn't do much decorating at all.  *(since just out of Stanford treatments and so tired)

Well, enjoy and I hope everyone is enjoying hearing about each-others Christmas plans.  I'm enjoying hearing....


Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Gennysmom on December 17, 2006, 07:59:47 pm's our traditon to have leg of lamb every great-grandfather was a sheep rancher.   To me the smell of lamb means Christmas.  We have it the traditional English way, with mint sauce.  Just me, BF, mom and dad on Christmas eve.

On Christmas Eve eve, I'll be on a "snow train" to a quaint Bavarian town in our mountains....5 hours up and back on the train while they serve us breakfast and dinner, and 5 hours in town in the snow where it's very holidayish.  I'm very excited. 

I hope everyone has a very nice holiday and I'm looking forward to a new and different and no more AN year in 2007. 

Hugs to everyone!

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: matti on December 17, 2006, 09:07:13 pm
 Wonderful thread!!

I am spending Christmas eve with my crazy, loud and lovable Italian family and a quiet Christmas Day with my hubby, three sons (two -2 legged and one 4 legged) and a delicious Prime Rib.

My Lab Cosmo checks his gifts under the tree several times day. How do I know this?  DROOL

I would however love to join Lorenzo in Spain (hey Lorenzo, no one say's I can't have two brothers with the same name ;D)

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Windsong on December 17, 2006, 11:32:27 pm
I'm having an early Christmas dinner with my son, a midnight church service Christmas Eve, perhaps a breakfast Christmas morning at a restaurant.....and will see extended family for New Years...

It's more than enough for me....
noise, crowds, a lot of hoofla, drive me nuts for the last couple of years... (one of my side effects of An and hearing issues)

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Lorenzo on December 18, 2006, 12:47:02 am
I'll be the honorary brother, Nancy. Don't have a siister!  :)  Looking forward to spending a quiet and silent Christmas in some Spanish restaurant. Perfect.
Ciao all, Lorenzo
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 18, 2006, 07:09:02 am
"Wow, Windsong.....that brings back long ago memories, for me!"  (the midnight church service)  I used to love going.  I couldn't stay standing for that long now, I don't think. 

I have beautiful Christmas harp music and piano music.........soft and sweet for AN people to hear so, I will light candles and have our own *service here* in the mountains.  I gave my dog Molucca an early gift last night, a big suffed tiger.  She brings in abalone shells and her cookies, drops it on the stuffed animals.  She eats the cookies but, the AB-shells remain on the top of the stuffed animal.  She has a new friend to shake and enjoy.  It was just too large to wrap.  We got it last night when we drove a good distance to view Christmas lights.  They didn't do it this year.  We were sad that there were no lights anymore.  (wonder why?)  Anyway, the good news was that we found this huge beautiful tiger for ten bucks.  She loves it!  I know we can't afford it with the AN bills this year but, it's Christmas and our dogs don't have long lives, like we do.  LIVE FOR TODAY!

That is my latest Christmas story........stay tuned........this is a fun "read" for those who don't have family and want to log on for a *holiday* connection with their AN friends.

Oh by-the-way, my husband's parents are Mormon and they have their Mormon service and friends.  We are up here in the mountains, doing our own thing.  (dog family)

We joined good friends over the Thanksgiving Holiday and that was special.

OK.........back to you guys..... ;D


Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 18, 2006, 07:44:43 am

What is nice about this "thread" is, it includes matter the celebration or belief!  (Christmas or whatever)  EVERYONE BELONGS HERE that is an AN person!

And what are the rest of the AN gang (persons) doing next weekend?   :-*


Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: ppearl214 on December 18, 2006, 10:06:38 am
I love this thread! :)

Tomorrow morning, I fly to England to spend the holiday with my cheeky bloke and my new in-laws. I am apprehensive on how I will do on the long-haul flights but my dr's have re-assured me (as well as marystro :-*) that I should be fine.  I fly back on the 26th, but know this.... I will have my laptop with me and checking up on you all to make sure your holidays are going great!  Sounds like you all have some great plans laid out and tickled to know that each and everyone of you are going to be with me in thought and wishes during this season.

Happy holidays to you all... and to each and every single one of you..... May the new year be filled with love, joy, GOOD HEALTH and prosperity.

You all rawk.

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Gennysmom on December 19, 2006, 12:51:31 pm
Lorenzo, please have some jamon and chorizo for me.  We can't bring it in to the US from Spain, and the stuff here just isn't the same.  I sure do miss the good stuff, although found some decent chorizo last summer in Brussels.  We have quasi-family in Barcelona and Castellon. 
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Jim Scott on December 19, 2006, 02:37:06 pm
Our Christmas eve/morning will be spent at home with my wife, adult son (he lives with us) and a female friend of the family (originally from Scotland) who is disabled (spinal bifida) and confined to a motorized wheelchair.  She's a member of our church living a long way from her home and we consider her part of our family.  We'll all just watch TV, chat, eat holiday food, drink eggnog and such on Christmas eve.  We'll probably all sleep a little late on Christamas morning, eat delicious pancakes made by my wife and, of course, exchange and open our respective gifts.  We intend to drive our friend home by noon and join other friends living across town for a Christmas feast/party later in the day.  We hope to arrive back home at a reasonable hour and just zone out for the remainder of evening.  Another Christmas now past.  I'll be glad I got to see it.

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Patti UT on December 19, 2006, 04:15:35 pm
 me too, prime Rib for Christmas dinner has been our tradition since I got married (18yrs) It's so easy and SOOOO Good. Although I love lamb, and gennysmom's dinner sounds really good. maybe I'll go over there. my hubby doesn't like lanb so I never fix it.  But to go with the Prime Rib, I make a killer mashed potatoe caserole, that has a gazillion, very fatening ingredients.  yummy
Were having a very quiet Christmas this year. Just me, my hubby, my 2 daughters, and the 24 peice symphony inside my head. probably the last Santa Christmas for my oldest, she's really trying hard to believe.  No realitives this year.  ;)

Patti UT.
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Captain Deb on December 19, 2006, 07:38:09 pm
Dr Love and I will go to Charlotte for a nice quiet Christmas with Thing 1 (age 3) and Thing 2 (age 15 months) and their Ma and Pa. Nice quiet Christmas. Yeah Right! 2 little boys ripping paper offa everything and screaming with delight. Also they are barely moved into their lovely new home that Dr Love has spent the past 6 months helping them remodel every weekend. We bought Thing 2 a giant cuddly teaddy bear that Dr Love and I have been playing with for hours already. It may be worn out by the time the little tyke even gets it!
Don't know what's for dinner yet--probably steaks on the grill--I like the cubed roasted potatoes with rosemary idea--my rosemary plant is out in the greenhouse for the winter and needs to be pruned!
I may do a leg of lamb, too--haven't done that for a while. Cooking in someone elses kitchen who is barely unpacked may be too much for me, though.

Send earplugs and Valium. Please!

Capt Deb 8)
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Crazycat on December 19, 2006, 07:45:17 pm
Well, well, well.....

Captn' Deb! So nice to see you on the bridge again ........Or is it the "galley" for this week? I'm off on a raiding party down the coast first week of January......Cya on the Bimini Road!   ;D

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Sue on December 20, 2006, 01:38:59 am
Wow, everyone's holiday sounds so wonderful.  We go over to my husband's brother's house this Christmas Eve. Not a big family and no little kids, so not particulary festive.  If I can get them to turn off the stupid TV and play a game, it will be a Christmas Miracle!!  Party platter of cold cuts, salads, desert, just simple stuff.  Christmas day we go over to our son's house. Another small gathering.  I bought Perseco Italian sparkling wine and going to mix that with some fruit juice.  It'll be fun. Wish I was having some of that lamb or the prime rib.  Sounds wonderful. 

Sue in Vancouver
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 20, 2006, 09:36:21 am

I forgot to mention that we open presents (and yes, the dogs opening theirs) under the tree lights, many scented candles all over the house and by the fireplace.  (after coming home from the fancy supper out, all dressed up; oh huh, well I have to admit we change into a comfortable festive lounger outfit for the small, "after dinner drink" and the party at home.   :D

We still declined on going over the hill on Christmas day to have Indian food with friends.  That would be our friends and he is a master chief but, goes to good restaurants that he approves of and knows that the kitchen is really clean.  The weather looks bad for that day and we will be tired from the day before, so we declined on the offer.  (for those interested, my hubby is part French, Indian and German)  Remember me the Pollock????    ???  (what a combo)

Yesterday, I had a better day with the symptoms.  I'm hoping Christmas Eve that my symptoms aren't acting up.  (and I wish for others that they feel much better when confronted with the stress of the holiday season and being, "on" for relatives or whomever)

There won't be many presents here with those medical bills but, THAT ISN'T WHAT CHRISTMAS IS.  Christmas is.......THIS FORUM AND THE SUPPORT WITH LOVE!  It is here for everyone to read if the power doesn't go out with the storms.

What are the rest of you people doing this coming weekend?

Love and hugs to all,

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Louzilla on December 20, 2006, 11:13:41 am
I'll be making dinner for our whole family in Reno.  That's about 15 people.  Italian pork roast, garlic mash potato's, sautéed green beans and lots of wine and goodies!  My daughter is 8, and she still believes in Santa.  It's pretty magical at our house.
Have a great holiday,
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Crazycat on December 20, 2006, 12:17:46 pm
Palace, I'm so glad to see that you're feeling better!

     I've only been up for a few hours and I need to lay down and shut my eyes again.

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Windsong on December 20, 2006, 01:45:04 pm
palace, I love all the pomp and pageantry at the church which is very old and high on a hill, an anglican one, and i tend to stay seated if i have to lol.. ;D

since i wrote my previous i got a call saying so when am i picking you up to bring you up here from a family memmer so my plans are currently changed... was feeling mopey about a new diagnosis yesterday and genrally bf'd (fatigue) enough that i capitulated and said ok christmas eve day.... so now i will be watching my bro-in-law cook the turkey while two members go down to the big city for their church service, then they come back and we eat the turkey dinner!! and all that goes with it... tree, chat, presents....only think i have to do is be a duck with feathers that shed water type thing as one family member always gets to me.... Christmas day will be another dinner at a nieces up there, and boxing day i get driven back.... lots of noise i am sure...

dinner still on early with son

and when back home a follow up mri for me, then new years with some family members...(restaurant i hope with gourmet food)

i will definitely miss my church service as it's very uplifting...

palace your plans sound sooooo relaxing and cozy... must be nice in the mountains!!

if the noise gets to be too much for me i will go hide in the guest bedroom with a book rofl...

I need a change of scene for sure! its been a long year! :D  i need the equiavalent of a vit shot!!

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: ppearl214 on December 21, 2006, 02:57:42 am
Sending holiday wishes to you all from merry old England!  Here's hoping you are all feeling well. Jetlagged, eating too much food and off and running.... too much to see and do in a short timeframe.

Fogged in and JoeF arrives timely. International/inbound from the States are slightly delayed by arriving.. the outbound flights are cancelled... let's see if I get stuck here with Cheeky bloke.

Happy holidays all!

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: kerri lyn angel on December 21, 2006, 10:48:05 am
im not sure what i'm doing for christmas. it will be strangely quiet...just mister angel and me. the kids all came for thanksgiving and this will be the first christmas in our new home without them. sooo... i guess i'll do as my nana always says and "play it by ear" ( my one good one that is). i am hoping for a sprinkling of snow though. :)
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: vjharris on December 21, 2006, 11:03:34 am
I am looking forward to our "unofficial tradition" (even though the youngest of us is now 16). Last presents opened on Christmas morning are "nerf" guns for everyone...and we go tearing through the house shooting and giggling.
I guess a therapst would say we might have some latent hostilities or something, but it sure is fun to see the old and young among us having such a good time.
Happy holidays to all!
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Gennysmom on December 21, 2006, 11:11:35 am
Vicki, that's a great plan!!!!!!!!  We always have "table gifts", we do our dinner on Christmas eve and it gives us something to do just before the food goes on.  And everyone usually gets 5 scratch lotto tickets to play with at some point, to fill another time void.  We open presents on Christmas eve after every last dish is washed and put away.  I like the Nerf gun idea, I may have to go get some of those!!!!!!!! 
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 23, 2006, 11:52:42 pm
We changed our reservations from Scopozzi's Restaurant (the table by the fireplace) to a Sicilian Restaurant.  It has fabulous food but, we will have to travel down about three towns through the mountains in the rain.  This restaurant is dressy and elegant, just no fireplace but........much better food selection.  (very gourmet')

After being in ER tonight, we are exhausted.  I think we might have our tree ceremony on Christmas morning.  I just can't imagine lighting candles, dogs jumping all over the place opening presents themselves, putting on the music, making coffee, staying up late and all.  (tomorrow night)  The travel in the rain for the Christmas eve supper will be the "fatique" enough for one night.  I'm exhausted has been non-stop since I got out of the Cyberknife three weeks ago.   :P

I want Christmas to be relaxing, the way it should be.  It has been nuts here, crazy!  It is time to stop and celebrate what the day really means.........the birthday!  (not the comercialized and sensationized zoo the stores are producing)  I went into a couple of places the last few days.  The lines were NUTS and who needs all that stuff, anyway? 

AN treatment and proper diagnosis is Santa's gift to us!  Here is to our present, HEALTH!

 ;D  Palace
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: ppearl214 on December 24, 2006, 02:27:10 am
As Christmas eve is arriving here earlier in the States (but not sooner than Laz in the land of Oz), let me be one of the first to wish you all a fabulous, joyous and safe holiday..... good health to you all!

Phyl, Iain (CB) and yes, Beanie
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: BusyBonnie on December 24, 2006, 02:36:42 am
It's after 12 am here in Ramona, California so Merry Christmas Eve everyone! My hubby, kids and I will be doing WAY too much today! First, I'm going to see my horse and let her out to run in the pasture and feed her sweet apple slices. Then, we are driving to the beach so my hubby can surf. Next we are going to his dad's for a christmas eve party.There we just have a gift exchange, decorate his last minute tree and I think we're having spaghetti ( weird ).  After that, we are going to walk around a very festive, lighted community to see all the christmas lights and drink hot apple cider. Then we will drive home and after the kids fall asleep i need to finish wrapping. AHHHH, I always have too much to do. Luckily, I was able to take ten days off of work for my treatment on Wednesday. Christmas Day will be pretty relaxing. We're just opening gifts and my Oma ( Grandma in German ) is coming over and we will have a nice meal. that's it! yay! So wishing you all the very happiest of holiday wishes!


By the way: My best christmas present this year? DEAD Fred! Fred, my tumor, will be radiated on the 27th! Die, Fred Die!
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: ppearl214 on December 24, 2006, 02:42:47 am

The upcoming death of Fred will be celebrated and wishing you a wonderful holiday as well! :)

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 24, 2006, 05:39:50 am
3:30 AM Christmas Eve Morning

So Lana, Fred backwards is derf and that might mean, deaf in German.  LOL  <or the pronounciatioin, anyway>  Anyway, dead-Fred on Wednesday, right?  (or the beginning of the dying cells)  Congratulations!

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Obita on December 24, 2006, 07:13:23 am
Good riddance to Fred.

I had to laugh when I read about Fred going by the wayside on Wed.  I go to a site all the time called Dead Fred.  For all interested in genealogy, check it out:

Merry Christmas everyone and best of luck Wed. Lana.......sorry (not really) Fred, this will be your last Christmas.


Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: ppearl214 on December 25, 2006, 02:34:43 am
8:30am GMT now.... and fresh croissants and cinnamon raisin buns were baked by 7:15am, Mimosas (champagne and orange juice) were poured by 7:20am, stockings opened at 7:21am (ask Iain, the kid that he is!) and now letting things settle. 

Today, Iain off to sleep for a bit (he worked until 6am today), presents at 14:00 GMT, Dinner (goose!) at 15:00 and visits with friends at 17:00  ;D... then back to pack to prep for flight home tomorrow.  :'(

Here's wishing you all a FAB-U-LOUS holiday... and hope you all are feeling great today!

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 25, 2006, 06:08:12 am

I was going for the salmon, with capers, etc.  (not serviing off our regular menu tonight)  So, my second choice of veal with spinach was out.........had to have the lobster!  (mashed potatoes, garlic veggies, and the "Scicily" styled breads with dipping in the garlic bowls, chopped olives, and all)  The Cab-wine was unique.  (very nice)  We got the table right next to the Christmast tree.  It was one of those long suppers, taking a long time to serve.  All went well but, they changed waiters mid-stream.  (?)   Both waiters were wonderful)

Since it isn't raining we will take the dogs to the beach for a stretch-run this morning.  They were digging up the yard yesterday and shredded the tissue and wrappings.  The front room looks like it snowed in there from last night.  All went well.  (but, they need to run their legs off)  The drive to the beach up north is nearly an hour one way, the place we go.

The house has clothes taken off from last night.  My ring caught in my red lace dress and ripped a hole in that.  (only disaster, not too bad)  I will try to do a repair........hard to do on real lace.  Anyway, another day of the Acoustic Neuroma cells dying!  (thanks Santa for another cell death day outta here)  I'm 24 days down, now!

Oh, the "scratch-offs and lotto tickets" in hubby's stocking didn't produce a big winner to pay the med bills.  DARN!  I will have to think of something else, now.  We will get through the "Mega Toasting" next and 07' is serious money planning.

Well, that is our Christmas, quiet and nice!  The dogs are adorable with the huge bell collars on.  Molucca with her dark red fur green collar with huge jingle bells and Molokai with his cream fur. (wearing a bright red collar with banging big matching sleigh bells)  When they run and jingle together they are adorble.  (my Christmas dogs/angels made it another year)  They are 10.5 now and no change from puppies, yet.  (littermates)

OK, off to eat some of that egg-nog banana bread and morning tea.  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MY AN FRIENDS.  BLESS ALL OF YOU..............I LOVE YOU.

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Obita on December 25, 2006, 07:44:57 am
Merry Christmas everyone!!

Palace:  Do you have a pic of the poochies you can post?  There is a thread back a page "our staunchest supporters...." lots of doggies on there.

My golden is 13 and still going strong.


Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 25, 2006, 09:29:27 am


We are leaving now for that beach trip.   :P  I hope my babies don't roll on something bad at the beach.  *(like a dead seal)  Oh, there was a big skunk just outside the laundry-room door.  That is where I let the dogs out in the backyard on a morning smell hunt.  It is a good thing I noticed the skunk so, they didn't go out and get smelled.  We need to leave for the beach now.  We will work on your request so, you can see my "wild pair."  I think your dog must be posted there so I can see the thirteen year old Golden Retriever.  We will work on that when we return.  I will check the supporters more seriously later on.

Wish me a good smelling trip.  Riding back with dead seal smell in a car in the cold weather with windows up, IS A KILLER.  We could expose that smell and the skunk smell to AN and kill those tumors, OUT-RIGHT.   ;)

Happy Holiday Kathy and everyone,

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: ppearl214 on December 25, 2006, 11:37:14 am
Cautions as noted from the post English Christmas dinner:

1.  Use earplugs when others are scraping their knives across dinner plates when eating Christmas goose.  Worse than fingernails down a chalkboard and my residual hearing is now gone.

2.  When opening party favor holiday "crackers", pull cracker cord with one hand while covering AN ear with other.  Can be close to fireworks "boom".

3.  Careful of misletoe as it may lead to unexpected pregnancies (NO! NOT what you think!)

4.  To get out of dinner dish cleanup, just say "oy, did you say something from the kitchen?  I never heard you!" :)

Happy Christmas all! :)

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: kat on December 25, 2006, 01:08:24 pm
Hi everyone !

Happy Christmas to you all ! I have just been through most of the above except we had turkey instead of goose . I was the cook
and now I feel absolutely stuffed ! It is just as well that Christmas only comes once a year . Luckily my husband did the washing up
since we have a golden rule that the cook never washes up !

Cool yule to all  from Kat 
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 25, 2006, 03:32:26 pm


We don't care for turkey but, wanted a turkey club sandwich with champagne.  My AN symptoms acted up from driving up the high mountains and down to the ocean.  (to run the dogs this morning)  That is why I wanted to add champagne to the turkey club.  We don't eat turkey so, no left-over turkey.  We do like a T-club.  OK, we drove all the way back from the beach and up to the country club....not open, down to town by our home, no open market.......down to the next town, no open market........keep going back towards the to Felton.......even Safeway was closed!  We walked next door to a new Long's Drug Store that just opened.  Guess what?  We got the last bacon there, bread, frozen boxed lol lol.........and made the sandwiches at home.  I haven't had a turkey club in about tweny years.  I got a chicken club.  We were going to get turkey bacon at Safeway and not have more high cholestrol but, Long's had REAL BACON.  I bought Piper Sonoma Champagne.......which is now in the trash can, did the club-thing and we toasted to TAYLOR.........the youngest on the list.  I'm on a roll.  I haven't been drinking for months.  I'm practicing for the big MEGA TOAST next week.  I'm gettin' right in there GUYS, and quickly.   :)

LOL We got boxed frozen chicken from Long's Drug Store for Christmas Day!  That is what memories are made of. 

Oh, one last thing about X-mas.  I met a gal on the beach playing with her year old black lab.  My Molucca played chase with that dog.  The hubby at the end of the beach with Molokai dog.  I talked with the lady about my age.  She has the AN symptoms and hasn't been to a doctor.  I told her of the symptoms and she was very concerned.  Her husband was out surfing and the doctors told him that he shouldn't surf.  They  got the call from Stanford that he need a kidney transplant.  He wanted the surf-therapy because, they were stessed to the MAX.  Imagine getting that call on Christmas Eve.  He needed to surf and didn't care...........stressed-out.  They live in Santa Cruz.  I should have gotten her phone number.  She was sad and hugged me. 

Live for today.......*Christmas Day,

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: thecakes on December 26, 2006, 09:21:45 am
  Christmas Eve my family and I went to church and then out to eat, then we go to the city park where they have all the christmas lights to look at,.  Its no biggy, but its nice and I believe in triditions and this is one of them.  Then we come home and the kids get their gifts.  We have the tree lite and the fire place on and its very pretty just to sit there with my family(in my jammies).  My daughter got a digital camera and the son got his class ring, and they got other things too.  Christmas dayI got up and made a big breakfast and we had my husbands parents over and later thet day we went to my sisters for supper and then exchanged more gifts.  Now today I'm going to take it easy, clean up the wrapping paper peices off the floor, etc.  Happy Holidays!
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: ppearl214 on December 26, 2006, 10:45:51 pm

GREAT to see you!!!!!!!  Happy holidays to you!  :)

Just flew back........ rough jetlag...... off to sleep... hope everyone enjoyed their holidays thus far!

*yawns, heads falls forward on keyboard.... *


Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: marystro on December 27, 2006, 12:23:52 am
Christmas Eve:

We went to the pageant show that Alex was in as a shepard.  This is his third Christmas pageant and will probably be his last.  He said mom I am getting too old to be with the little ones in the pageant show.  I guess being eight is considered "too old" in his mind.  Hmmmm...  We then went to my best friend's house for Christmas eve dinner party.  Kristin went with me to Stanford for my first consult.  She's solid as a rock when it comes to health crisis.  Her husband is such a great cook - prime rib, yorkshire pudding, home made walnut pie, pumpkin pies, cookies, etc.  Her neighbor even brought home made tamales.  Champaigne, wine, egg nog and hot apple cider.  I am still full just writing about it!!!  I think I gained all the weight that I lost from not eating for a week when I found out about my acoustic neuroma!  ;D Went home around 11 pm and started wrapping presents after Alex went to bed at midnight.  I think I saw Santa doing his fly-by...

Christmas Day:

Alex woke up at 7 am and came into our room asking if he could open presents.  Husband left a note saying "Do not open presents until mom is up with the camera".  Presents opened.  Christmas music in the background.  Camera and camcorder running.  Big breakfast with french toasts, fresh pineapple, orange juice, bacon, the works.  Started duty as assistant lego builder of the Black Pearl - only 870 pieces!!!  Lord, who invented legos?  Big lesson learned - Never put the pieces on wood floor when you have a ragdoll cat who likes to play ice hockey with them!  Has anyone ever stepped on those tiny pieces barefooted?  Not pretty. ;)  Big turkey dinner with all the trimmings.  Toast to everyone and best wishes to all our health!!!  Then we all went ice skating at the Hotel del Coronado's outdoor skating ring on the beach watching the gorgeous sunset on the Pacific Ocean feeling really, really blessed about finding this forum and making all the good friends here.  Peace on earth and good will to men!!!

Hope all your Christmas Eves and Days were full of love, peace and joy as mine.


Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 27, 2006, 04:32:35 am


"Wow," you are an interesting writer.  That was beautiful!  Thank you for sharing your lovely day.

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: matti on December 27, 2006, 10:02:52 am
Mary - Lego's were a part of my decor for many years and Yes! I was also an assistant lego builder as well and found it very relaxing. I miss those days :'(   A few months ago, my son who is 23 and his girlfriend came for a visit and wanted me to get the Lego's out of the attic so they could build stuff. Apparently it is still the cool thing to do LOL

Your Chirstmas sounded wonderful, thank you for posting it. (I am drooling over your delicious menu)

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 27, 2006, 02:01:36 pm

HIGH NOON........AND ABOUT EIGHT HOURS OF NO POWER.  GOTTA GET OFF.......AND UNPLUG!  (generator helping me post this)  No telling when we will have could be days.  I hope a huge redwoods or something doesn't come down on the house.  Please appoint one of the "head spam removers" to take over.....and everyone post their toast; no telling if I can participate online NYE.  If not, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE and please get online before or after your libation on Sunday, and let us know what you are drinking.  (and when you are proposing that big TOAST OUT)  I hope I can join you all online.  If I can't, I'm here trying to toast this year OUT.  LOL  I might start tonight with this big storm.


Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: matti on December 27, 2006, 02:46:25 pm
Palace - I have been worried about you, as this storm really packed a punch last night, especially for you. The winds in my area have been quite scary and I have huge redwoods that are swaying a little too much for my liking. I will give you a call this weekend and check back in with you. Stay safe!! Hope the doggies are not too scared.

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Gennysmom on December 27, 2006, 04:17:11 pm
Oh no, storm for you guys now!!!  I didn't know that...we had ours and most everyone's power was back on until last night when we had an unexpected Splenda storm...weird for us!!!!   Stay safe my Northern California friends!

BTW, I have my Harry Potter legos proudly displayed.  I love legos.  You're never too old for them, and they never had such cool ones when I was a kid. 
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: cookiesecond on December 27, 2006, 09:12:47 pm
I love Christmas!!!!
This year was a little different for us, as we came home Thanksgiving from my 25 year old daughter's craniotomy to remove a blood clot. We were 2 hours away in the hospital for about 6 weeks.We have a lot to be thankful for as always. We tried to keep things as NORMAL as possible.I don't leave her very long at the time and someone has to stay with her.
I made candy and goodies but I just paced myself.I love making homeade goodies.
Ever since our girls were small, we sit at the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve and read the Christmas story, give thanks for all God has done for us in that year and after prayer, we open gifts.This year Tamara sat in a chair but we did it!!!
Christmas morning we go to my parents and open gifts and have dinner. We move a little slower but we had a blessed Christmas.I am so glad we can share these great times with each other. You guys are a great bunch and I am thankful for each one of you.
Have a blessed and Healthy 2007,

PS We starrted Christmas eve and my mother-in-law's. We open gifts with that side and have coffee and cake.

Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Palace on December 28, 2006, 06:47:00 am


What a beautiful story!  That is a "Christmas Story," for sure.  You have such *meanful* memories.  You sound like a DEEP PERSON and appreciate life to the fullest.  That was nice of you to type all that and share it with us.  Bless your heart!  Happy New Year to you and your family!


Palace  :)
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: kerri lyn angel on December 28, 2006, 12:32:28 pm
well it sounds as if most of you had beautiful christmasses. that makes me happy. mine was not actually as bad as i thought it would be. my hub and i were supposed to be alone . first christmas without our kids and family being we moved out of state. i was getting ready to feel real sad and cry alot on that day but, god is good and low and behold my brother in-law, paul who works trackman for the city of ny and was supposed to work the night of christmas eve got there and wasnt on. so he, being alone too for christmas, hopped on a bus and came to pa for christmas! yay :D. it really made me happy.we  killed a few beers, had a big breakfast christmas morn, he took a long ride around the beautiful countryside with his brother we all went out to a nice dinner and then put him on a bus back to ny to go to work christmas night. we had a nice time and it really kept my SAD at bay! it really was a blessing for paul too as his family moved to fla in the spring and he only sees them once in awhile until he can retire and move with them. before you knew it it was all over and blissfully alot less nasty than i had anticipated. god is good!
Title: Re: What are AN people doing for a joyous Christmas Eve and Day?
Post by: Crystaldo on September 09, 2010, 09:34:07 pm
Only few days left before Christmas. I am so excited to celebrate this Christmas because I am going home with my family. My aunt is going to be with us and her AN won’t hinder her to celebrate life. We are planning to light up some candles and offer our prayers on the eve of Christmas to make it more symbolical and memorable.