ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: anothereveryman on October 12, 2014, 04:00:56 pm

Title: Audiable "pop/crack" sounds, paper-like sensation over surgery area?
Post by: anothereveryman on October 12, 2014, 04:00:56 pm
I wanted to thank those that replied to my previous post-surgery threads. I feel better informed and have adjusted how I handle my recovery according to advice given with confidence that it will help.

I did want to ask about one peculiar and rather scary thing: On accident, sometimes I brush my hair over the surgery area, and above it, there's this strangely lumpy-feeling area. I gave a very gentle press to it, and my non-deaf side heard a pop-crack loud enough to alarm me, like crinkling paper. Sure enough, it FEELS like crinkling paper over that area.

I have since ceased to touch there, but what the heck am I touching? It doesn't hurt, not like my jaw does anyway, so what is it and is it bad to touch it?
Title: Re: Audiable "pop/crack" sounds, paper-like sensation over surgery area?
Post by: comfortzone on October 18, 2014, 06:48:02 pm
I think I know what you're talking about. I had a similar experience and think it was fluid from swelling near the surgery site. I noticed it for about one or two months after surgery. At the time I didn't think I had much swelling but now that six months have gone by the area is a lot smoother and I can feel my skull where I couldn't before. I just tried to stop touching it as I was giving myself a headache messing with it. Maybe it's the same thing?