ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: PamJ on February 15, 2013, 08:39:06 am

Title: Had eye botox
Post by: PamJ on February 15, 2013, 08:39:06 am
After having my AN removed and being left with facial palsy and diplopia I finally had injections to try and lift my eye on Wednesday.  It wasn't very nice to have done and when they put electrodes round my eye before putting the needles in I expected to see sparks flying out of my head because of my titanium screw but everything went according to plan.  I won't know until Monday if it's going to work but today I noticed if I looked up as far as I could my eye came back up in place but dropped down again so it looks as if something is beginning to happen fingers crossed
Title: Re: Had eye botox
Post by: nftwoed on March 06, 2013, 01:06:08 pm
Hi Pam;

   How are things now? One can at least function with facial palsy, but with diplopia, most can't.
   Best wishes!  : )
Title: Re: Had eye botox
Post by: PamJ on March 06, 2013, 01:56:47 pm
Hi good to hear from you.  The good news is I have no nerve damage, the surgeon said as the botox is holding my level I can have it operated on once the botox wears off.  I've had diplopia since I had my tumour out and it's been driving me mad because I can't drive so although I don't want more surgery at least I'll be able to see again.  Please don't think I'm moaning because I am tumour and pain free it's just that I get a bit frustrated with myself.  The only thing worrying me now is it's two years on 29th March that I had my tumour out and still have facial palsy and when I turned my head to the right I get a pulling sensation and still cannot move my right eyebrow has anyone else got this problem.