ANA Discussion Forum

AN Community => AN Community => Topic started by: G_Man on August 19, 2012, 10:25:27 pm

Title: Up to now I totally missed this but...
Post by: G_Man on August 19, 2012, 10:25:27 pm
Hello fellow forum folks.  This never really dawned on me before but tonight I read the thread about David's book "Hell in my Head".  I decided to do a google search to see what else came up other than Amazon.  What I noticed is that a link came up back to the forum post.
I just wanted to point out to everyone that this forum is indexed on the internet.  For some reason I had some sense of privacy up until now.  Although I haven't given away the secret recipe for mom's pasta sauce I will be a little more careful going forward and may even remove my pic.  I'm not ashamed of my AN, quite the contrary.  I just feel I want to control who I tell about it.  I don't want the whole world to be able to stumble on it. 
Title: Re: Up to now I totally missed this but...
Post by: ppearl214 on August 20, 2012, 05:00:23 am
Welcome to the internet! :)  Yep.... you can Google yourself, etc.... and note... this is why, all the Admins and Mods here to all we can to help protect your safety.  As noted, the ANA Forum Netiquettes also note that no personal information is allowed to be posted in any discussion/thread (ie: email addresses, etc). We don't do this to be a noodge, but for your own peronsal online safety.

Always be safe on the internet... because as you noted.. you never know.....

Be safe all!
Title: Re: Up to now I totally missed this but...
Post by: Jim Scott on August 20, 2012, 07:31:40 am
Glen ~

Most folks are well aware that anything we post on the internet - on any website forum - is 'public'.  As Phyl stated, that's why we try to keep members 'personal' information, such as e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, etc off the public forums.  It's a security issue.  Aside from not posting that kind of information and the use of 'screen names' to protect our anonymity, I don't consider it risky to post general information about myself and/or my AN experiences.  I post on various internet boards  - some political - and avoid posting anything libelous or defamatory.  I write pretty much the way I talk.  Because I have nothing to hide or be ashamed about, I have no qualms about posting a recent photo with my posts.  I think doing so gives my messages a slightly more 'personalized' flavor.  However, 15 years ago, when I first discovered the internet - and discussion forums - I was very cautious about divulging anything I considered even slightly 'personal'.  Obviously, I've changed my mind to some extent, although, like you Glen, I'm not giving away any family secrets.  :D

In the final analysis, we each offer as much 'personal' info as we're comfortable with, never forgetting that everything we post (that gets by the moderators) is public, not private.

Title: Re: Up to now I totally missed this but...
Post by: rupert on August 20, 2012, 04:22:01 pm
Noodge??? ;D
Title: Re: Up to now I totally missed this but...
Post by: mindyandy on August 21, 2012, 05:42:17 am
I just have to say that I am thankful you can google and find this forum. People who are newly diagnosed are searching for answers and people who understand what they are going through. This a place to share experiences and talk. Like Phyl and Jim mentioned you don't post anything that would jeopardize your privacy ex:email, phone number, etc. I don't mind posting a picture for those on this forum or others to see. I look at it this many people who are not diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma is going to google for it?? LOL
This is my 2 cents worth  ;D keep the change  ;)

Title: Re: Up to now I totally missed this but...
Post by: leapyrtwins on August 24, 2012, 05:47:46 pm
I discovered this about 2 years ago when someone at the HLAA (Hearing Loss Association of America) asked me if they could share one of my posts from the Forum with their members.

It's the one where I compared the Cochlear BP100 to the Oticon Ponto Pro, before ultimately choosing the BP100.

Had no idea where she found it, until she told me she found it in a web search.

Who knew?
