ANA Discussion Forum
Post-Treatment => Balance Issues => Topic started by: Ned on February 19, 2012, 05:27:54 pm
Had a bad spell today at church and had to be helped to the car. The bad spells come and go but recently been worse.
When was your last MRI?
MRI done 2 weeks ago, tumor has almost shrunk in half from original detection. Appeared that the tumor had bled slightly. I have all my records and MRI's sent to a group of Rad/Onc for comments, should hear today. Balance problems have disappeared suddenly after 5 weeks of severe symptoms.
Ned ~
I'm sorry to learn of your balance problem that caused you to fall. Because your recent MRI indicated the radiated AN had shrunk, perhaps your imbalance is not directly related to the AN. Just a thought. I'm sure the doctors will find a cause - and , most important, a solution.