ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: Twindy on January 28, 2012, 08:17:39 am

Title: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Twindy on January 28, 2012, 08:17:39 am
I'm just wondering if you think I will be able to attend my kids' dance event 5 weeks post op.  It would involve travelling by car 4 hours, sitting in a dark room with loud music, watching multiple dances on stage (like at a dance recital).  It's really important to me to go--I've never missed any of their events and will be missing one due to the surgery, which is already breaking my heart.  My daughter will be doing a solo for the first time this year, and I really want to be there to suppport her.  What do you think?
Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Jim Scott on January 28, 2012, 04:32:56 pm
Twindy ~

I think that if you are motivated enough, which seems to be the case, you can do this.  As you probably realize, a lot depends on how you are after the surgery in regard to balance, headaches, etc.  For what its worth: I came out of debulking surgery with very few complications (no headaches, just slight imbalance - which improved quickly) and within 2 weeks of my hospital discharge my neurosurgeon gave me permission to drive again.  I was enjoying the Fourth of July fireworks and playing (miniature) golf during my fifth week post-op.

Of course no one can guarantee that you'll have an identical experience but if you don't have complications, I believe that with your strong motivation to attend your children's dance event, you'll be able to do so. 

By the way, kudos to you for being a dedicated 'dance mom' (my niece owns a dance studio so I'm familiar with the term and mean it in a very positive way).   :)

Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: CHD63 on January 28, 2012, 06:50:45 pm
Hi Twindy .....

As Jim said, no one can guarantee what you will feel like post op, but if you have an uncomplicated surgery and recovery, I do not see any reason why you will not be able to go to the dance event.

You may want to put an ear plug in your purse to put in your "good" ear, if you should happen to be affected by loud noise.

In my case, I had my first AN surgery (retrosigmoid approach) five hours away from where I live.  My husband drove us home 12 days post-op with no issues, other than I closed my eyes a good bit of the way because I had double vision for a couple of weeks post-op.

After my second AN surgery (translab), I was walking around downtown LA on day 9 post-op with no issues other than fatigue.  Flew home from LA (across the country) on day 12 with no issues.

I would have plans B and C ready in case you have post-op difficulties.  We will pray that Plan A will work just fine.

Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Twindy on January 28, 2012, 08:15:42 pm
Thanks for the encouragment.  I know my kids would do fine (I have both a son and daughter who dance), but it has brought me great joy over the years to watch them perform.  My daughter is doing a solo entitled "Beauty Within" which is so very fitting right now--who knows what I look like on the outside then!  It's something for me to look forward to "on the other side."  Jim, I had to laugh at your dance mom comment--us real dance moms are nothing like the t.v. variety!
Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Phillies on January 29, 2012, 08:03:28 pm
When I had my surgery this past summer, I was back to running a few miles within about  2 1/2 weeks after my surgery.
Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Funnydream on January 29, 2012, 08:50:44 pm
You will NOT be 100%.

But I think you will be fine. I had 16 hour surgery and was driving my pickup truck at 2 weeks and doing shopping.

I think its going to put extra stress on your recovery worrying about it. But you will make it.

I will admit 6 weeks out I was supprised at how weak I still was.
Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: lrobie on January 29, 2012, 08:54:09 pm
Phillies ~

What kind of surgery did you have and where?  That's amazing to me to be running 2 1/2 weeks post-op.

Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Phillies on January 30, 2012, 08:15:31 pm
Phillies ~

What kind of surgery did you have and where?  That's amazing to me to be running 2 1/2 weeks post-op.


Retrosig surgery to remove a 2.5 cm tumor. And thanks.
Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Heresrose on January 30, 2012, 08:58:02 pm
I think if you have the desire you can do it.

Two weeks after my surgery I attended a Christmas party because I didn't want to miss seeing my two and a half year old twins interact with Santa for he first time. I don't know how I did it, but I stood around mingling and people were stunned that I was there. To be honest when I think back on it I think i was crazy to do it, but i survived. I was not going to let this AN keep me from enjoying my children. I wasn't driving back then and only just recenty started driving again because it actually took me six weeks to regain some energy.


Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Twindy on January 30, 2012, 09:50:08 pm
Thanks for sharing Rose--amazing what "mom love" can do! 
Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Rivergirl on February 02, 2012, 08:53:17 pm
I would have been fine to do that, at 6 weeks post op I had 35 people camped out at my house (live on a river) and I did just fine, maybe pooped out a bit early at night.  Just pace yourself, rest when you can and the thrill of the event will carry you through.
Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: cindyj on February 03, 2012, 09:53:27 am
I think if you have the desire you can do it.


I agree!  At 5 weeks, I was back to driving, playing some tennis, going out to dinner at loud restaurants, etc...because I wanted to...didn't feel up to vacuuming the house or cleaning toilets, however...because I didn't want to ;)  We all do recover differently, but my guess is that for something that important and special to you, you will be able to handle it.

Title: Re: What will 5 weeks post op feel like?
Post by: Twindy on February 03, 2012, 01:45:33 pm
Thanks everyone for your responses--you've given me something to look forward to!