ANA Discussion Forum

Watch and Wait => For those in the 'watch and wait' status => Topic started by: patdel on October 28, 2010, 09:21:32 pm

Title: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: patdel on October 28, 2010, 09:21:32 pm
I have been on this web site for the last year and a half but have only posted a few times. However, I have read and read and felt very grateful to hear all the stories about other AN journeys. I had another MRI in August and it did show some growth so after much thought, I decided to go ahead with surgery and get this thing over with. I don't know how the long term WW do it! I couldn't any longer. Anyway, I am scheduled for surgery Nov. 2 at Duke Raleigh Hosp. with Dr. Cunningham and Dr. Fukishima. I feel very blessed to be in such good hands. I had my pre op today and was a little freaked out reading about complications but I know they have to tell you all these things.  My hearing is still there so they are doing retrosigmoid surgery.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and thanks for all the "virtual" support this last year and a half.


Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: Jackie on October 28, 2010, 09:28:31 pm
Hello Pat,

Just wanted to wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery. Your confidence in your surgeon is so important and glad that you are ready to go forward. May you have a fast easy recovery. Please let us know when you're able! Blessings to you,
Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: CHD63 on October 28, 2010, 09:40:31 pm
Pat .....

So glad you are going ahead with the surgery.  Dr. Fukushima did my surgery 2 1/2 years ago and I could not have had a better outcome.  I pray you will do equally well.  Duke Raleigh Hospital is wonderful so I know you will be in good hands.

Thoughts and prayers and let us know how you are doing, as you are able.

Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: Lizard on October 29, 2010, 08:39:40 am
I just want to wish you a successful surgery and a smooth recovery!  You will be in my thougths Tuesday, please let us know how everything goes.  Cheers to a speedy recovery!
Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: cindyj on October 29, 2010, 09:30:41 am
Wish you the best, Pat!  You should be feeling good enough to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner...but not so good that you will be able to help out with any of the fixin' or cleanin' up  ;)  Let everyone else do that!

Do let us know how thngs go,

Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: Jim Scott on October 29, 2010, 03:08:12 pm
Hi, Pat ~

Unfortunately, 'watch-and-wait' often seems like an exercise in medically-approved procrastination - that often proves frustrating.  However, because you seem genuinely relieved to be having removal surgery for your AN, that should help keep you in a positive mode, which is always helpful.  I'm sure your surgical team is knowledgeable and proficient.  I underwent the 'retrosigmoid approach' AN surgery with good results.  We'll be thinking of and praying for you as November 2nd approaches.  See you on 'the other side' a 'postie'!  :)

Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: msmaggie on October 29, 2010, 04:13:05 pm
Good luck with your surgery!  I can completely understand why you are ready to get it over with.  I wasn't in watch and wait, but I know I wanted that hitchhiker out of there.  :D  See you on the other side!

Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: LisaP on October 29, 2010, 04:42:02 pm

Sorry you have to leave us who are W&W, but best wishes on your upcoming surgery.  Keep us posted on how you do!!!

LisaP ;D
Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 30, 2010, 08:53:17 am
I don't know how the long term WW do it! I couldn't any longer.

Hi, Pat.

I don't know how the long-term W&W do it either - and I commend them for it.  IMO, it takes a special kind of person to W&W; I'm not that patient and it would have driven me crazy  ;D

Good luck with your upcoming surgery.  I've heard nothing about good things about Duke/Raleigh.

See you soon as a postie!

Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: Adrienne on October 30, 2010, 02:39:27 pm
Best wishes for you Pat.  You'll be happy to be on the other side of this and starting to put it behind you.

Best of luck on Tuesday.  We'll be thinking of you.

Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: Mickey on October 31, 2010, 09:00:04 am
There comes a time within ourselves when we have to follow what we have set our goals to do. In your case its to move on to have the treatment. I`m sure you have made the best choice and just a matter of getting better soon. All are prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Best wishes, Mickey
Title: Re: Leaving Watch and Wait
Post by: moe on October 31, 2010, 10:53:03 am
Will keep you in our prayers on Nov 2 for a successful surgery.
Time to say goodbye to the little bugger!