ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: Funnydream on October 02, 2010, 11:11:09 am

Title: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Funnydream on October 02, 2010, 11:11:09 am
Woke up thowing up for a whole day. Looks like I have a leak from the throwing up. Surgery was mon 27th. They are keeping me till the 4th cuz of leak. Did a spinal tap that gave me a massive headache. I want to go home.
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: cin605 on October 02, 2010, 11:19:08 am
Sorry to hear.....Do they have yo on morphine?If so that might make you sick...ask to be switched to delauded.....morphine was also giving me the headache.
Hang in there...Hope you get to come home soon.Keep us posted.HUG!
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Tod on October 02, 2010, 01:03:39 pm
I'm sorry to hear you are in such discomfort. The good news of course is that you finally had surgery and you came through it. Don't try to tough it out with the headaches...take the pain meds.

I do hope you start to feeling better quickly.

Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: LisaP on October 02, 2010, 01:07:42 pm

My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery and to go home.  Keep us posted on how you are doing.  What kind of surgery did you have?  I am still W&W.

LisaP ;D
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Jim Scott on October 02, 2010, 01:27:15 pm
FD ~

I'm glad you finally had the surgery - but sorry to learn about these complications.  I hope you'll be home, soon.  Thanks for making the effort to post an update while struggling with nausea.

Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Funnydream on October 02, 2010, 03:46:41 pm
They told me the steroids is what was making sick. Lucky for me I was still able to get sleep. Was told those steroids keep you awake. I'm also on valume (how ever its spelled) that really helped me sleep and made the tinnitus a none factor. Only pain i have so far is from lying on my right side so long. Very bruised on right side of body. ENT says he can fix my leak threw my ear. Hope it works out. Cuz I hate antesea with a pashone now.
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Funnydream on October 02, 2010, 03:58:34 pm
Feeling my left side of my head is like a miricle. I keep playing with my teeth and toung. Im a lucky one so far. I eat tums alot for ant~asid and was told my bones wear rock hard. I also love milk. The docs complained that I was a heavy bleaded. But they went forward cuz I been cancled twice already. Thease are by far my worst days.
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 02, 2010, 06:44:10 pm
16 hour surgery  ???

Just how large was your AN?  I thought it was similar in size to mine (about 3 cms) and my surgery only lasted about 7 1/2 hours.

Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: nanramone on October 02, 2010, 07:49:54 pm
funnydream - I'm glad your surgery is finally over with. I'll continue to look for your posts, and hope you feel better soon.

Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Funnydream on October 03, 2010, 08:45:18 am
16 hour surgery  ???

Just how large was your AN?  I thought it was similar in size to mine (about 3 cms) and my surgery only lasted about 7 1/2 hours.


I was aheavy bleader. They said they would have cancled. But that would have been 3th time. Also very hard bones from all the milk I drink and tums I eat.
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Funnydream on October 03, 2010, 08:48:34 am
Im in no pain. Just feel like crap.
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Funnydream on October 03, 2010, 09:01:27 am

My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery and to go home.  Keep us posted on how you are doing.  What kind of surgery did you have?  I am still W&W.

LisaP ;D

Retro with 10% chance of cronic headaches rest of my life. Im only taking valume. I feel NO pain at all. Just feel like crap.
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 03, 2010, 09:26:51 am
Not sure how being a heavy bleeder and having "hard bones" relates to an extended surgery, but then again I'm no doctor.  Also don't see what cancelling a third time would have achieved.  It's not like the hard bones or the heavy bleeding would have changed if you waited.

Regardless, at least the surgery is over and now you can move down the road to recovery  :)

Don't sweat the potential for headaches.  Lots of us had retrosigmoid and don't get them. 

I had no pain either post op - other than the stiff neck from the way I was positioned during surgery which was more a discomfort than a pain.

Feeling like crap is normal; won't last forever.  Try not to take the valium longer than you have to.  While I'm sure it's necessary or the doc wouldn't be giving it to you, it can be addicting.


Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Rivergirl on October 03, 2010, 09:52:05 am
Funny, glad it is over and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: Stephanie on October 03, 2010, 12:31:32 pm
Glad to hear the surgery is over but at this point you probably felt better before, huh? Once I got out all I wanted was to go back to how I felt before the surgery. I had surgery 2 1/2 mo. ago (14 1/2 hrs) mine was also rescheduled twice but for different reasons ("3rd times a charm") . I had an alergic reaction to the steroids and as soon as they injected the morphine into me I threw up! Unfortunatley I was so medicated it took a couple of times before I realized that is what did it to me so I threw up the whole day. Nothing like throwing up when you haven't eaten for days and just had surgery on your head, the headaches were tremendous. I ended up with a leak too. They tried to stop it with medications but ended up having to have another surgery. I was leaking from the nose as well as a constant drip from the incision.  I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital and get those stupid messaging leg cuffs off of me, nothing like 106 degree weather and neoprene leg cuffs up to your mid thigh 24 hrs a day, sure the hospital was airconditioned but it didn't feel like it then! I do feel much better now (no headaches at all) but I never thought it would happen and ultimately I am glad I had the surgery because the tumor ended up being almost twice the size they thought it was once they got in there. I hope your leak is easily fixed and you go home soon! Believe me when I say I feel for you and understand the crappy feeling but it will get better : )
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: ppearl214 on October 03, 2010, 03:49:12 pm
Speedy recovery, Funny.... get some rest, enjoy the valium and just remember... "day by day, inch by inch....."

Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: ksiwek on October 03, 2010, 08:15:10 pm
Congrats on being on the other side of surgery.  Recovery is defn more like a marathon than a sprint...hang in there!  Glad you were able to sleep with the steroids, they kept me up with crazy dreams and sweating...ugh! 

Rest up, keep pushing forward and know that it will continue to improve as the weeks pass on!
Title: Re: 16 hours sugery
Post by: keithk on October 11, 2010, 01:26:33 pm
My surgery was 9.5 hours. I had problems with vertigo for about the first 24 hours. I was on morphine for pain and Valium for the vertigo. I was also given something for nausea. I hated the leg massages also. It was in the 90s when I was in and couldn't get the room cold enough. I was just glad to get home after 4 days even though I still felt like crap I was home.