ANA Discussion Forum

AN Community => AN Community => Topic started by: NancyMc on August 23, 2010, 05:51:18 pm

Title: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: NancyMc on August 23, 2010, 05:51:18 pm
Dave (my post-op caregiver and significant other) has been worried about his hearing.  So, he goes to an ENT today for a hearing test.  The ENT does the tuning fork test which results in reduced hearing in upper ranges in left ear.  ENT schedules hearing test and tells Dave that it is very unusual to have reduced hearing on one side and that he will likely send him for an MRI to diagnose acoustic neuroma! 
I said, "Well, I know some really good surgeons!"  And "At least we know how to tackle this one!"
Could it be possible?  Can't even imagine.
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: lori67 on August 23, 2010, 06:14:06 pm

I know you're generous and all, but you don't have to share EVERYTHING with Dave!   ;)

I hope it doesn't turn out to be an AN.  That would be quite a coincidence!  I might start drinking bottled water if I were you!  Sounds like there might be something in the water there!

Seriously though, I hope the MRI comes back clear and there's some other simple reason for his hearing issues.

Keep us posted.
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Rich56 on August 23, 2010, 06:15:19 pm
Hi Nancy,

I was just about to post the Weekly when I saw your post.

Scarlett and I just looked at each other and couldn't believe it, and obviously we hope they are wrong.

We will keep Dave in our prayers.

Thinking of you both,

Rich & Scarlett
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: leapyrtwins on August 23, 2010, 09:18:00 pm
If he does have an AN, that would be just too weird for words  :o

Keep us posted,

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: moe on August 23, 2010, 11:57:36 pm
No I cannot even imagine :o
Hopefully nothing. He doesn't have any other symptoms does he??
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: iluuvpups on August 24, 2010, 02:49:48 am
Someone else posted awhile ago that are husband and wife that had ANs.  That post is here:

I hope he doesn't have it, but if he does, like you said, you know how to handle it.  Good luck!
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Lizard on August 24, 2010, 08:29:53 am
Wow, I do remember the post recently about the husband and wife, you never know.  Its possible that other people in our lives have an AN that will go undetected.  Well at least you know what you could potentially be dealing with and like you said, how to tackle.
Keep us posted,
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Soundy on August 24, 2010, 10:27:54 am
I hope that Dave doesn't join our club ... not that it isn't a nice one ...

good luck on a blank MRI
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: NancyMc on August 24, 2010, 01:58:35 pm
He doesn't have any other symptoms does he??

Yes, he has had for as long as he can remember constant tinnitus.  The doc also thought that was odd as it would "normally" come and go.

good luck on a blank MRI

Well, hopefully, there's something in there, although sometimes I wonder.   ::)
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Jim Scott on August 24, 2010, 02:16:54 pm
Nancy ~

I'm sorry to learn about Dave's symptoms - but, should he be found to have an AN, this is kind of bizarre.  I know ANs aren't contagious!  Right?  I hope this turns out O.K. for Dave.

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: saralynn143 on August 24, 2010, 05:00:00 pm
And here I was thinking this thread might be birthday related.

There are many, many reasons that could be behind Dave's hearing loss other than an acoustic neuroma. I pray that it turns out to be nothing serious.

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: pjb on August 25, 2010, 08:50:13 am
Praying that it is a negative MRI....

My prayers and thoughts are with the both of you..

Best Wishes,

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: cindyj on August 25, 2010, 11:43:19 am
What!  No way, guys don't need any other health issues, especially not another AN to deal with - what are the odds?  How's he been doing otherwise?

Will be watching for your updates...

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: NancyMc on August 25, 2010, 01:49:42 pm
Thanks, Everyone.  He's pretty scared.  His DVT symptoms, blood testing, diet and coumadin are manageable other than the concern for frequency of CT scans (2 per year).  Thank you for asking, Cindy.  He already gets headaches, so I'm hoping those do not become a greater issue.
Oddly, my son switched to a new PCP, and when we went in for an initial meeting, I mentioned my AN along with the rest of his family medical history.  Dr M said that he's always wanted to diagnose an AN.  Well, he's Dave's PCP, too, so he may just get his wish!  The ENT seems eager to add Dave's AN to his life list as well.  I guess the practice of medicine is getting boring these days.
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: lori67 on August 25, 2010, 07:18:32 pm
That's nice of your family to keep things interesting for the docs!   ;)

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: saralynn143 on August 25, 2010, 07:32:18 pm
I'm horrified that a doctor would want to diagnose an acoustic neuroma. That strikes me as really self-centered. If I were a doctor, I would hope never to see one in any of my patients.

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: leapyrtwins on August 25, 2010, 07:35:13 pm
Oh, I don't know.

Docs probably need a little excitement in their lives also  ;)

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Soundy on August 28, 2010, 09:25:53 am
My PCP was not at all thrilled or happy to diagnose my AN

Nancy , I too hope they do find something in his head , something  good , just no AN ... I know the feeling ... I sometimes wonder if Bo has anything between his ears other that the green water he says is in there  :D

the the comments on boredom and excitement at diagnosing some medical oddity made me think of an incident ... sorry to go off track a little

many years ago I was trying to get a big billy goat back where he was suppose to me ... he turned and rammed me ... I put my right arm out with wrist flexed so palm was facing him ... he hit my hand forcing wrist back breaking several places ...PCP xrayed me and  sent me straight to bone and joint clinic in Columbia skipping our hospital since he didn't think they could do anything with me ...

I had been exrayed and examined ... I am sitting in a cubical waiting ... no door ... I am looking out watching 2 doctors look at xrays and whispering back and forth ... they come in and one asks if I had been abused as a child ... I say not physically ... he informs me that at some point I had been horribly abused ,  because I had multiple spiral breaks at my elbow distorting it and making my arm crooked ... I realized what he was talking about and told him yes , my parents used to take an arm each and twist in opposite directions when I was bad ... then  I held both arms out to show him that both were crooked and then showed him my thumb nails and told him I had nail patella syndrome ...they forgot my broking apart wrist and got all excited about my condition until I pulled them back to reason for visit ... they wanted me to come in and let them do a study on me as they hadn't had a nail patella patient ... they were all happy and excited ... I told them thanks but no thanks ... busted their bubble

my thumb last week ... I was pinching a cut together before I used Derma Bound to close it up ... saved $600 trip to ER ... about $3 and good to go ...looked like a little scratch once I glued it ... :D .. just glad it was me and not 11 year old that had the knife cutting zip ties to get a watch she had bought out of it's packaging ... I took it from her so she wouldn't get cut ...clumbsy me
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: saralynn143 on August 28, 2010, 12:53:39 pm
Docs probably need a little excitement in their lives also  ;)

Yes, but most doctors can afford to go zip-lining in Costa Rica or parasailing in Venezuela for their excitement.

I bet that doctor would feel a bit differently if it were their spouse or child facing a potential diagnosis of AN.

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: saralynn143 on August 28, 2010, 01:02:03 pm
Nice patchup job on your finger there, Soundy. So, AN and nail patella syndrome. I've been hit by lightning and have hemifacial spasm. Wonder which is the less likely combination.


Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: suboo73 on August 31, 2010, 04:25:33 am

So sorry to hear Dave is not feeling well, with such symptoms.
I can't imagine how you feel...i just remember my sister saying 'oh, i hope and pray you don't have an AN.'

Well, i wanted to know the cause of my symptoms, so i was willing to continue my research.

I will say prayers for Dave.
Stay strong and please send an update.

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: NancyMc on September 01, 2010, 10:35:59 am
Big sigh of relief!  Dave's hearing is perfect!  Just like him!
Sorry I got everyone's worry level up.  One less thing around here . . .
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: iluuvpups on September 01, 2010, 10:39:01 am
That's awesome!  Congratulations!  Thanks for the update.
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: leapyrtwins on September 01, 2010, 11:02:17 am
Docs probably need a little excitement in their lives also  ;)

Yes, but most doctors can afford to go zip-lining in Costa Rica or parasailing in Venezuela for their excitement.

Just saw my doc yesterday.  He's still the same, pale blond guy I've known for a while now and although I don't see him regularly, I've never found him sporting a tan.  Don't think he spends too much time zip-lining or parasailing, but I could be wrong.  I have heard of one doctor who practices in the Chicago area who is perpetually tan - but I'll refrain from naming names on the open Forum  ;D

Nancy -

so thrilled to hear Dave's hearing is perfect.  Glad he doesn't have an AN - one in the family is more than enough!


Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Jim Scott on September 01, 2010, 02:04:44 pm
Nancy ~

Along with many others, I'm pleased to learn that Dave doesn't have an AN and that his hearing is 'perfect'.  Thanks for letting us know so quickly. 

As for 'worrying' anyone, please don't apologize.  This is a support site.  We're here to offer encouragement to all of our members.  You needed it and we gladly offered it.  I'm just pleased that this 'story' has a happy ending.  :)

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Rich56 on September 01, 2010, 03:15:23 pm
Excellent news!!  Congratulations to you both.

Rich & Scarlett
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: moe on September 01, 2010, 09:50:42 pm
Whewww! Now on with your life. What a relief ;D
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: saralynn143 on September 02, 2010, 05:41:27 am
I'm so happy for Dave! And you, of course, Nancy.

As for his doctor, too bad, so sad, no AN diagnosis, go to Costa Rica and do some zip-lining.

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: NancyMc on September 02, 2010, 08:17:22 am
Whewww! Now on with your life. What a relief ;D

Well, not exactly . . .
I'm nursing another patient, but this one is likely terminally ill.  Suddenly off his food on Monday, went to the doc, x-rays showed what seems to be massive hemorrhaging in lungs.  Anemia, possible tumors, struggling to breathe.  On five meds.  Tomorrow is ultrasound day.  You remember him.
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: NancyMc on September 02, 2010, 08:33:39 am
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Jim Scott on September 02, 2010, 12:46:54 pm
Nancy ~

I'm so sorry to learn about your dog, Kodi, and his possibly terminal medical problems.  Thanks for the photos.  Kodi is a fine looking dog and I hope he can be saved but if not, I'm sure you'll do whatever it takes to comfort him and spare him any needless suffering. You, Dave - and Kodi - will be in the thoughts and prayers of many in the coming days.   

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: iluuvpups on September 02, 2010, 12:56:19 pm
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog.  I do hope he gets well also.  It's so hard to have sick animals.
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: NancyMc on September 02, 2010, 04:06:47 pm
It's really hitting now.  The possibility of losing him, the mild suffering even now, the decision that may have to be made very soon . . .
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: iluuvpups on September 02, 2010, 04:11:40 pm
I'm so sorry, Nancy.  You must be very distraught.  It's a difficult thing to go through for sure.  I know you'll do what's best for your dog no matter how painful it is.  Just know that we're all here to support you.  Hang in there.  --Carol Ann
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: cindyj on September 05, 2010, 05:32:51 pm
Oh, Nancy...very glad to hear Dave is good, but hate to hear about Kodi.  Know it's tough on you guys.  Pain and sickness in children and pets always causes heart ache.

Hug to you,

Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Lizard on September 07, 2010, 08:51:40 pm
I'm sorry about Kodi, we lost our chocolate lab back in June, its so hard to know there is nothing you can do.  Give him lots of love and hugs and remember the good times.
Hang in there,
Title: Re: Well, this just takes the cake!
Post by: Soundy on September 07, 2010, 09:19:29 pm
have not kept up well here lately ...

glad Dave is OK and sad for your Kodi ... hugs to you all