ANA Discussion Forum
Archive => Archives => Topic started by: Karla83401 on May 17, 2006, 09:13:01 pm
Mom is in a normal hospital room and doing well! In a matter of a couple hours, her skin color has gone from a little pale to a healthy, beautiful glow. Her need for pain meds has been increasing in intervals. She's been more lucid, and doing so well. Not up to talking on the phone, but doing well. Jeanette has been with her constantly, and incredibly pleased with mom's progress. Doing well enough in fact, she's started ordering her around. Jeanette went back to the place she's staying to pick up a list of mom's wants, including a special pillow, slippers, a leopard print blanket (something to do with Capt. Deb!), her own pajamas, and who knows what else?? So all is well, and she's on a good road to recovery! HOORAY!
Thanks all, and I will let you know when more arises!
God Bless,
Yeah I can see the connection to Capt Deb and leopard print! LOL :-* It's standard wench hospital attire isn't it? ;D ;)
I am glad to hear that your mom is now a 6th floor veteran. I have fond memories of making laps around that floor. Your mom is on to the next phase....recovery. I am so happy to hear that she is doing well.
Best wishes to all,
Regards to ya mom Youngen Andrea,
I'm guessin some choccie might be in order!
Watch that Capt Deb, she might suggest the wet t shirt as well as the leopard 'kini oh, blanket thats right.
she's a wicked one that Capt Deb. Anyways say high ta ya Mom and wait for that dinghy
Great News Andrea.
Captn' Deb has been a great inspiration and source of enjoyment to us and now your Mom can take her place :o Wait I doubt anyone can take Deb's place......
I told Karla that if ya have sumpin' leopard with ya, ya gets special nursie attention--I had leopard PJ's, robe and slippers and got treated RIGHT!!! Sharin' yer choccie with the nurses helps, too! Those 6th floor nurses are the BEST!!!!
Capt Deb 8)
Male nurses no doubt ya wicked wench Capt Deb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!