ANA Discussion Forum

AN Community => AN Community => Topic started by: Brendalu on November 17, 2009, 09:39:03 am

Title: Prayers needed
Post by: Brendalu on November 17, 2009, 09:39:03 am
One of my "adopted" daughters (forever friend of my youngest daughter) husband has a slow leaking brain aneurysm and is in ICU at a hospital in Kansas City.  The doctors say that he has a 50/50 chance of survival and a 30% chance of having a stroke during surgery.  The surgery of course can't take place until the swelling is down in his brain.  This man is in his late thirties and really needs your prayers.  Since I know that you all are so good at sending positive energy, prayers and good thoughts, I thought y'all could send some to Chris Reynolds and his wife Sheryl.  They need them.
Thanks you,'
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: lawmama on November 17, 2009, 09:45:49 am
Oh, Brenda, so sorry to hear that!  I'm sending prayers right now.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Mickey on November 17, 2009, 10:05:21 am
Prayers are with you! Best wishes, ickeyM
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: ppearl214 on November 17, 2009, 10:17:42 am

I have every puggle-huggle, thoughts and prayers in overdrive.  I'm sorry to hear this news.... I'm thinking of Chris, Sheryl, you and all loved ones at this time of need.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Sobes on November 17, 2009, 10:19:25 am
Of course, prayers go out to them. Sorry to hear this news :(

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: mandy721 on November 17, 2009, 11:53:28 am
More prayers are on the way for Chris and family.
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: another NY postie on November 17, 2009, 12:38:31 pm
How scary and awful - I am adding my prayers to the others...
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: novagirl on November 17, 2009, 12:41:32 pm
Just letting you know that I am praying right now and won't stop
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: CHD63 on November 17, 2009, 02:41:42 pm
Brenda .....

Thoughts and many, many prayers for Chris, Sheryl, and you ..... this is a tough time for all who love this precious family.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: yardtick on November 17, 2009, 04:23:44 pm
I'm praying

Anne Marie
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Jim Scott on November 17, 2009, 04:35:32 pm
Since I know that you all are so good at sending positive energy, prayers and good thoughts, I thought y'all could send some to Chris Reynolds and his wife Sheryl.  They need them.

Brenda ~

They have mine. 

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: suboo73 on November 18, 2009, 04:47:20 am

Sending more prayers and healing thoughts for Chris, Sheryl and you.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Brendalu on November 18, 2009, 05:49:57 am
Thank you all for the many prayers.  This just hasn't been a good week for our family.  Last Wednesday a very dear friend of mine's nephew was killed in a car accident in Edinboro,PA.  The 21 year old was a Senior at the University and was hit head on by two other students.  Three were dead at the scene.  On Friday, my cousin, from Canisteo,NY,  passed away suddenly at the age of 57, from an apparent heart attack.  It has definitely been a rough week and your prayers are appreciated.  I will keep y'all updated on Chris.  Right now they are trying to keep the pain down and are not being very successful.  They are hoping they can get the swelling under control so that the surgery can come sooner.

God Bless you all,
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: wendysig on November 18, 2009, 07:09:29 am

Sorry to hear about your daughter's friend -- how truly terrible.   Prayers on the way for Chris and Cheryl. 

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: EJTampa on November 18, 2009, 08:13:13 am
Added my prayers as well.
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Kiwi Don on November 18, 2009, 05:15:07 pm

Added prayers from afar

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: faith42 on November 18, 2009, 06:41:43 pm



Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Keri on November 20, 2009, 02:35:42 pm
Hi Brenda,
I'm so sorry all that you and your family (including your close friend that's like family) is going through. I will pray too.
I hope you will have the Lord's strength and hope in this really difficult time.
Is there any new news on Chris?

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Rich56 on November 20, 2009, 04:36:35 pm
Brenda, what a hard week this has been for you and those close to you.

We will pray for Chris and Sheryl.  Hopefully the swelling will go down so that they can operate quickly.

Our thoughts and prayers will be for you, and your loved ones also.

Remember to take care of your self too on this rough road.

Rich & Scarlett
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Brendalu on November 20, 2009, 07:39:51 pm
Update on Chris.  He has been transferred to St Lukes Hospital, KC.  He will be having  as the doctors put it "very risky, but necessary surgery on Monday morning.   I believe in miracles (look at all of us!) and Chris and Sheryl really need one.
Today, my oldest daughter borrowed my car to go pick her 16 year old up from school.  On her way back to our office (hubby started his own a/c, insulation, radiant barrier business after being fired from his job because he was out with sky high glucose count).  The roads were slippery and a Ford350 hauling a sixteen ft trailer full of much tried to pass her on the passenger side (two lane road here) and totaled my car.  Fortunately both gals were checked out at the hospital because of hitting their heads on the windows and both are okay.  Can't say much for the car.  Was very glad they were in a Volkswagon, one tough car.  Waiting to see if the unlicensed driver had insurance on the truck he didn't own.  Who lets a kid drive a commercial vehicle??  I want this month to be over.  Actually the whole year, and I am not usually like that.
Brenda, a bit frazzled
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Kaybo on November 20, 2009, 07:55:04 pm
Here's hoping and praying that all are healed & that your days get MUCH better!!

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: CHD63 on November 20, 2009, 07:57:21 pm
Oh Brenda .....

Life can be so unfair sometimes ...... sure am glad your gals are both OK!  Cars can be replaced!

Prayers being said for you and your family, as well as for successful surgery for Chris on Monday.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Jim Scott on November 20, 2009, 08:03:11 pm
Brenda ~

Thanks for the update on Chris and my prayers are with him as he faces the surgery.  I was shocked to read about the accident caused by an unlicensed teen-aged operator but relieved to learn that your daughter and granddaughter were basically unharmed.  

Today's cars are so much safer than those of old.  A few months after my AN surgery (June, 2006) a young acquaintance of ours was driving our 2005 Honda Civic because he was a student at a trade school, learning to be an auto mechanic and was going to give the car a free oil change as part of his training.  Long story short: he was speeding and was hit by a Ford pickup.  The Honda (with 18,000 miles on the odometer) was totaled but our young friend was basically unharmed, as was the driver of the pickup.  Thank goodness, they don't make 'em like they used to!

Anyway, I hope the pickup truck's owner was insured and I can understand why you want the month to be over, and it will be, soon.  Here's to better days!  :)
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Brendalu on November 21, 2009, 07:11:53 am
Thank you all for the prayers.  I know Sheryl and Chris need them.
Jim, no they don't make cars the way they used to, but fortunately our 2007 VW Jetta, is an exception to that rule.  The Ford truck was driveable, but limping badly.  David drove the Jetta out of the ditch it was forced into and the passenger side is totally crush, but the seat wear Paxton was sitting is in perfect condition and it had side air bags.  Because it has a unibody construction it isn't repairable, but the only injury was because the truck hit the side of the car so hard it knocked my grand daughter against the window in a "bounce" and she hit her head.  It is very sore, but as she put it, "not as bad as yours was, Diya, after your AN, surgery."  She won't dance with the high school dance team at the playoff game today, but will wear her uniform proudly as she cheers the team on.
Hugs to all,
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: texsooner on November 21, 2009, 07:25:28 am
Brenda, prayers to you and your family....surely the coming days will be much better.  It's great that your grand daughter will be able to make the playoff game. I'm always a little nervous when my kids venture out on the freeways around here. I know they're good drivers, but many out there are not. Be careful out there as it's another rainy start to the day in the Houston area.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Captain Deb on November 21, 2009, 08:55:31 am
Sweet Brendalu,

You have certainly had enough drama this month.  I'm praying that things will settle for you and that all your loved ones will be alright.  Try not to stress yourself out too much, I know it brings on the brainwrecks.  Hot baths and relaxation and that's an order!  Take care of yourself.

Capt Deb
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: wendysig on November 21, 2009, 11:17:42 am

Sorry I somehow missed your other posts.  You and your family definitely are due for some better luck.  I'm glad your daughter and granddaughter are okay and continue to pray for Chris.  I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend's nephew, tha'st just to very sad and tragic -- he and his family are also in my prayers.  Stay strong,


Title: Re: Prayers needed---UPDATE
Post by: Brendalu on November 23, 2009, 04:51:02 pm
Update on Chris.  He has been in surgery for about 9 hours.  His vitals have stayed in check and they replaced a vein in his brain with one from his leg.  He is supposed to be in surgery for another hour.  We are praying and praying.
Thank you all for all of your prayers,
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: msmaggie on November 23, 2009, 06:51:25 pm

Add my prayers for you and your loved ones!  This has been a tough time for you, and I hope the coming days have a lot more good news in them!

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: leapyrtwins on November 23, 2009, 10:30:26 pm
Brenda -

just read this.  I'm so sorry for all the "things" in your life right now.

Prayers all around.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Brendalu on November 24, 2009, 03:03:31 pm
Update on Chris...he was in surgery about 11 hours.  His vitals stayed stable and he is in a medically induced coma to insure his vitals stay stable.  He has had movement on his right side and they will try to bring him around this evening.  So far, so good.  Your prayers are amazing!
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: CHD63 on November 25, 2009, 07:24:31 am
Brenda .....

That is indeed good news!  Prayers continue .....

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: pjb on November 25, 2009, 08:20:21 am
My prayers are with you and before you know it this year will be over and hope the next will be better...
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Brendalu on November 25, 2009, 12:09:54 pm
Update on far he is out of the coma, his right side is paralyzed and he cannot speak.  He is left handed so he is able to write a little of how he is feeling and what he needs.  Prayers have been answered and we all continue praying for a full or complete recovery.  Sheryl wanted me to thank all of you for all of your prayers, good wishes and good thoughts.  She said she has never felt so much love and prayer in her life and she so appreciates it as do all of us.  We hope y'all have the most Blessed Thanksgiving ever.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: saralynn143 on November 25, 2009, 01:28:03 pm
I wish the news had been a little better, but I'm glad there is hope for more recovery. I'm also glad he has use of his writing side.

Will keep them in my prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: wendysig on November 25, 2009, 01:51:49 pm

Thanks for the update on Chris.  I'm glad to see that he made it through the surgery okay.  I'll continue to pray for a full recovery with no complications.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: cin605 on November 25, 2009, 02:58:10 pm
Sending Prayers n thoghts your way from N.H.All the best to you n your family on Thanksgiving.
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Jim Scott on November 25, 2009, 03:05:32 pm
Brenda ~

Thanks for the update on Chris.  I'm sorry to learn of his partial paralysis.  I consider it a privilege to be able to offer my prayers for Chris' continued healing.  I hope you and your family also enjoy a good Thanksgiving as we all count our blessings on this most appropriate day for doing so.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: CHD63 on November 27, 2009, 04:27:16 pm
Brenda .....

Thanks for the update on Chris.  Just wanted to add so many advances are being made with aphasia these days.  I hope he is able to have good therapy and is one of the success stories on regained speech!  The brain is a marvelous organ to reassign functions to other parts so I hope and pray that is the case with Chris.

Thoughts and prayers continue ......

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Brendalu on November 27, 2009, 04:52:33 pm
Another update.  In a couple of words...the doctors lied.  Chris did have a stroke during surgery and the doctors decided not to reveal it until yesterday.  Good news is that Chris sat up for thirty minutes yesterday and was very responsive to the people around him, no movement on the right side and no speech...we continue to pray and thank all of you.
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Jim Scott on November 27, 2009, 05:04:46 pm
Brenda ~

Thanks for the update.  I'm dismayed to learn that Chris' doctors lied about his experiencing a stroke during the surgery but my prayers for his full recovery will continue.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Brendalu on November 27, 2009, 05:57:05 pm
Thanks, Jim, it makes me wonder how many doctors lie to their patients on a daily basis.  My doctors lied to me about my NF2.  I think sometimes doctors try to play God and it isn't fair to the patient or the family.  We all appreciate your prayers.
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: leapyrtwins on November 27, 2009, 06:54:03 pm
I think sometimes doctors try to play God and it isn't fair to the patient or the family.  

Think it depends on the doctor.  My neurotologist has always been very straight forward with me.  Initially it scared the sh*t out of me, but despite that, I appreciated his honesty; still do.

Brendalu -

thanks for the update on Chris.  I'm sorry to hear about the stroke, but glad he came through the surgery and is responding.  I'll continue to keep him, Sheryl, and the rest of his family in my prayers.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: saralynn143 on November 27, 2009, 07:07:51 pm
Well, I would hope that the doctors determined the stroke from tests done after surgery and told him as soon as they could, but given that Kaybo and Crookedsmile each suffered strokes that their surgeons never told them about, who knows what the truth may be.

Continued prayers for his recovery.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: anissa on December 02, 2009, 04:55:28 pm
I will be praying for them.  So young...
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Brendalu on December 08, 2009, 04:40:57 am
All of your wonderful prayers are working.  Chris was moved to a regular room at St Lukes in KC.  He is walking a little with the assistance of a cane.  Great news as far as I am concerned.  His right leg drags, but then so does mine....I told him I would show him how to not wear out shoes!!  His mind is still a little muddled, his words are few and far between, but he does understand what you are saying to him and he recognizes people and places.  He just thinks that his knee is his head, but that will turn around.  We are all very encouraged by the progress so far.  Thank you all for your many good thoughts and prayers....he is gonna be another success story!
Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: ppearl214 on December 08, 2009, 07:06:36 am
Prayers in numbers plus puggle hugglez... I am a firm believer Brenda!  Thank you for this update! Great news!  Pls hang in there!

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: pjb on December 08, 2009, 07:37:57 am
My prayers for a continuing recovery he is walking that is a miracle in itself, the words hopefully will come back soon..


Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: texsooner on December 08, 2009, 08:17:40 am
Great news Brenda...I'm sure he'll continue the improvement. Thanks for the update.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Kaybo on December 08, 2009, 09:24:20 am
Just catching up on this and even though his case is not the BEST news, I see lots of glimmers of hope.  The fact that he can write & express even tidbits of what he is thinking is the best thing I see.  Great that he is up & walking too.  It is a long, hard road, but he has lots of prayers and support.  Please give he & his wife extra wishes from me and if they would ever like to talk to someone who has gone thru that (to a certain degree), I'd be more than happy to talk to them.

Title: Re: Prayers needed
Post by: Jim Scott on December 08, 2009, 12:16:10 pm
Brenda ~

Thanks for the encouraging update on Chris.  He is in the prayers of many good people and I have faith that he'll steadily improve.
