ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Eye Issues => Topic started by: Nickittynic on October 22, 2009, 04:12:56 pm

Title: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: Nickittynic on October 22, 2009, 04:12:56 pm
I'm getting nervous! Especially after reading about doc's ordeal! And I looked up some procedure pictures, which I shouldn't have.
Remind me that it won't be that bad! All my docs (esp my corneal specialist) have been pushing for it for weeks, so I'm hoping it's really in my best interest.
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: saralynn143 on October 22, 2009, 04:34:14 pm
It's not that bad. I did not even get a black eye, and I usually bruise if you look at me too hard. Make sure you ice as much as you can stand. It helps a lot.

Best wishes!
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: nancyann on October 22, 2009, 05:06:40 pm
Nicki:  I LOVE my eye weight, without it my eye is wide open, skeleton-looking.     What happened to doc is very rare - it's the 1st time I'd heard about it.
I had an allergic reaction to the gold weight (which is also very rare), so now I have a platinum weight.   For me the surgery was a piece of cake,  the last one
I had I was awake for, just had local anesthesia.    There was bruising & swelling (remember the ice !),  but I was fine after about a week.  Only took a few days off from work.
Always good thoughts,  Nancy
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: Kaybo on October 22, 2009, 08:09:18 pm
frozen peas in a ziplock work great!

Good luck - it really will go well!

K   ;D
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: cyrmom2 on October 23, 2009, 11:06:38 am
I was supposed to have the gold weight surgery November 13 but was told by my surgeon yesterday that I do not need it anymore. My eye closed all of the way when he asked me to try and squeeze it shut.  I would have gone through with the surgery had I still needed it.  In retrospect, I should have had the surgery immediately after my translab as my doctors recommended. 

Last night I was not being careful and ended up with a small abrasion on my cornea which is very PAINFUL. I now have this lovely patch on my left eye until it heals.  Maybe things were getting a little too easy for me.  ???

Hope all goes well with your gold weight surgery and that your eye is happy once again!
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: saralynn143 on October 23, 2009, 11:08:30 am
Thinking good thoughts for you today. Hope all goes well. Let us know how you are doing.

Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: Doc on October 24, 2009, 07:38:56 am

Gosh, I hope that went well for you and please do what the veterans around here have already recommended many times / frozen peas, whatever you've really helps!  Hope all goes well for you, like Nancy said, what happen to me is rare.

Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: Nickittynic on October 24, 2009, 08:30:24 am
Well I'm slightly heavier now!  :D
It was only mostly creepy to have surgery while awake (local only). The worst was, being a nurse, I knew what all the sounds and smells were. Yuck.
I'm hoping this does the trick and I don't need to have the lower lid lifted because I'm not in the mood for anymore surgeries right now! But the good news is no more plastic wrap on my eye 24/7!! Yey! Maybe I can start working towards looking semi-normal.
Thanks for all the good thoughts and comments!! ;D
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: Doc on October 24, 2009, 10:03:15 am
 :D're in high spirits.  They knocked me out for about the first ten minutes when they put mine in.  I was awake for the entire removal procedure the other day.  I know what you're saying about the smells...yuck is right, especially when its your own flesh burning.  I'm still able to close my eye without the weight since it was removed on Wednesday!

My fingers crossed that the procedure produces the desired results for you..!

Take care and be well!
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 25, 2009, 07:13:53 pm
Nic -

glad things went well with the gold weight - those who've had one seem to really like them.

I had my BAHA surgery with local - as opposed to general - and I didn't find it creepy at all.  Very surreal, but actually kind of cool.

Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: moe on October 25, 2009, 08:05:43 pm
Good news on your weight placement!
Ice, you know the routine.
Enjoy the recuperation.
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: Cheryl C on November 04, 2009, 02:52:24 pm
Nickittynic ~

I was just wondering how you are doing now that you're a little over a week of having the implant?  I'm scheduled to have one implanted on Monday - like you, because of the cornea - along with a couple of stitches on the corner.  Did you have the stitches, too?  Hope it's gone well for you.

Cheryl C
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: Nickittynic on November 04, 2009, 08:24:25 pm
Thanks for checking in!
All is fine with the weight. I had my stitches out monday and it looks great. It really didn't even swell that bad and other than the first night there wasn't really pain. I didn't get the stitches, but I go back in a month to evaluate for further surgical interventions like a lower lid tightening or stitches. My doc likes to do one piece at a time and see if it'll work so it'll look the most normal. So far my eye closes most of the way with the weight so it's looking like that'll be it for me.
The only problem is the dry eye is really driving me crazy so today my corneal specialist (if anyone is in the Baltimore area, go to Dr Levinson, he's the best!) put in a punctal plug. Fingers crossed that's the last thing!
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: Cheryl C on November 05, 2009, 09:31:18 am
I'm glad it's all gone so well for you.  I'm in Texas, so a little far from Baltimore ;), but good to know about good doctors, anywhere!  Thanks for sharing your experience.
Cheryl C
Title: Re: gold weight tomorrow
Post by: Kaybo on November 05, 2009, 09:43:51 am
I am in Texas too - but the TOP!  I have a great Dr. here and we have recently gotten an occuloplastic surgeon too!

K  ;D