ANA Discussion Forum

Archive => Archives => Topic started by: Captain Deb on August 15, 2006, 04:29:52 pm

Title: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Captain Deb on August 15, 2006, 04:29:52 pm
Wow, we all thought Crazycat had the world's largest AN--or at least the largest on the forum! Congratulations on still being alive, dude! Since you are a techhie, could you post a pic of your MRI? We'll get Crazycat to re-post his and compare and the winner will get a prize! This forum is a great place for information, support, to vent, and generally horse around sometimes.  The good morning thread is hilarious if you have time to read all 65 pages of it from the beginning! Welcome!
Capt Deb
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Obita on August 15, 2006, 05:13:52 pm
I would like to see that MRI also.  Can't even imagine what an AN twice the size of mine would look like.  I felt like my head was going to explode with a 2.5er in there!!  Kathy
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Crazycat on August 15, 2006, 09:51:17 pm asked for it.......Let's see if it works.......


Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Crazycat on August 15, 2006, 09:52:32 pm
Yup, it works........

Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Windsong on August 15, 2006, 11:04:58 pm
Hi ,  geeeee,  didn't have an An looking like that on my mri .... knocked me right over seeing that. What a shocker. And now you are pretty much ok, thank God for that!!!

this is great we have this site.... it's the best to have all this.
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Survival Nate on August 15, 2006, 11:51:13 pm
Crazycat yours looks as if it has more overall mass than mine did or you got a realy small head lol
all that count is where still kickin and screamin........ ;D
Heres my BRAIN not much to look at lol......... :o

This one is not the best for size but its the coolest one  ;D......

The Docs papers at the hospitle said 5.05cm
Doc said I was 3 weeks from being dead or in a wheel chair FUN........... :o
If you want to see it I got it in a pickle jar somewhere around here lol JK

and there is my baby girl...... just had to show her off lol ;D :P

Thats all

AHH a post about ME lol

Nate ;D ;)

Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: cookiesecond on August 16, 2006, 01:47:46 am
WOW Nate, She is beautiful. I know you are proud!!! Treasure the moments while they are young.... they grow up too fast!!!!!!
Take care and thanks for posting,
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Crazycat on August 16, 2006, 01:58:13 am

Looks like we were both lucky to have survived! That's one helluva growth you had there!
 Ã‚  I know I was getting close to being totally disabled. I was begininng to think that I had either M.S. or Lou Gehrig's Disease. What a horrible thing to have to go through! That is, the period of getting sick and not really knowing what was happening, the diagnosis, the two surgeries I had and then the recovery.
Did you have any problems with hydrocephalus? I had a shunt put in before they took the tumor out. The fluid build-up worsened my equilibrium problems. Now my deaf ear rings and hisses like mad. At least that pulsating tinnitus has faded like Captn' Deb said it would.
My next MRI is scheduled for Nov. 9th. I've had four MRIs' in little over a year! Good grief!

 Ã‚ Congratulations Nate......You made it through!!!

Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Crazycat on August 16, 2006, 02:08:33 am
We've been nominated for the coveted PBW award!! Instead of the standard gold, silver and bronze maybe it should be black, blue and purple or even yellow for jaundice!

And the nominees are................
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: ppearl214 on August 16, 2006, 05:16:17 am
Hello Nate the PC Geek! this is your cruise Director of the PBW!  I welcome you aboard the PBW (as it's my job to welcome those that dare to join us).  One heck of a mass you had there!  Someone was watching over you during your treatment and we are thrilled to have you here.  Between you and CrazyKat (who I've met numerous times and we are still OVERDUE for coffee... hint-hint Paul!), I think I'll have to come up with a new award for you both:


So, the awards ceremony will be held in the Atrium, mid ship, next to the Pursar's office, for all to see. Then drinks in the Piano Bar for all....

BTW, I own 3 laptops, 1 being a Dell and guess I need a new battery, and 2 Compaq's that are dying on me... and I sell custom ASIC's/microprocessors for a lviing... go figure, eh?

Welcome aboard the PBW! Keep your lifejacket on.... around here, we never sink, but we do swim on occassion!

Cruise Director of the Fun Ship

P.S.  OMG! your daughter is sooooooooo precious! Thanks for sharing her with us.
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Sefra22 on August 16, 2006, 05:40:25 am
Hi Nate,
Your baby girl is gorgeous! Your tumor was pretty scary looking. I am amazed how big it was. I am 40 and was told I probably have had my AN for many years.  Did your doctors say yours was a fast growing tumor, considering how young you are?
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Obita on August 16, 2006, 07:42:37 am
Paul and Nate:

You guys must have freaked out when you saw the size of your ANs  :o .  You both get my vote for the luckiest guys on earth!!

Your little one Nate is a gorgeous little girl.  What is her name? 

Thanks for the MRI's and baby pic,  Kathy
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Captain Deb on August 16, 2006, 08:23:11 am
Wow it's hard ta tell who gets the prize, so Captain Deb will have ta send the both o' ya scallywags a prize! Now I already has Crazycats home addy, but now I needs Nates!  By the way Nate, we has an ongoing cruise happenin' and you sound like just the scallywag we needs ta keep the ship's 'puter a' runnin' smooth. So welcome aboard The Goode Ship Princess Batty Wench.  You will recieve you official PBW Uniform in the mail (Remember that addy--send it in a personal message by clickin' on my name) Great to  have you here!
Your baby is an adorable lil wenchlet! Congratulations to you and Missus Nate. Bet she LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURVEs her daddy! She is a very lucky lil girl to still have you around!

Capt Deb 8)
feelin' good to be alive in spite of morning Imitrex jab!
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Survival Nate on August 16, 2006, 08:37:04 am
It was a fast grower I was have syptomes for three years as they got worse, the (Military) doctors kept giving me motron like it was candy. When I started going bling they actually gave me a MRI, well my doctor felt like a A**. When they looked at the MRI I was in the hospitle whithin 12 hour, gave me 5 days of steroides and cut me open, no problems afterwords besides my legs every morning after I left the hospitle my knees would burn and I would break out in tears, becouse it was like a nerve burning. Before the day I went to the hospitle I have NEVER been to the hopitle for anything, (only to visit) I thought I was in perfect health then god looked at me and said

Oh and when I herd about it my doc called me (I was home alone no way to contact my wife) he tells me I have a large tumor that has to get out of it could kill, and I need to go straight to the Nerusugen. Well I hung up the phone and was like IM DEAD
My wife had went shopping for clothes, I was a little stesses. My wife had only been home for about 3 weeks from the Middle East (Air Force)

Her name is Caroline

And there is my lovely wife Kate

Well im out for now if I forgot something just post me


Life Quote before OP "Im immortal till proven wrong"
Lifee Quote After OP "I was proven wrong"
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: matti on August 16, 2006, 09:22:24 am
You have a beautiful and precious family ;D    Now that you have signed on to the forum, you are a part of our family as well...Welcome to the goode ship Princess Batty Wench!

Yikes! scary MRI.  What post op issues do you have? 

 Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Survival Nate on August 16, 2006, 09:25:34 am
nothing major SSD and balance, headaches every once in awhile. but other that that 110% what I was before syptomes
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: britbert on August 16, 2006, 09:35:05 am
Paul & Nate,

I'm lovin the MRIs.  So fascinating. But Caroline is definately cuter...

Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: tatianne on August 16, 2006, 10:03:57 am
Hi nate, welcome.
You have dealt with a lot and have a great spirit and attitude.
Amazing, Im glad you have healed so well, an inspiration to me thats forsure.
Im newly diagnosed, so new here on this board.
You will find a lot of support and encouragement, although it seems you will also
be a great example for all of us.
You daughter is gorgeous by the way, congratulations !!!
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Sue on August 16, 2006, 02:09:17 pm
Hi Nate:

I too am astonished that you had that monster in your head! Wow.  And lived to tell the tale.  And will live to see your beautiful girl grow up and to keep on loving your beautiful wife!  Life is good.  Champagne on the Lido Deck!!

vANcouver Sue
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Obita on August 16, 2006, 05:01:12 pm
What beautiful eyes you have Caroline!!  Are your eyes always that big or did Daddy show you his MRI film? :o

Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Survival Nate on August 28, 2006, 02:37:04 pm
thought you guys might like this I just made the video last night
( (
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Jim Scott on August 28, 2006, 04:26:59 pm

Well, I'm certainly 'impressed' by the size of your AN.  That was a biggie!  Glad you survived it and are now 'AN free'.

I had a dinky 4.5cm AN tumor and now I know why my neurosurgeon was so anxious to get it out!  He did tell me that it could kill me-  but not how soon!  Apparently within weeks, had I not had it removed.  He didn't put in a shunt pre-op but told my wife that when they opened my skull, the cerebral fluid literally 'poured' out as my brain had been so severely pushed to one side.   I had the 'usual' symptoms (loss of hearing, equilibrium, appetite and some unexplained listlessness) but no idea of what was wrong until my Primary Care Physician ordered an MRI for me.  That showed the AN, plain as day.  He called me immediately to inform me and very strongly suggested I see a neurosurgeon as soon as possible.  I saw the one he recommended and, thanks to the information I gained on this site, I realized the man didn't know much about Acoustic Neuromas, much less, removing them.  I got a referral to another neurosurgeon in New Haven (30 miles away from my home) and he was my choice, as he is a mature surgeon and probably the best one for removing AN tumors in my entire state, according to the hospital nurses.  They respected him, deeply and sincerely.  After the great job he did on removing my tumor, I do too, more than ever.

Thanks for keeping us all in some sort of perspective, Nate.  By the way: your wife and daughter are lovely.  You are blessed.  :)

Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Survival Nate on August 28, 2006, 05:42:38 pm
I can relate alot to your story the doc said I was about 3 weeks away from being dead or in a chair
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: msuscottie on August 29, 2006, 08:13:12 am
Wow, beautiful baby girl Nate, congrats on still being here! You make my 3.5cm AN look like a skittle.
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: HeadCase2 on August 29, 2006, 08:58:53 am
 Congratulations on the great recovery from such a scary looking tumor.  You've got some powerful recuperative abilities dude.  I love hearing about good outcomes.
Title: Re: Welcome, Nate the PC Tech!
Post by: Captain Deb on August 30, 2006, 07:29:09 am
Skittle! Ha Ha Ha then mine must be a tictac!!
Capt Deb