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Parking between the lines

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Now that I'm back to driving again, I've noticed that I'm having a problem parking between the yellow lines in parking lots.  When I'm parking my car, I always have the perception that I'm right in the middle of my space.   But when I exit the car, I'm never dead center between the lines like I used to be prior to surgery; I'm always off to one side of my space.  Anyone experience similar problems?  Will my parking improve with time?

I've noticed the same problem with parking.  I think I'm perfectly parallel to the car next to me, but when I get out I see that I'm a bit crooked.  I have been learning to compensate and it is getting better.  It must have something to do with my lost depth perception. 


I had that after my first surgery; my depth perception was seriously impaired. It will get better over time just like anything else. What helped me at the beginning is parking away from the crowd at the supermarket and mall lots. Another exercise that helps is to take a car I am about to drive to the school parking lot and try to judge how it is parked; your depth perception adjusts this way. The only way you won't get better is to give up driving and parking alltogether.

If it helps any, while my second tumor was growing, I was called a good driver! I don't know yet if the second surgery added to the load as I don't drive (still!!!).


After reading your posts I am reminded of my driving inabilities while turning the corner.  I would "climb" the curb every time!  I learned to wait a few nanoseconds then turn.  Boy after a sharp bump up and then down the curb sure had my eyes and head swimming (not to mention if there were a person on the sidewalk they were running).  I learned real fast how best to compensate. 

Darn, I'm sure glad I'm not the only one with this problem!  Just think, I'm teaching my granddaughter to drive!  Scary, isn't it?


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