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chicagorose---I have a question for you. If you feel uncomfortable answering it, no problem, but you arethe only person I have croassed paths who has both ot these conditions. I live in Brasil, notorious for poor medical care. Nine yearss ago, I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, caused by a Vitamin B-!2 deficiency. My AN surgery was 5 years ago. Two years ago MGUS. I am having trouble with the posible connection of all 3. My neuropathy is consant. I was wondering if you also suffer from PN. Thank you. Paul

Hi Paulinrio,

I have nothing scientific to add. I am Mexican, live in Mexico City and the health system is rubbish. In the public system they do not like to operate for ANA as their outcomes are poor (lots of severe facial paralysis). The private system is very expensive and cost as in the USA but with our salaries is impossible to afford. The doctors think that they deserve being millionaires, regardless of the outcomes.

I recently had a cerebral angiogram for another reason and developed a rare toxic response to the contrast that is sometimes called 'transient blindness'. The main doctor has left when I realised I could not see properly (I was sleepy for an hour). I called him and he sent his medical assistant to see me. The main doctor arrived to the hospital until 10:30pm (12 hours after I called him and I was in total panic with no explanations) and saw me no more than 10 minutes. In addition, I paid a higher bill than expected due to the complication). After this experience and others, I am seriously thinking of selling my house to have my ANA surgery in the States instead of risking in Mexico.

Maybe our ANA peers consider themselves a little bit more luckier that us, at least they have a medical system that somehow works.



Hi Lilith, so sad to hear about the dismal medical system in Mexico (unless you're a millionaire). I hope you find a good answer to your concerns.


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