General Category > AN Issues

AN cause............

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Greetings to all
I seem to be very tired, worn out.........physically, mentally.........
Very sleepy...........
AN causing this or just old age?
thanks Pat

Captain Deb:
Pat--are you pre-treat? You can post you specifics by going to "profile" and find signature under modify profile information.
The stress of know I had my AN and having to sort out my treatment options really tired me out.

Capt Deb 8)

     I thought it was old age also.  I feel the same way.  Everything is a chore.  I've had a knee replacement but it's been a year this month, I should not feel like this.  I think the stress of everything is doint it.  Anyone else!!


This week and  weekend has been the worst for fatigue.  I'm 10 months post-op.  I had a translab.  The ENT went in blindly thinking he was going to deflate my ear drum.  SURPRISE, he found out I had facial neuroma,that wipped out the 3 bones in my middle ear and destroyed my ear drum.  He debulked my facial nerve.  Recovery was brutal, but I went back to work after 2 weeks.  I just transfered from one credit union to another and like a dummy I used my 2 weeks of my holidays.  I think my body is still trying to get back at me for not fully recovering before I went back to work.
At my last MRI back on Jan 8 the neuroma measured 1cm x 5mm.  So many other symptoms that my Drs couldn't answer.  Joining this forum has answered a lot and because of encouragement I am patiently awaiting a second opinion. I think fatigue is the biggest complaint, along with headaches, earaches and dizziness. 
All I can say is I relate to your question and I'm sure there are many more out there who can also.  Take it easy Pat.  Rest as much as you can, when you can.  When you feel good and have a good drink toast all of here because that's what I did last night at my cousin's house.  She makes the best stawberry dacquri's.  As I was drinking my first one (I only had two)  I thought of all of my new friends on this forum and wished for the best.  ;)
Anne Marie   

Bruce and everyone,

This should probably go under the "fatique" section but, what makes us so tired with the AN?  I remember before CK I got more and more tired by the year.  I got to the point of dragging through the day.  I went to have my blood checked for anemia, etc.  I would like a doctor or someone explain the reason for the fatique.  I read once that it is that the one side has to do all the work for balance.  Maybe I need a refresher course.  I did my "crash course" on AN people, a year ago when I was getting properly diagnosed.  I still get very tired but, it is better now. (7 mo. after CK)  I've read lots on fatigue but, I'd like a more detailed answer.  I will go look for the fatigue subject which was discussed in the past.

Good luck to all of you,




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