Post-Treatment > Post-Treatment

Appointment with Dr Hadlock at Facial Nerve Center!


I posted on the general board but thought I would see if anyone had info hear, too.

I made an appointment with Dr. Hadlock at the Mass. Ear Infirmary for next month to address my facial paralysis. I have heard really good things about the center and they were very helpful and nice on the phone!  I am so excited!

Anyone else gone there?


I haven't been to him, but I also have trigeminal numbness with my facial paralysis.  Mine has been for almost three years now.  The docs thought it would come back(the feeling) but it hasn't.  Is you whole side of the face numb?  That's the part I hate the most.  Karen

Right after surgery I had total right sided numbness.  The forehead and jaw aren't numb but my chin and cheek are still pretty bad.  It is very annoying.  I am just now getting some upper lip sensation (6 mos post op).  But the paralysis is worse because it makes me look odd and its hard to move my mouth and talk.


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