Post-Treatment > Eye Issues

Lost vision?

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Has anyone lost their vision on the AN side??  I was back to see my eye doctor today.  I have two small white patches on my eye.  He thinks they may be caused by the nerve not working.  He mentioned the word neuropathy.  He's sending me to yet another eye doctor.  This one is part of a medical college and is a cornea specialist.  The last doctor recommended that I get more of my eye sewn shut.  I really don't care for that option.  I don't even think that would solve the problem.


Hi Jeanlea:

Write to Denise if you want.  She had a white patch on her cornea last year and ended up going to a specialist.  I can't remember what it was, but it did go away.  I do remember she had to lube up more often.

Good luck, Kathy


Thanks for the info. Can you sent me a message with Denise's email?



It is in your inbox - good luck.


Just saw your post.  I had a white patch on my eye, last fall.  I thought it was on the iris, but turns out it was on my cornea.  I went to a cornea specialist, at the Univ of MN.  Mine was a dry patch and if it is allowed to continue you could loose your sight in that eye. That's what I was told. 

The dr. told me to put lubricant in my eye no less than four times a day.  I panicked and put lubricant in eight times a day for about four weeks and it went away. Drops do not work, you need to lube it up.  I went back to the cornea specialist at least three times from October to December, to get it under control.  I have a check up with the specialist next month.  Since December, I have not had any white patches on my eye.  I now use the lube four times a day.  I only use the drops to "rinse" out my eye in the a.m. each day.   I hate it, but don't want to loose my sight, its bad enough, and a pain in the butt enough as it is.



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