ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: MAlegant on August 07, 2008, 05:15:21 pm

Title: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 07, 2008, 05:15:21 pm
So, here's a new (but probably not so new) thread:

Am I depressed?  What IS my problem?  Did any of you experience this?  The time between diagnosis and surgery was relatively short.  I just kept my eye on the goal made decisions and plans and worried about my son and husband, not to mention my mother and few others.  I don't think I took the time to actually think about this and the gravity of the situation.  Because I have a few lingering problems, it's been even harder to get back to myself and I find myself thinking about this a little too much.  It's like just now I realized that I had brain surgery and am really scared.  Anyone else or should I get into therapy as quickly as possible?
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Syl on August 07, 2008, 05:57:10 pm

Your surgery was 2 1/2 wks ago. You are still healing and will be healing for a while. This is where I bring up that thing about patience. 

I, unlike you, had the advantage of time pre-surgery to think about the risks and possibilities and prepared myself mentally for any possible outcome. Your situation offered you much less time to prepare yourself mentally. It's ok to feel scared because you did have brain surgery.

I myself think about what I just went through. It was major surgery, and I remind myself that I made out really well, esp. since it wasn't a malignant tumor. I also try to focus on the day to day improvements and milestones, such as when I was able to whistle again or when I hung up my cane. Try to focus on the good and rehabilitate the lingering issues. Don't forget to think about your needs and ask for hellp.

I hope it isn't depression, but if you feel these negative thoughts lingering, there is nothing wrong with seeking help for depression. Remember that in order to heal, you need to keep a positive outlook and I would hate to have your healing process disrupted.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 07, 2008, 06:49:25 pm
Hi Syl and thanks,
If it's possible than I'm both keeping a positive attitude and just trying to process what's happened.  Hopefully they are not mutually exclusive! And I do have a great former therapist that I can go to, but first I have to try to get through it. If not, I'll call her without a second thought.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: LADavid on August 07, 2008, 07:32:23 pm

Yes I did go into a period of depression -- of course a lot of that could have been due to the fact that it was raining for two months and I was trapped inside my apartment.

Actually, there is a clinical reason for post-surgery depression.  I am sure there is someone better versed with it than I am but I do remember reading about it.  I believe it has something to do with the build-up to the actual surgery and the axiety and adreniline and preparation -- then suddenly it's gone -- you survived and now you see it's time to move on with your life.  As a friend of my cynically put it, you become old news.  A pre-op high and a post-op survior blah.  Sort of like taking a vacation with the planning and packing and preparation and finally you're there but just as fast, you're back home to normal life.

But let me say this -- I don't know you.  That is a pretty general clinical reason.  If you think that could be it, fine.  But if it's worse than that you may first want to check with your PCP.  As I have found out, my brain didn't like being disturbed and is still throwing a tantrum.  Maybe the same thing happened to you to throw your chemicals out of whack.  Just some thought.

Hope you're feeling better.  By the way, I'm running 8 miles with my daughter on Saturday for our Half training.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 07, 2008, 09:41:24 pm
Hi David,
Thanks, I really don't know what's going on but it could be the let-down thing.  Also, I'm beginning to see friends and colleagues and it's a little overwhelming.  Some of my dear friends I'm totally ok with but others seem to be watching to see if I'm really me after brain surgery. You know, like in "Regarding Henry"?  I figure since you're an actor you'll have seen the movie, maybe.... And I can't blame the weather, it's been beautiful.  Maybe I'm just a little afraid that I'm not quite me either.   Sorry, I'm really not as gloomy as I seem, just a high-strung musician. Oh wait, isn't that similar to actors??? :D
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 07, 2008, 09:46:35 pm
I'll bet that not running for over 3 weeks after running regularly for over 20 years has something to do with my fine state of mind as well.
And good luck in that half.
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: sgerrard on August 07, 2008, 11:02:29 pm
I think the answer is more like "you are depressed, and that is normal." Not that I'm calling you names or anything. ;)

If you have clinical depression, you should certainly seek help, but that seems unlikely given your participation in this forum over the last month. I think David's point about the let-down is very relevant - adrenaline building up and then plummeting down can take you for a ride. You have also had a little brush with mortality, something that no one really likes to have thrust in their face, so to speak. And you are having some significant lingering symptoms to boot. You are entitled to be a little depressed.

I have found that returning to normal life is strange, because it seems like I am going about things as if nothing happened, and everything is like it was before, when in fact something rather significant happened, and everything is not quite the same. Realizing that your life has been changed for you, and that you will just have to get used to it, can certainly bring on some down time.

It is one of the reasons we have this forum.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Jim Scott on August 07, 2008, 11:39:43 pm

Brain surgery is a decidedly major event in our lives and we all handle the experience a bit differently.  Some agonize and fret for months beforehand, others just go emotionally numb and others smile through the whole thing.  Many do a bit of each. I did.

I doubt you're clinically depressed but I have no way of knowing that, it's simply an uneducated guess.  As Steve mentioned, your activity on the AN forums would belie any real depression and besides, venting here and trying to help others is great therapy.  I do it all the time and I'm not depressed at all.  :)  You'll likely be fine, Marci.  However, if necessary, your doctor can probably prescribe medication to alliviate any post-operative depression you may encounter.  I trust that this won't become necessary but remember that you're only human and everyone needs some help, sometime.  Don't be afraid to ask.  I would.  :)

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: JulieW4 on August 08, 2008, 12:27:12 am

I think what you are feeling is very normal.  I am 5 1/2 weeks post-op and I felt the most depressed during 2-4 weeks post op.  I think it's because I was ready to get on with my life but my body still isn't ready completely.  Each day for me is getting better.
 I have a feeling that you not being able to run has a lot to do with it.  Not being able to do something that is such a part of your life can be depressing.  Hang in there.  I really believe it will get better.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: ppearl214 on August 08, 2008, 06:22:29 am

I think what you are feeling is very normal.  I am 5 1/2 weeks post-op and I felt the most depressed during 2-4 weeks post op.  I think it's because I was ready to get on with my life but my body still isn't ready completely.  Each day for me is getting better.
 I have a feeling that you not being able to run has a lot to do with it.  Not being able to do something that is such a part of your life can be depressing.  Hang in there.  I really believe it will get better.


Julie, plane tix are booked for the UK... last week of December. Can't wait to FINALLY meet you!!!!!! Please feel better and hang in there! xo

Hi Marci,
So many of us go through the emotional roller-coaster of all aspects of the journey.  I have felt down in the past couple of years. For me, I attribute it to the multitude of physical issues that I endure and that I am no longer able to certain things in my life that I could do when I was "healthy" (ie: I was a powerwalker daily, worked out at the gym 6 days a week, was 40 lbs lighter, etc).  I've tried desperately to "mourn" my previous life... and have questioned myself about seeking out help to help me with "coping mechinsms" to help me move forward then dwelling on my "past" life..... There are many trained professionals that focus on patients that have physical issues where emotional issues can arise and teach us to "cope" with certain situations. I, for one, am all for the help if it's going to help.

Please hang in there. You are doing fab as a "postie" and truly to be commended. If you feel in your gut that possibly professional help could help guide you... then by all means, it may be worth researching.... you know your situation better and you will know....

Hang tough...
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: wendysig on August 08, 2008, 06:37:43 am
I thought I'd add my two cents worth even though everyone else has given you excellent advice.  I mrrveled at how quickly you'd thought your situation through, made peace with it  and came to a decision so quickly before your surgery while I researched and struggled withr my decision to have surgery or stereotattic radiosurgery for two months.  I realize you didn't have the time to waste that I had, but even still it was a quick decision and you have been very upbeat.  I think now that the enormity of what you've gone through has finally hit you, what you are going through is completely normal.  As the others have said, if you feel you need to see your therapist, then you should, but I really think you're going through what most of us went through before our surgery -- you just didn't have time before.


Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: leapyrtwins on August 08, 2008, 07:07:07 am
Marci -

I'm weighing in late here, but I concur with everyone else.  I believe you are depressed and it IS normal.  There are lots of posts on this forum that support this normalcy - it's happened to a lot of us.

I didn't realize it at the time, but I was actually depressed during the period between my AN surgery and my BAHA surgery.  In my case, I think my depression was brought on by my SSD and my frustration with it.  I know lots of people adapt to the situation very well, but I didn't and it definitely "took a toll" on me.

Hang in there,

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Kaybo on August 08, 2008, 07:27:13 am
Obviously, I am late (as usual) and you have already received lots of really good support here.  I can honestly say that all my stuff was so long ago, I don't really remember, but here are my obsevations:

1) Any time we are tired (exhausted), things seem to be magnified - this was/is a BIG deal and whether you like it or not, you are and are going to continue to be extra tired!  Cut yourself some extra slack - it WILL get better!   ;D

2) The fact that you are even asking this is probably a good indicator that you are pretty in touch with yourself - just as everyone has said, therapists and medicine can be a wonderful aid in your recovery...but you may be OK on your own.  Sounds like your hubby is wonderful help to you.

3) Exercise is a wonderful relief!  Didn't your Dr. say you could start running next week?  Just remember that it may be a little different - don't expect too much too soon.  I would psych myself up that it would not go too well and then you might be surprised at how well you do!!  I think once you can get out & running again, you will feel better!

Good luck!
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Pembo on August 08, 2008, 07:46:00 am
Marci, I had 3 weeks from dx to surgery and it wasn't until later the enormity of the whole surgery hit me. Do some reading on the stages of the Grief Cycle. That helped me alot.
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: mimoore on August 08, 2008, 08:21:58 am
Hi Marci,
I have not problem in saying that 2 weeks post op I felt myself slipping into depression. I asked my doctor for a mild anti-depressant to help me over this hump - thank god I could recognize it and get help. I am a very positive person and feel it is a better place to be to heal properly. If you were sick in any other way most would not hesitate to take medicine to get better. Many believe that depression can just be shaken off - it just can't. Do what is right for you. I know for me it helped me see things in a clearer perspective and not be be so negative. Remember the law of attraction - think and speak good things and they will come.
Take care - I understand.
Michelle  :-*
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: 4cm in Pacific Northwest on August 08, 2008, 09:23:36 am

It has not even been a full month since surgery. ???

Remember that you were pumped up with pain killers and steroids during surgery. Surgery in itself is a trauma to the body being that they cut our heads open. :-\

I would think that the brain chemistry would be altered by this and I would expect some depressive emotions- to be normal.  8) The steroids have us on a high. As we are off these there is going to be some sort of a crash as our body (and brain chemistry) come down off of these…. Simply being inactive, as part of the rest and recovery, will cause depressed emotions - too.

Try to stay positive.  :) Get out and walk as much as you can without extreme exhaustion. Physical activity will get the adrenaline going and can help combat these feelings. Also be sure to eat, on schedule, healthy foods to keep blood sugar levels at a stable rate (as appetite loss and or carvings can alter mood too)

Remember that up to and during treatment there was much adrenaline flowing in anticipation of the surgery outcome… now you body (and mind) is coming down off of that.

If you feel tears coming on – be sure to let these out and not bottle up emotions…A good cry  :'( can be healthy.  :)

Give it some time- I think many of us felt depressed, for a stint, post surgery.

If after a month you still feel it is out of control then you should mention it to your doctor.

I would recommend exercise; healthy diet, quality sleep and plenty of fresh air time (i.e. get out of the house as to not feel shut in).


DHM :)

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: lori67 on August 08, 2008, 09:56:44 am
Marci -

I'll pass along two things I was told - one by my surgeon - and that was that most patients feel like they've hit a wall after the 2 week post-op point.  He said he thinks it's because the improvements seem to happen so quickly in those first two week that we expect the rest of our recovery to be that fast.  I guess we expect (myself included) that since one day we were having out head opened up, the next day we were sitting in a chair and the next we were walking around the halls, that things are going to continue to improve at that lightning fast pace.  I definitely was one of those patients and hit a great big, brick wall after the two week point.

The other thing I was told by my primary care doc when I told him I was feeling depressed was that "this is a totally normal reaction to a totally abnormal situation".  I was actually embarrassed to admit to anyone that I was depressed over everything that had just happened.  I had my surgery about a month after my diagnosis, so I didn't have a lot of time to process the whole thing either.  After all was said and done, the staples were out and I was declared healthy, I was still left to deal with the collateral damage - the SSD, the facial nerve issues.  He started me on a mild antidepressant and it helped more than I ever could have imagined.  I have to say, at first I felt weak or like something was wrong with me that I needed medication to get through this, but after I thought about it, I realized I probably had more reason than most people to need it!

It does get better.

So, in answer to your question - yes, this is normal.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Debbi on August 08, 2008, 11:23:02 am
Hey Marci-

I'm late weighing in (actually, I'm haivng a bit of a down day myself!) but for what it is worth, I agree with everyone here --

1) what you are feeling is probalby normal, and partly physical and partly emotional.

2)  If you don't feel better in a reasonable amount of time, talk to a professional and/or look into a pharmaceutical "fix"

In looking at my own recovery, I can say that there are just days where I feel "down" and sometimes for no particular reason.  I do believe it is part of the process. 

You have an enviable ability to find humor in your situation, which is a sure sign of a healthy psyche - give yourself a little time, Marci.

Sending you hugs,
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 08, 2008, 11:32:06 am
Wow.  Thank you. I am floored by your responses (in a good way) as usual.  I did call my therapist and talked to her for a bit.  Will see her on Tuesday.  Between all of you and a therapist I'm sure I'll get past it.  You (plural) did.
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Dana on August 08, 2008, 03:43:48 pm
Just one reminder -- for reasons unknown (scientifically and otherwise), a 'depressive episode' can sometimes trigger long term depression.  That's why it's wise to deal immediately with what you're feeling now.  You may move through it comparatively easily, but there's a possibility that it could 'settle in'.  Depression is a combination of - events, brain chemicals and repeated thought patterns (which of course get stronger the more the brain repeats them).  To nip the latter in the bud, you might want to consider therapy and/or an anti-depressant.

These are thoughts from a decades-long depressive who fights and fights.  Please believe me, depression is the worst disease.  I'm so sick of it.  Sorry to vent, but it's the way I feel these days.  I can't sort out whether the AN (for which I had GK, so no surgical aftermath) has increased my depression;  I don't think so.  But I do hope you take it seriously, and try to stop it in its tracks (which it sounds like you're doing!).

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: fbarbera on August 09, 2008, 08:59:21 am
It is so important that we be gentle with ourselves.  I've learned that my body will heal on its own time, not on mine, and that in addition to taking good care of myself, my job is to accept and surrender to that timeline and try my best to stay strong and positive in the meantime, so that my life is not at a standstill.  Blessings, Francesco
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Kathleen_Mc on August 09, 2008, 07:51:52 pm
Depression after a "major life threatening illness or surgery" is completely normal. Add to that fact: brain surgery will disrupt the brains "chemicals" that effect mood and this takes some time to heal. add to that pain, disrupted sleep habits, disrupted eating habits, decreased energy, sitting at home instead of being busy working and social isolation that is bound to happen at this time.....ya getting depressed is very common place.
I myself was treated for "post traumatic stress disorder" after this experience and have conitinued to battle a chemical depression ever since.....sometimes it's not an issue and sometimes it is. I was treated by a counsellor for the PTSD and the depression that lingered has been addressed only with my gp.
If you need help, get it, and the sooner the better.
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 09, 2008, 09:22:32 pm
Yes, PTSD, sounds about right. Holding on until Tuesday.

My son's girlfriend is visiting for the weekend. Feels so normal!
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Kate B on August 09, 2008, 09:36:12 pm
\Some of my dear friends I'm totally ok with but others seem to be watching to see if I'm really me after brain surgery. You know, like in "Regarding Henry"?  Marci

This part of your comment intrigued me.  To be honest, at work, I never called my AN a brain tumor for just that reason.  Instead I told people I was having ear surgery on my 8th nerve. It avoided that "brain surgery" reaction.

I hope your appointment Tuesday gives you answers.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Lainie181818 on August 10, 2008, 12:33:36 am
I agree that you should not wait to seek treatment. I "crashed" twice with deep depression. My husband was great but he is a guy and couldn't really relate to my state. I couldn't eat, sleep, kept crying and in the end couldn't get out of bed or shower.I was actually in a mourning period, mourning the old me. I still miss that person and finally after 2 years I am coming to grips with the new me. I think if I had been told, when you wake up from surgery you won't look the same, hear the same, be treated the same. Yes i feel like wearing a sign around my neck that says " Don't worry I may look a little different but I am still the same person " It makes me so happy to hear of such great success stories like Katherine and Nancy L, I hope to hear of more AN successes to come. We all need a little help and sometimes that may involve therapists and medication. I was helped enormously and if I ever "crash again" would not hesitate to nip it in the bud ASAP.
What you are going through is NORMAL.  With some of us it is part of the healing process, letting go of the old person and acceptance of the " new me "
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: JulieE on August 10, 2008, 10:29:30 am
Isn't this forum great - Concensus is that you can expect this, but if it lingers too long, or you have if you have harmful thoughts-  you know what to do.  Personally, (as a woman, artist, and runner) I can remember extreme frustration that I coined as "depressed".  Then I had some friends who were clinically depressed straighten me out.  If you can "pick yourself up by the bootstraps" then you are experiencing a normal response to the 'change' and surgery.  Someone else mentioned it, but Steroids have an effect, and it throws your hormones off for a while after you finish your last round.  My docs cleared me to do normal activities fairly quickly, but they are eternal optimists.  I remember the first time I put on my running shoes my dogs (three big ones) almost bowled me over. I ran a total of 8 steps.  My dogs have learned to wait with bated breath, and me too.  You are fortunate that you don't have many vesibular issues, but you had brain surgery.  I'm hopeful you will get back to running and you will self regulate your hormones that way.  For me, the energy boost running or working out gives is not there yet, and I instead, have to sleep.  Now, I am being told 5 years to reach optimum: what pessimists!  For me, I think us artists (and others) tend toward perfectionism, and then when it doesn't work that way, we adapt.  I think now, 4.5 months after my surgery I really only need spritual guidance, and you can get a dose here.
Off to go run/walk my couple miles!
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Nicole222 on August 11, 2008, 06:55:39 pm
Wow!  I could've posted this same thing myself a few weeks ago!   It's so nice to read that I wasn't alone :)  I always say that I feel like I am going through this backwards.  It didn't have time to hit me, or sink in-- in the 3  short weeks from diagnosis to the operating table.  There are still some days when it takes my breath away to realize exactly what happened.  I actually stayed away from the forums b/c I felt like a downer in a mainly positive place.  Anyway, I'm feeling much better now :)  I hope you are, too.
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 11, 2008, 07:04:10 pm
Jules, thanks for yours.  And I hope your runner's high comes back soon, in some form or another.

Nicole, thanks also.  It is always comforting to know you're not alone.  And yes, I am doing better.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: sgerrard on August 11, 2008, 11:19:15 pm
Hi Nicole, nice to hear from you again. Take a break from the forum if you feel like it, but not just because you think you are a downer (which you are not). We like you whether you are grumpy or cheerful. :)

Hi to Marci, too, since it is your topic. Glad to hear about the 4th lip quadrant. Tingles are good.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: lori67 on August 12, 2008, 08:55:20 am

You are definitely not a downer!  I think we've all felt overwhelmed and maybe even grumpy.  You don't have to feel like you need to endure your grumpiness by yourself - that's the nice part of this forum - you're bound to hit one of us on a good day!   :D

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: JulieE on August 12, 2008, 09:53:24 am
For Nicole - I thought I had to be positive all the time on my blog: sort of a continuation of pre-surgery, when you build yourself up and build other people up (and you allow them to build you up - it is definately a give and take) for the event.  But I found my self too frustrated and angry to come up with something purely positive to post about a month after surgery, and after confiding this to my husband, he said that I didn't have to be positive all the time, as it was not a real reflection of every moment.  A weight was lifted off my shoulders!
I hope you come for the good and the bad, and take as well as give: it helps us all become better.
Thanks Marci, for the opportunity to let the many going in for surgery know this can be expected after.  Do you have Dr. apt. today?
Jules, still working on learning how to take a compliment!
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 12, 2008, 10:14:22 am
Hi Jules,
Yes, on my way as we speak. Well, not exactly...Anyway, I will also be driving for the first time, but it's only a mile at 25 mph.  Figured it was a good way to start.
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Debbi on August 12, 2008, 04:27:54 pm
Jules, Nicole, Marci, et al -

Isn't it great that we don't have to "pretend" here?  Yep, I too feel the pressure to always be "Up" and to find the positive in everything (I am, after all, a coach!), but sometimes it is pretty darned to find the pony under the pile of poop.  And, I think it is healthy to allow yourself to feel the emotions - grief, sadness, anger, fear, whatever.  As long as you also allow yourself to feel hope, joy, laugher and love. 

Debbi, finding the new normal...
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: wendysig on August 13, 2008, 12:38:57 am
Hi all,
Debbi, as usual, you hit the nail on the head.  I'm sure we all feel the pressure to always be positive in our day to day lives and for the most part I do, but every now and then I feel the need to complain, vent or just voice fears I wouldn't voice to anyone else.  I get a little tired of people saying "it could be worse..."  I know how fortunate I've been, but I also know I was unfottunate enough to get this darned thing.  Having all of you in my life is wonderful compensation but otherwise, having an AN, or rather having had one just plain stinks -- sometimes I just have to say that.

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 13, 2008, 08:28:27 am
Hi all,
I did get to the therapist yesterday (and I drove there!).  She was incredibly helpful and gave me some good coping strategies so that I can stop the instant replay that is going on in my head.  She concurred with all of you:  this is normal, you have to allow time to process the whole thing, which, if you have complications takes longer.  She had the same experience after undergoing emergency heart surgery--you go on auto-pilot to get through what you need to get through and then after you have this "ah-hah" moment when you realize what you just did.  Did I mention that I drove there myself?  It's only a mile in a 25mph zone and I was shaky but I did it.
Marci (processing, visualizing and coping)
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: NL on August 13, 2008, 09:09:58 am
Hi Marci,

I am definitely joining in a little late on this thread since it began while I was still in the hospital, but I am so glad to have seen by your last post that you're doing so much better.

I was amazed at how quickly you were able to make your decision with surgery and carry on with your life. I know your situation was different than mine in that you had a larger tumor, and I'm sure did not feel you had the luxury of time -  I was insprired by your diligence none-the-less. But it's great that you were also able to address and deal with your post-op feelings in such a postive way. The discussion you began has not only brought out something that people may not want to emphasize after surgery, especially in a public forum, but what a helpful topic for everyone! The outpouring of others' experiences and advice is just incredible.

I, personally, have always had an issue with major decision-making and commitments...which my struggle of the last year or so had brought to a head. Since I wanted to be sure I was making my treatment decision because it was the right one for me at the right time (and not just what everyone else wanted for me), I sought the advice of a wonderful therapist for about 6 weeks prior to surgery. It was very helpful, and the last thing I said to her was that I wanted to see her sometime after the surgery for an "emotional closure."

It is such a big ordeal that we have been through, and I think we all deserve whatever it is we need to help us feel completely healed.

Glad you're feeling bettter - I still think you are doing an amazing job.

Nancy L
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 13, 2008, 09:14:51 am
Thanks Nancy L.  So glad to see you're up and posting. That can only mean good things for your recovery. 

How long have you been home?  How do you feel?
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Jim Scott on August 13, 2008, 09:25:54 am

I was relieved to learn from your post that your therapist not only offered you some useful coping skills but also concurred with what many of us were stating.  Basically, you're pretty normal and whatever you're feeling isn't 'depression' in the strictest sense and doesn't come close to meeting the clinical definition.  I think you're going to be fine, Marci.  Kudos on the driving experience, too.  That is always a major milestone in recovery and again, just demonstrates your real progress.  Keep it up!  :)

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: NL on August 13, 2008, 10:15:18 am
Hey Marci,

I came home Sunday and have been feeling OK - just learning that my body needs to take it slow. (I was completely wiped-out yesterday.)

I have an outing today to go back for follow-up with my internist, and then Friday back to House to take out the stitches. I'll try to keep updates going on my update thread. It's a good goal for me and I know (from experience) that it may someday help someone else!

Thanks for asking,

Nancy L
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: wendysig on August 14, 2008, 02:28:53 pm
Hi Marci!

I just answered your PM and have now read about your visit to your therapist.  I am relieved for you that she confirmed that she doesn't feel this is truly depression but more an after effect of the surgery and everything you've gone through.  I hope whatever coping strategies she taught you help.    Just remember to be paitent with yourself.  Your physical recovry has been fantastic you need to give  your mind a chance to catch up.  Keep getting the rest you need and the pampering you deserve!  I hope you are soon feeling like your usual self.  Congratulations on driving again too.  I drove for the first time since my surgery today.  I didn't go far -- just a couple of miles to the supermarket and then abouta quarter of a mile to our community pool (taking the cooler, chairs, etc. walking with all that stuff was mission impossible).  It made me so happy to drive again.  It's good really being able to appreciate the little things in life!

Wendy -  Appreciating the little things in life again!

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 14, 2008, 02:54:36 pm
Yay Wendy!  You drove and that one little activity means so much for our independence.   It felt good to me too (but very shaky).  I am going to drive again tomorrow I think....
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Captain Deb on August 14, 2008, 04:00:19 pm
Anyone who's depressed needs to take a trip over to the Good Morning thread in the AN community section and read it from the beginning. It is the cure for post-op depression for sure.  Many of us over there have suffered from depression, headaches, wonkyhead, etc. and have found that laughing our butts off is very helpful. All are welcome!

MAlegant, hope you get back on the road soon--but for now...walk, walk, walk!


Capt Deb(
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Pooter on August 14, 2008, 08:45:31 pm
Congrats on driving!  I know I was ecstatic when I could drive again.. and the first time I did it.. Father's Day...what a present it was too.  Now, I'm SLOWLY getting back to normal.  Kuddos for this little step that is HUGE.  That's great!


PS I concur with going over to Good Morning.  We have 'brelly drinks, raids, rides, games, and BEANS! ;)
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: JulieE on August 14, 2008, 09:20:08 pm
Well, I'm glad to hear you both (Marci and Wendy) are back at the wheel.  Fly overs are another story though -Austin has some crazy high ones and I have found myself adhering to within 5 mph of the posted speed limit (and it was 5 mph below).  Hope you gain more and more confidence!
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 15, 2008, 05:46:44 am
What is a fly-over???
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: JulieE on August 15, 2008, 06:50:27 am
They're a bit of road propped way up high in the sky that connects one freeway to another.  They are like cloverleafs that are way up - Texas is very fond of them - I am not. I think they are called fly-overs because you are so high up that you could look a news helicopter guy in the eye.
Have a great day!
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: Kaybo on August 19, 2008, 08:47:04 am
I LOVE those & that is one of the MANY things I miss about Austin.  At least we go to Houston frequently & they have some BIG ones too!  The lady I taught with HATED them and absolutely would NOT go on them!!
Sorry you don't like them - it is hard to get around without them!

Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: satman on August 19, 2008, 10:31:13 am
dearest marci,sounds normal to me.
before surgery your mind was occupied,now you have time to sit back and think.
dont worry,sounds normal to me.
Title: Re: Am I depressed? Or is this normal?
Post by: MAlegant on August 20, 2008, 11:40:44 am
Hey Satman,
I did see the therapist last week and she was surprised I wasn't in worse shape.  I'll see her again this week but am already feeling better.  Now what's getting me down are the post-op symptoms, which are improving but at a glacial pace.  Besides, what is normal anyway?
From sunny Ohio, (we don't get to say that much  :D)