General Category > AN Issues

New Member w/ AN diagonose 3.5mm NEED Suggestions Please

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Greetings Everyone! Well, I had my first Dr visit at the MN U+M. The size was described from originally"Small" to now "Tiny" which they said was 3.3 mm long x 3 mm wide. He gave me the usual options as; surgery & Gamma knife, but highly suggested to do the W&W watch/wait & come back in 6 mo for an MRI. My challenge was discovered that my right ear has had sound injuries, from my work in the shop, 30 years ago, & I still have chronic sinus congestion, which is plugging up my Eustachian tubes in my ears. This greatly affects  the amount of hearing I have. The visual tests he did for balance/dizziness, shows no evidence of either. He claims these can grow .5 to 1.0 mm per year, or like others here, stay the same. So maybe, time is on my side at this point & I need to work on better hearing, either getting those Eustachian tubes to stay open, or hearing aids. I will keep doing research about this, & checking back here. Thanks to all of you who are the equivalent of; Mother Theressa's of the internet!

Nasonex works great for keeping my nose and E-tubes clear.

Your AN is tiny... 20 years ago they would not have detected it.
you probably would have taken it to your grave without ever knowing or stressing about it.
Many ANs especially the smaller ones, discovered later in life do not grow or grow very slowly.
For every acoustic neuroma detected there is another that never gets detected.

Depending on the study around 30-70% never progress and a few actually shrink.

i personally would explore the watch and wait option very seriously.
Gamma knife or Cyberknife if it decides to grow significantly.
Surgery if you really want the thing out of your head. Just keep in mind that surgery has some significant risks, and while many work out, quite a few don't too.

I personally would not under go surgery for something that 20 years ago nobody would have found.

Sorry keepsmiling, but proton therapy is not suitable for tiny AN's I am pretty sure they will not treat anything smaller than 10mm or even 15mm.


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