General Category > AN Issues

What caused your AN ?

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I'm not a smoker or drinker and didn't go to many loud concerts. Never had artificial sweeteners (would tell everyone they cause cancer in laboratory animals:) ) Light mobile phone user.

Two things of note:
1) Several decades ago, when I was 7, I got a barium meal and abdominal X-ray
2) Hit my head hard on the corner of a bathtub tiled surround about 5 years ago (fainted when going to the toilet in the middle of the night). Impact point was just behind my right ear. AN is in right ear.

Good Question
no one ever asked me that (I mean the Doctors i saw)
my AN was very small about 7mm X 4mm X 6mm discovered 2015. The only severe trauma to my head was when i hit a wooden shed while skiing back in 1982. (Doctors approximate speed over 60 miles/hours.)
i have over 80 stitches and 2 plastic surgeries to my face.(but thats another story)
Thats the physical trauma,
On the physchological side alot of stresses, and MRIs taken to my head


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