ANA Discussion Forum

AN Community => AN Community => Topic started by: yardtick on October 14, 2007, 08:38:45 am

Title: Capt'n Deb
Post by: yardtick on October 14, 2007, 08:38:45 am
I was just wondering if anyone has heard from Capt'n Deb.  It's been a few weeks since she last posed.  If I remember correctly she was having a few tests done.  I hope she is well.  I miss her.  Has anyone one else noticed her absence?
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Brendalu on October 14, 2007, 03:31:23 pm
I just checked her profile and it says she was last active today at 11:07 a.m..  Maybe she just hasn't had anything to say.  She may have another trainwreck headache and is taking it easy.  You can always email her.
I always enjoy reading her posts because she makes me smile when no one else can!
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Raydean on October 17, 2007, 06:28:46 pm
I don't think that there's anything to be concerned about.  i think she's out of town and away from the computer.  I'm sure that she'll be glad that you're thinking of her.

Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Gennysmom on October 18, 2007, 10:06:27 am
Yes, just got a note from her yesterday, she's been travelling with her daughter in law and grandsons.  She'll be back here soon, I am sure! 
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: marg on October 21, 2007, 06:45:48 pm
When we don't hear from someone for a while...we sure worry - don't we..... oh, maybe because this is our family too  :) . 
I'm sure our Captain would not 'abandon ship'   maybe the trip she is on is to teach her grandsons how to be pirates .
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Captain Deb on October 25, 2007, 02:07:51 pm
OK OK I have been AWOL crew and I'm alive and well, I assure you.  I have been playing Captain nanny Deb and Captain NURSIE Deb to my Respective Grandscallywags and Dr LUUUUURVE. My very busy daughter-in-law who is  Ma to two young'ns had to put together 2 formal outfits for rehearsal dinner and formal wedding for in-law (husbands cousin's) wedding and needed my babysitting skills for a feew days so she could shop and prepare.  Little thing 1 was the ring bearer in a mini tux and wassn't he CUTE!!!!!!! We didn't go--Dr L's ex-wife's family.

Of course when I got home Dr Love had been working a little too hard and his already bad back had gotten worse and by the weekend he was in extreme pain and unable to walk or stand and I got him to the doc on Monday and he has a ruptured disc in his lumbar that is pressing on his sciatic nerve and needs frikkin SURGERY!

This is all happening during peak leaf season up here when I need to be out taking pictures for my paintings--90% of what I sell is fall landscapes and I have a brand new 1100 megapixie camera!

Dr LUUUURve is so miserable, but at lease he 's got him some happy pillls now, the weekend was tough and he wouldn't take any of mINE of course even though the doc gave him the same dam stuff! He's pretty drugged up and has to stay that way till the spinal surgeon can see him in Charlotte. We'll go down and stay with his kids Halloween night and they'll drive him to his appt in downtown charlotte the next morning so I don't have to scare myself to death driving on the frikkin freeway AND I get to go trick or treatting with the grandscallywags dressed up as you know who..........THE SCOURGE O THE SEVEN SEAS...CAPTAIN NANNY DEB!!!!!!!

Welllllll.......That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

I'll let you all know when Dr Loves surgery will be so's ye can don yer pirate sox.  Those who ain't got none, well, ....start shoppin fer 'em!!!!

Love and hugs to alla you who been thinkin of me and big messy smooches, too!

Capt Deb :-* 8)
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Brendalu on October 25, 2007, 03:13:30 pm
I found plenty of new pirate sox so I'm ready and waitin with plenty of prayers for you and Dr. Luv.  I hope the pills keep him in happy land until way after he's healed!  Keep us posted.  I knew you would post when you had something to say!!!
Wench  Brendalu
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: yardtick on October 25, 2007, 05:28:50 pm
Yep, Praise the Lord she is back.   ;D

Things just weren't the same without you Cap't Deb.!!!  Post a few pictures of your little cuties.
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: tony on October 26, 2007, 02:49:35 pm
I knew the captn was OK - after all if the Royal Navy had sunk
such a famous pirate ship - It would be a CNN special ...
Best regards
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Omaschwannoma on October 26, 2007, 03:58:12 pm
Socks and flip flops don't go well, at least not in this country, China maybe where they wear the platform style flip flop.  May I be excused from donning pirate sox?  BTW.....went on your sight and YOU ARE AN AWSOME ARTIST!  I bow to your spirit my talented Cappy. 
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Battyp on October 26, 2007, 04:48:19 pm
Come on Arushi where is your sense of fashion??  You know darn good and well the blue hairs make that fashion statment daily  LOL
(socks and flip flops/sandals) Can you imagine if all of a sudden they traded in the knee high black socks for pirate socks? OMG!  :o

Deb so sorry to hear about Dr. Luv....hope all goes well.

Yep Tony would have been a CNN Special report. They'd have to catch us before they can sink us!

Deb is a very talented artist! I can paint like that in my mind  LOL
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Captain Deb on October 26, 2007, 06:24:06 pm
My poor Dr Love is really in bad shape and really suffering and it is breaking my heart! All he can do is lie on the living room floor on the pallet I made for him outta pool floats and quilts. I picked up his MRIs todays and we looked at em and his L5 disc has a huge lump sticking out of it. He heeds to have this surgery tomorrow and will probably have to wait weeks for it.  I am having a crying fit about every day over it.  He is such an active energetic guy. What's gonna happen when I get a brainwreck? I'm stocking up on canned soup just in case neither of us can function for a day or two. Help!

Capt Deb
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: marg on October 28, 2007, 11:01:35 pm
Capt Deb,
   It is so hard when the person we love is in pain and we can't fix it !  I wish I was close enough to help out for a couple days..... but know I'll be praying for the two of you.   I hope Dr Love's appointment goes well on Nov. 1st and he can get something done about his disc  asap.   I'll have a lot of time to pray for him that day..... I have an MRI to check and see that there is no AN left (or that it has come back.... GOD FORBID !!!  )..... anyway,   I'd rather be thinking about the 2 of you  than the test. 

 Many Hugs Captain .... remember your crew is loyal and we are here for you.
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: satman on October 29, 2007, 09:37:08 am
Ang all this time I thought the cap
confiscated a new AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRLEY  and took
her a road trip .
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Captain Deb on October 29, 2007, 08:48:59 pm
Well, it finally happened-- I went solo hiking--something I never do--down to a waterfall to take some badly needed research pix and when I got up there BAM! Massive migraine time. Got a hundred or so pix taken first and then I had to climb up out of the ravine and then down the hill. I noticed that when I stopped to take a pic, the headache would stop. I wear bifocals and was traveling down hill, so I'm thinkin head position had alot to do with it.  Tried to keep my "chin up" on the way down the mountain path.

Relaxed in the car a while before I drove through the throngs of leafpeepers (on a Saturday) to the pharmacy to get Dr Love's pain prescrpition, which he was out of. By the time I arrived at the drugstore, 25 minute drive, I was panting and white as a sheet and Abby, the pharmacist, took me into the back room to let me give myself a shot of Immitrex and chill out for a bit.  They know me quite well there---it's a small town! Then I had to freakin drive HOME!

The Imitrex just took the edge off the full blown brainwreck and both of us were down for the count and wondering if this was what old age was gonna be like! It just sucked! I guess misery just loved our company that day. Stupid brainwreck lasted until midnight and after-effects felt most of the next day--sore neck and shoulders and very fatigued.  Where is Nurse Nancy when ya need her?

This is a real role reversal for me and a lesson in compassion.  Thanks to all of you posting on this thread. I love you all.

Capt Deb 8)
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: 4cm in Pacific Northwest on October 30, 2007, 07:42:43 am

I am incredibly curios as to whether you ever get “rosacea� with your migraines.

Rosacea defined

I have some head, face and sleep issues I was hoping were going to go away once the ‘whopping’ size tumor (although only 1/2 the size of Satman’s 8cm) came out… nada….

My sleep disorder I think is from the tinnitus keeping me up at night (some nights it sounds like a refrigerator compressor in my head)

The “cause� of Rosacea has just recently been discovered (announced in June 07)

One “protein� stimulant that it being highly scrutinized is “tannin�....

Tannin defined

There is also quite a bit of interest in the relationship between tannins and migraines recently.

Tannins and Migraines link

Even in my “House Calls� magazine (from HEI) there is recent article, Titled
“Food For Your Ears:  Many of us do not realize how much foods we eat can affect our hearing and balance systemsâ€?
discussing research studies between food allergies and Meneier’s disease at the HEI allergy clinic.

Meniere's Disease defined

Anyway in reading your post here re migraine attack while hiking out alone…
I am wondering if you have tried a tannin elimination diet… yet. (You have probably tried everything at this point)… Just a wild idea I thought I would present.

Did you get any photography done for your paintings? I am also wondering if you are working with non-toxic or toxic paints (i.e. media) in your artwork. Do you have good ventilation in your art studio?


Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Captain Deb on October 30, 2007, 09:06:07 am
No rosacea here, but I have been doing a small amount of caffeine in me coffee about 1/3 real to 2/3 decaf. I'll cut that out again. Solo hiking is something I would never have attempted pre-Topamax! Even thouhg I got a breakthrough migraine, I got 200+ incredible waterfall pix. All I need is 12--one painting a month, to get me through a year! 15 to 18 would be a spectacular year as I do really large work.

4 you are a fabulous researcher and an assett to this forum.  Keep up the good work.

Capt Deb 8)
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: yardtick on October 30, 2007, 06:00:50 pm
Yes 4, I agree with Cap't Deb.  Windsong was also a fabulous researcher.  I have a desk top  and lap top computer.  Two son's in college, one in gr 11 and one in gr 12.   have to fight for every minute I get on the computer. 

Cap't Deb, I had a horrible headache Sat.  My  face and body ached.  I find since I've been taken the topamax the severity hasn't been as bad as a full blown migraine.  I was given something else to take if I should get a migraine.  Its along the lines of imitrex.  I feel for you Cap't Deb.

Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: yardtick on May 24, 2008, 04:33:37 pm
Okay Capt Deb,

Are you on the "Lost" island keeping Sawyer safe for me? 

I'm missing you!!  Hey wasn't that a song from back in the day?

Anne Marie

Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Jim Scott on May 24, 2008, 10:16:37 pm
Captain Deb:

I'm so sorry to learn of 'Dr. Love's' back injury and subsequent necessity for surgery.  I pray he'll be able to have it done soon and be out of pain.  My wife had a similar operation some time ago.  A car accident (she was rear-ended) caused it.  Fortunately, she saw much improvement afterward, meaning less pain.  Unfortunately, my wife has quite a few health issues, including Fibromyalgia  and Chrohn's Disease, to deal with on a daily basis.  She's a real trouper.  Although she went on disability leave from her management job quite a few years ago,  she refuses to give in to her health problems and leads a fairly active life.  I greatly admire her for that. 

I've always been the healthy one in our family.  So, when I went through my AN experience in '06, my wife switched roles with me Although she did a fantastic job, she didn't much like the role reversal.  Mainly because she felt she had no 'backup' if she had a disabling medical problem and needed my help.  Naturally, I got better as fast as I could and now we're back to normal.  ;)  Fortunately, she has remained well and we both pray that this will remain the case for the foreseeable future.

I was also dismayed to learn that your migraine headache returned - apparently with a vengeance.  Fortunately, you had access to a pharmacy and were able to get a shot of Imitrex and return home, shaken but intact.  I hope and pray that this will be a temporary situation for you.

Of course, having both you and your husband incapacitated is daunting and a bit scary but he'll be fine once he has his surgery and I trust that, with medication, anyway, you'll be quite functional, too.  After all, you have a ship to run!  :)

Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: leapyrtwins on May 25, 2008, 07:12:20 am
Capt'n Deb -

best wishes to both you and Dr. Love.

I hope you both get well soon  :)

Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: yardtick on May 25, 2008, 08:00:29 am
Capt Deb,

I had no idea Dr Love had a back injury and is going to need surgery.  Please give him a big smooch from me.  I understand the killer headaches.  I am on a sick leave from my job.  Tomorrow I start my 6th week.  I wish that magic headache fairy of yours would get off of her small skinny butt and use her magic wand on all of us headache sufferers.  The weather pressure changes just seems to aggravate my headaches. 

Please pop in every now and than and let us know how you are.  Can't wait for you to be better so you can sail us to the new location of the "Lost" island.  I think I hear Sawyer, he needs to be rescued by us ;D

Anne Marie
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: ppearl214 on May 25, 2008, 10:08:39 am
um, hi all... snuck back in to check quick emails... saw this.

Pls see the original post as it was late last year (this was re-bumped). I do know for a fact that Dr. Lurve had his back surgery and did great (at last check when I spoke to her.). I'm due to give her a phone call, so will check on her and see what's up.

Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Sue on May 25, 2008, 11:58:42 am
Maybe she is busy spending all that SSi money she finally got!  ;D

Sue in Vancouver
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: leapyrtwins on May 25, 2008, 06:08:36 pm
um, hi all... snuck back in to check quick emails... saw this.

Pls see the original post as it was late last year (this was re-bumped). I do know for a fact that Dr. Lurve had his back surgery and did great (at last check when I spoke to her.). I'm due to give her a phone call, so will check on her and see what's up.


I thought this was an old post, but then I saw Jim's reply today and thought the Capt'n was AWOL and I must have missed something.

Regardless, I hope the Capt'n is doing well  :) 

Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Jim Scott on May 26, 2008, 03:54:37 pm
Whoops!   :-[ 

I missed the 2007 date on Deb's post and responded as if it were current.  My bad - but the sentiments remain valid, all the same.

Pleased to learn that her hubby ('Dr.Love' - cute) had his surgery and that he is good, now.  I hope Captain Deb is, too.

Thanks Phyl for straightening this out and setting us on the right track.  :)

Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Captain Deb on May 27, 2008, 12:46:55 pm
Wow! nice to know that you all are thinking about me! I appreciate the well wishes and appologize for the absenteeism--I've been down wiv a nasty bug I got off me snotty grandscallywags.  I really need to wipe off the snot when it gets on me but it's so dang cute! Germy crud it is, it is!

Sadie is off at Puppy Boot Camp for bitey dogs.  She won't quit biting me!  She thinks I'm a big bunny or something.  The trainer says it's genetic. We may not be able to keep her. I'm just heartbroken over it and it's been stressing me out to no end. Stress is not good for headache people!

Anyway I'm trying to keep busy by doing a little gardening.  I go Friday for a training session with Sadie and the trainer and she stays another week.

The disability money is just about gone, but my credit card debt is, too! I've been researching supplemental medigap policies and they are more expensive than my current insurance and don't cover any prescriptions.  The medicare part D, which covers prescriptions is almost as much as my entire disability check. This is definitely not the windfall I thought it would be!

Again thanks for thinking of me and Eric's back is fine now as long as he does his exercises!

Capt Deb(
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: yardtick on May 27, 2008, 05:36:43 pm
So glad you are back!!!  We all need your guidance and humor.  So sorry about Sadie, maybe doggie school will do the trick.

Gots me ironing board ready, can't have our Capt in wrinkled scivies or bustiere ;)

Anne Marie
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: HeadCase2 on May 29, 2008, 07:38:43 am
  Glad to hear you're doing well.  And sorry to hear about Sadie's antisocial behavior.  Just a suggestion, I wonder if she would stop biting you if you hands or pantlegs (where ever she's biting) tasted bitter or spicey hot?  I've been trying to figure out how to keep my samoyed dog from keeping me trained.   As a puppy we wanted to have him scratch at the back door if he needed to go outside to do his business.  And now he scratches at the back door to go out, and then to get back in, and then to go out, and back out.....every 15 minutes.   He has me trained quite well.  If I try to igore him, he has a loud sharp bark that would bother the neighbors, so I can't just leave him outside.  I thought I was the pack leader, but hmmmm.  Where's Cesar when I need him?
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Debbi on May 29, 2008, 02:29:12 pm
Oh, don't get me started on dog stories!  I'm the gal with the incontinent, neurotic collie.  And, I have a cat who bites (that'd be The Dark Lord, featured on my blog...).  However, since we don't have any kids to spoil, the animals get all our attention ...

Debbi ... plus two cats and a dog...
Title: Re: Capt'n Deb
Post by: Captain Deb on May 29, 2008, 03:25:13 pm
Jeez, we've tried everything! The trainer says she has a strong "prey drive."  She's very submissive with other dogs, she just wants to boss me around and she doesn't bite Eric at all.  She can be really sweet at times, too.  She's got a Jekyll and Hyde personality! Trouble is she's getting to be a lot stronger than I am. I've never seen a Lab behave like this.

Capt Deb 8)