ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: MDemisay on July 04, 2012, 10:59:43 am

Post by: MDemisay on July 04, 2012, 10:59:43 am
Do you know what a yellow flag means in car racing? It means slow down.

Do you know what a positive result on an MRI or an ENT look of concern should do to us? Make us SLOW Down! It is used in both cases as a warning.

I knew this title would grab your attention! There is a reason that I am here, and that reason is to tell you that with the advances in medical science today that have come about, that we in the AN community are
Very lucky that we have little messengers come to tell us it's time to slow down.

I was very lucky! I had my body tell me several times with several d ifferent things that happened to me throughout my life my many falls, my ear fullness , my partial deafness.

I ignored many signals! If this were a road race, I would have worn out quite many yellow flags!

My point is pay attention Newbies and Watch and Waiters you may have limited time to gather your resources and act!

My point is while I have come back from 30 plus years of living with the remnants of multiple strokes to tell you all that this is nothing!
The human brain is incredibly resilient and is an terrible thing to waste!

Let this AN adventure that we all share be yet another 
It IS an opportunity to slow down, reorder your priorities in your life and do something for yourself! It all starts with paying attention to your YELLOW FLAG!

You SHALL conquer this, but you must decide to act!

Nuff said!

Post by: Lou on July 20, 2012, 02:08:52 pm
Hi Mike

well said, as always the one with the wise advise
Thanks as alwas

Lou x

Hope all is well with you and yours x
Post by: chloes mema on July 20, 2012, 02:26:46 pm
Thanks Mike, I needed that!

Post by: appleblossom on July 29, 2012, 09:56:40 pm
Well said!  I have noticed that since I was diagnosed, my perspective has changed greatly.  As I was cleaning up a red kool aid mess made by my son, I found myself GRATEFUL!  Instead of feeling like, ugh, i have to clean up this mess; I was happy and said i GET to clean up this mess.  I know it could be a lot worse.  I am grateful it's not cancer!  I'm grateful for everyday I've been given.
Post by: MDemisay on July 30, 2012, 01:23:28 pm
That's the ticket everyone slow down,

Appreciate the little things in life!

Post by: millie on August 06, 2012, 07:13:40 am
Thank you Mike.  I am really starting to count my blessings every day.
The meeting last week was such a help and it was wonderful to see you there.
I hope this is a good day for you.
Post by: MDemisay on August 06, 2012, 11:57:56 am
To Millie and all of my wonderful friends I've made here,

Life is too short! If I have been helpful to you, great! It is hard to imagine the lonliness and isolation that I felt before becoming involved in the ANA. Which is why I started this blog called THE YELLOW FLAG.

You have to realize that I ,in my ignorance ,was not paying attention to my own signals. I was to caught up in living life (the best I knew how)and helping to run a family business (one which sheltered me from many things). I now have a much wider circle of influence and people that have something in common with me (those of you here).

Whereas before, I was being a solitary figure in my own family (growing up with 3 AVM's), a sort of home grown hero. It is tiresome! Hero worship causes jealousy especially when it is among siblings. My own relationship within my own extended family has suffered as a result. Plus being diagnosed (in 2004) with an AN. 8 years ago, my life was thrown into turmoil again, not a pleasant experience reliving a 30 year old nightmare of brain surgery!

Now at least for me, I know that I was not a hero (what a relief!) but a mere man growing up with a disability. I am very thankful for that.

But part of me wants to be able to pay back what I have learned since.

 I have learned that only with group support can one go through this and not suffer from as much depression as I went through. I was on the verge of depression again before coming to the ANA forum.

Please folks, get your lives back on track, slow down but don't stop! Life doesn't stop because of an Acoustic Neuroma!

There are other things, surely, your lives will have changed! For me, because of this forum and the support of those of you in the support group that meets at NYU, my life now seems like it is a cup that overflows with enthusiasm, and has changed from one of being just barely half full.

Look at all the positive things you will learn (that other people won't) until after diagnosis:

1. you will know who your real friends are (this maybe the hardest lesson to learn)

2. your life will slow down

3, unimportant things will drop off or become less important to you

4. things will begin to come into clear focus

and 5. if you are on the other side of treatment (as I am) things will seem to smell sweeter, things will appear brighter, sounds louder , touches all the more special!

So go ahead and be happy people!

This is an opportunity to repriortize your life!

Your friend  ;D,


Post by: MDemisay on August 10, 2012, 03:05:44 pm
Dear AN friends and newbies,

Please take an opportunity this weekend to slow down, and appreciate your life and breathe a little, take some time for yourself for a change be it an hour. Meditate on your own wellness or pray whichever you prefer. Give your research a rest and do not panic. Your friends, all of here will be with you when you return to posting. Now go and relax. :D

Post by: skipg on August 10, 2012, 03:24:21 pm
Amen and Amen! Going to a family reunion in PA this weekend. I love to go to the Allegheny Forest where time seems to slow down. No traffic, no shopping centers or malls, people are friendly and stop to say hello, and abundant wildlife that make you enjoy nature at its best (especially the bears that are starting to roam into town). I love to watch the grass grow and the leaves fall. Time to get away and enjoy the beauty that God made for us to enjoy and appreciate. Tuesday will be decision day for me and I trust everything will come together. With God, nothing is impossible. I had the opportunity to ride up Thursday on the Harley, but I am grateful to be going tomorrow morning with my wife and two adult girls. For me that was a major change. It has been my motto to ride hard and if life gets difficult, ride harder. Thats why I rode 3500mis, 6 days in June. Life is good! Take the bad but let the good prevail. Thanks Mike, you are a true Barnabas, an encourager.
Post by: millie on August 10, 2012, 07:04:51 pm
Way to go, SkippyG!
Post by: MDemisay on August 13, 2012, 11:59:21 am
Dear Skipg,

Good luck tomorrow, I will be praying for you on your decision day,( God is with us all) HE shall be there for you as well. I am glad that you took this opportunity this weekend to get out and appreciate what God has given us,a truly beautiful world full of opportunity for those slow down  to look closely! Good for you!

For all of us, this is a hard decision to make but by stopping the research and slowing down to appreciate life, it should make deciding all that much easier and more clear when we come back to the research and finally decide.

Lastly, thank you for your compliment that I am wise, I do not think I am wise, I think that God has given me quite a few clues to our shared illness. It is just my dumb luck to have found you kind people after all this time.  Each of your stories has inspired me! It made me realize that I can give back by telling my story.

People, don't make the same mistakes that I have made by completely ignoring my Yellow Flags. I wish I had noticed earlier in my life perhaps I could have avoided the second brain operation, perhaps I could have avoided being SSD, and perhaps I could have avoided having my left balance nerve cut (fortunately for all of us, we all have two).

Looking back, is much easier than looking forward, it allows one to say, how much different my life would have been had I paid attention.

But all of that is behind me now, I can only be a reminder (like the crashed car on the highway) that you see to say to you all don't be like me!

The sincerest form of flattery is NOT imitation in this case!

If I get even one of you to say "You know that guy Mike was right, I should be listening to what my body is trying to tell me!" I will have been successful at something!

Go forward Skipg! God is with you!

Remember the old trite saying "Hind sight is 20/20?" Focus on foresight! Decide as soon as it "feels good" to decide then act! God will be with your decision if you do the proper due dillegence yourself. Trust yourself to go with your gut!  Then meditate to wellness!


Post by: skipg on August 14, 2012, 06:15:30 pm
Tuesday is almost over. My wife and I had a 3 hr consult with a Proton expert, talked to Loma Linda and MGH, reviewed all data I could find, and had 4 phone calls from experts while relaxing in the woods. Should have turned my phone off. Anyway we decided to go with 30 treatment Proton if allowed. Insurance is denying so far. 2 more appeals to go. I had hoped my yellow flag would have gone to green, but that's ok. Time is on my side. At least the surgeon I saw encouraged me to go with radio-surgery and explore proton therapy, which he knew little about. I may have to got insurance topic when I find out more. Proton Therapy is a fascinating topic and now seems to be very effective and precise.
Post by: MDemisay on August 15, 2012, 12:48:19 pm

Remember due dillegence includes researching all your options and then deciding which is best for you based on all options. Since I don't know what Proton therapy entails , you have an advantage over me. My question is this:

 Does receiving Proton therapy preclude you from receiving Gamma Knife or Cyber Knife?
 If you want to do a little more research on Proton therapy then you should obtain  the  ANA Conference in Cincinatti in 2011. I have downloaded it and it is on my ipad. Also, I don't want to worry you but there is a reason that neurosurgeons prefer to operate first. then if it grows radiate. That information is also on the CD. You may obtain it by calling the ANA offices in Georgia.

Post by: skipg on August 15, 2012, 03:43:00 pm
My wife and I attended the 2011 Symposium and were very enlightened and encouraged by what we heard. There was not a representative from Proton Therapy there and we knew nothing of its existence. The latest report on Proton therapy which is over 5 years old indicates a 100% tumor control. The biggest negative is hearing loss prevention, which mine is shot anyway, down around 31%. I have not seen any new long term studies yet. The Dr I consulted with has markers placed in your skull for reference points and if the need arises he can use those later if there is regrowth. I just had an appt with an neurosurgeon today who does the marker placement (he and his partner also do AN surgery) and he spoke very highly of the doc at the proton center. He stated that he is one of the tops in the country for proton therapy. Still waiting for insurance to see if proton therapy will be approved. The cost is high due to the 30 treatments.

Sad time in PA as they tranquilized the bears and moved them far away. There will be more. Problem is the people who continue to feed them and try to make pets of them.
Post by: JWW on August 15, 2012, 07:19:51 pm
The neurosurgeon I saw that diagnosed my AN is NOT a believer in Proton therapy. He also, has a Ph.D in physics and said "there is not enough information and studies out there regarding proton therapy to control where it stops.....thus an explosion where ever it ends."

One brilliant doctor's opinion. He also said, "the doctors that push proton therapy have to pay for their machine!"

Post by: skipg on August 15, 2012, 09:36:21 pm
Proton has been around since the Manhattan project and was first used in 1962. Loma Linda is a pioneer in this treatment as is MGH in Boston. The Proton radio surgery is not as effective as Gamma or Fractionated but move down to Proton Therapy and the results improve dramatically. I have heard and read many different opinions concerning all available options. Protons are being used in prostrate cancer patients where there is no room for error without affecting other functions. I have talked to patients who swear by this type of treatment. The same for other AN patients. There is much debate due to the cost of treatment, but the effectiveness seems to be without question. If I go this route I will document the treatment for all to read.
Post by: JWW on August 16, 2012, 07:17:43 am
My husband was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer this past March, the same time I was diagnosed with my AN. He was at one time considering Proton longer. I saw two radiation oncologist, two neurosurgeons....every one said, "DO NOT consider proton therapy", esp., for prostate cancer. Same with the radiation nurses who hear thru the grapevine:
M.D. Anderson is reporting side effect from proton therapy in prostate cancer: 1. ALOT of hip replacement on the side the proton therapy was done, 2. burns in the intestine where the beams hit, leading to fecal incontinence. (my husband went with me to each of my consults and we both picked the doctors brains.)

Do what you feel is right for you. Your mind is made up. Good luck!

Post by: skipg on August 16, 2012, 10:06:49 am
It is amazing the number of differing opinions that we encounter. It truly adds to the confusion we have to deal with in selecting treatment for our AN. Could it be the expertise of the operators? I was told by Stanford that the machines are the same (referring to CK) and that the person operating is the key. Dr Scott Solsky from Stanford told us that he could go to another CK machine and achieve the same results that Staford was getting. He stressed experience and more experience. I will bring up the concerns before finalizing proton treatment. Thanks for the input and I hope you and your husband are doing well.
Post by: ChipsFL on August 16, 2012, 08:14:26 pm

Remember due dillegence includes researching all your options and then deciding which is best for you based on all options. Since I don't know what Proton therapy entails , you have an advantage over me. My question is this:

 Does receiving Proton therapy preclude you from receiving Gamma Knife or Cyber Knife?
 If you want to do a little more research on Proton therapy then you should obtain  the  ANA Conference in Cincinatti in 2011. I have downloaded it and it is on my ipad. Also, I don't want to worry you but there is a reason that neurosurgeons prefer to operate first. then if it grows radiate.  That information is also on the CD. You may obtain it by calling the ANA offices in Georgia.

   Not the case with mine. He does both and had no problem with CK first in my case.
Post by: ChipsFL on August 16, 2012, 08:25:53 pm
The neurosurgeon I saw that diagnosed my AN is NOT a believer in Proton therapy. He also, has a Ph.D in physics and said "there is not enough information and studies out there regarding proton therapy to control where it stops.....thus an explosion where ever it ends."

One brilliant doctor's opinion. He also said, "the doctors that push proton therapy have to pay for their machine!"


I noticed the following post in the post op section.  
Ear Pain
« on: August 02, 2012, 02:45:29 PM »QuoteHere's one that I haven't read much about.  I am 3 months post Proton therapy and have been getting ear pain on the tumor side.  I was not expecting that!  Started out as twinges of mild pain which came and went in a moment.  Not too big a deal.  Then it got worse -- repeated twinges of pain over longer periods of time.  Still not unbearable, but very annoying.  I called my doctor and once we ruled out some kind of ear infection, she said it was probably from tumor inflammation.  She prescribed a very low dose steriod and it has almost completely gone away.  The only time I get any pain is in the morning when the previous steriod dose is on its last legs.  So, this is so far a good news story, but I figured I'd post the experience since someone else might experience similar symptoms and wonder what to do....
Post by: MDemisay on August 17, 2012, 09:12:26 am
Dear Chips,

Good to know! Thank you for keeping us informed. Carry on the good tumor defeating info!

Post by: skipg on August 17, 2012, 10:09:48 am
After reading the below from Chips I posted this reply in Ear Pain topic:

During my constant research I spoke to a proton specialist and he recommended that AN patients sleep with a 5% elevation of their head. Reasoning is that while sleeping the brain can swell naturally up to 1 cm. Elevating the head reduces this natural swelling and reduces pressure in the tumor area. How did he discover this? He was treating brain tumors on or near the optic nerve. Some of the patients were experiencing color blindness when they woke, by noon the color had returned. By sleeping with elevated head the color blindness did not occur. He has recommended AN patients go to bed, bath, and beyond and buy a set of bed raisers and put them under the head board. As a side note he was treating these tumors with radiation and warned the patients of only a 15% success rate in preventing blindness, when he went to Proton Therapy the success rate went to 50%. Could not find any proof to back up this claim. I am going to buy some bed raisers to try. This may help with pre and post AN treatments. Worth a try.

Any one else hear of this? Don't know where to properly post this.
Post by: MDemisay on September 20, 2012, 11:58:27 am
My Dear Friends,

I've nothing new to add but I just wanted this subject although it is a sore one for me (involving a lot of broken bones) to be refreshed and NOT forgotten for those of us who are relatively new or brand newbies.

It is a cautionary tale, one that is impactful and bears relevancy to all of us. It involves paying attention to internal signals that may or may not be subtle, (trust me for me they were not subtle), I was blatently ignoring them!

 If I weren't real , I would almost say, it's  a slapstick like in quality of my life.


Post by: MDemisay on October 16, 2012, 11:05:42 am
To All of the Newbies out there,

Bump up time! Take this and consider it for a while...You may or may not depending on your situation have time to consider it. Beware and examine your life ----a big Acoustic Neuroma (such as mine was) doesn't just appear out of nowhere! Don't ignore your symptoms!


I've travelled a long way in my life and I'm grateful for that there must be some learning and some "pearls of wisdom" that I can pass on. For those of you in '"watch and wait" don't watch too long! Act on your symptoms!

Post by: MDemisay on December 31, 2012, 03:21:09 pm
Dear Friends,

Reading and rereading all of the newbie posts that I do, it seems to me that it is high time to restart this long forgotten thread and to resurrect it again in hopes that it will refocus and target in your efforts if you are new at this.


 Now that you are here, be thankful,you have many friends, visit often and use us, we may not be doctors, but we are resourceful!

Post by: Sam-NewZealand on January 04, 2013, 08:18:32 pm
great post & some good reading.  I for one need to me reminded of this often - i often view myself as lazy then think of all the mental work i do that actually makes me rather busy!

time to stop and smell the roses!
Post by: MDemisay on January 07, 2013, 02:05:19 pm
Welcome Sam,

Use us often! About 12 months ago, I rediscovered this ANA forum and have been posting actively since, that is a lot of posting! Ever since, I have felt welcome to share my anxieties openly and mostly without judgement, as we encourage those new users( like yourself) to do. Welcome!

Use this as an opportunity to slow down, do some research, and consider your options. Most of all welcome to our family. Other than the time difference, and the presumed climate difference, how goes it in your part of the world?

Post by: MDemisay on January 25, 2013, 02:55:24 pm
Welcome Jeanne!

It is a long journey you are on, welcome just the same!

your friend,

Post by: MDemisay on March 26, 2013, 11:14:54 am
Dear newbies,

I have nothing new to add here just wanted to bring this issue (of self preservation) to the forefront again as it remains important. There is a limit on Yellow Flags in the "race" for quality of life, I've been EXTREMELY fortunate in my life, I got many chances to wake up and smell the roses. You may not be as fortunate.

If this helps even one person consider options, it was more than worth it!

You are the "driver" of your own health! YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Be well!
Post by: MDemisay on June 24, 2013, 10:23:02 am
Dear Newbies,

Bump up time again! There are a good number of you who will benefit, this is for you.

Post by: MDemisay on July 08, 2013, 05:11:54 am
Follow up time newbies,

Anticipation of news good or bad cannot be put off forever. Wish me luck, it simply cannot be that bad. I do want to find out if it is a good outcome, however! My appointment is for this afternoon! Cellular death on the subatomic level to Dead Irv is the good news that I'm anticipating!

Follow up should not be put off, in that respect, I am overdue!

Apologies all,


Ps. Life sometimes gets in the way of self, I have been worried about the health of another!
Post by: nftwoed on July 08, 2013, 07:27:29 am
   Please give Irv my condolences at the loss of his life. Irv gave it a good try but his DNA was scrambled.
Post by: Palace on July 08, 2013, 10:35:52 am
I would like to start a thread, "What extraordinary pleasure or pleasures did you do for yourself post-TX?"  I don't want to get thrown off the forum however, it would just be a fun thread.  We wouldn't necessarily "learn anything much."  ;-)
Post by: jsanders1379 on July 08, 2013, 11:02:21 am
Palace, I think that's a great idea! We're leaving in about an hour for a 2-day, 1-night in Vail, Co (3 hr drive from  here0 Will get to hear a free Bach cello suites concert in a little mountain chapel....first trip I've felt like taking since GK 5/7/13. great idea to temper all our concerns with a few (non- AN) celebrations!!
Post by: MDemisay on July 09, 2013, 08:42:54 am
Dear newbies and friends who have been following this post for a long time:

It brings me great pleasure to announce this Eureka!!!!

I think Dr.Sisti and I have done it finally put Dead Irv out of his misery! I feel as if a great burden has been lifted!!!

You decide, I will provide 3 dates where CT With and Without contrast were given:

1.  October 2011  ---- 1.8 X 1.3 cm Verrazano Radiology Imaging  (Staten Island)

2.  June 11, 2012 ---- 1.9 X 2.7 cm New York Presbyarian  Hospital Gamma Knife Imaging Center (NYC) (done on the date of Gamma Knife)

3.  June 11, 2013 ----  1.8 X 1.3 cm Verazzano Radiology Imaging (Staten Island)

The report said no signifigant changes were seen. But that is just report numbers 1 and 3. Verrazano Radiology remains unaware of report number 2! If you take into account those 3 reports, that says to me there WAS a signifigant change!

It is important to follow up isn't it?!!!

Anyhow, my neurologist remains unconvinced (due to "variability of testing sites" we shall see what my Neurosurgeon Dr. Sisti says when I meet with him later this month!

Post by: Palace on July 09, 2013, 11:08:29 am
Mike & AN Gang:

Please excuse this very brief response to your latest post, Mike.  I'm going out-of-town today for an MRI (without contrast) of my rt. elbow)

I'd like to see a written report of your brain after having "an MRI with contrast."  When will you have this next and where?  It seems necessary.

The importance of an MRI series with gadolinium should ease your mind even further if the results consistently show shrinkage of the tumor.

I know the burden to which you are referring and yes, we all congratulate you.

I've had fibroid tumors and now this clicking/popping with a 12mm foreign-body shows in my rt. elbow.  It could be a bone-spur or tumor.

I had recent X-rays of my rt. elbow and that isn't sufficient for a complete diagnosis or clear images. 

You might have to travel far for the proper MRI machine and use contrast.

You Mike, have been through the usual mental torture over the AN issue and need complete and proper follow-up just as we do.   (and those of you on "wait and watch")


Post by: MDemisay on July 09, 2013, 02:20:54 pm
Dearest Palace,

Would that I could have an MRI.

 But I can't!

 I have upwards of 70 metal clips already in place in my brain from a 1974 surgery on 3 AVM's. Everybody knows what metal does in an MRI! That is why you cannot wear a watch or chain in one.

  You are sweet to have thought of me though! My personal experience with brain surgery was life saving early when that kind of thing was brand new. They had to operate, I would have died otherwise!

 Having an MRI with this much metal would not only scramble my brain but would make the fact that I had an AN totally meaningless because with all those magnets swirling around they would make the grey matter so much mush!

I know you didn't know! Sorry for being so graphic!

Your heart was in the right place!

Post by: Palace on July 09, 2013, 07:43:41 pm
Hi Mike:

We are all here with our horror stories.

I've got surgeries number 27 and 28 coming-up.  (will put it off until after summer if I can wait)  No, the surgeries are not AN related. (just one)

Yes Mike I passed my licenses for dentistry back in Los Angeles so, I do know what you are talking about.  Hopefully with all the scientific advancements you'll see amazing progress that might help in your future whether it's the watching scans of sorts or otherwise.

In any event, I hope you will be able to enjoy summer, reading and more.

It is nice chatting with you, Mike.

Take good care,

Post by: MDemisay on July 10, 2013, 09:33:38 am
Dear Palace,

Please forgive me for being so graphic, I was just trying to illustrate for you what would happen to me.

Of course, I was once in the recent past (2012) confused with somebody who could get an MRI (by a clerk who did not know of my metal clips - can you imagine her embarassment ?).

 I know that we all have "our stories" and individual crosses to bear. Please know that we all have the best intentions (or should) and wish the very best for each other, as I wish for you and for all of the newbies and more experienced ones who visit here.

While it is not possible for each of us to know the nuances of our individual stories, it is possible to treat each other with respect, once again, I apologize if I have offended you in any way.

 I promise you, with regard to my own surgery and treatment I have considered and reconsidered every option. All of us here have only one body (and one brain), it is up to each one of us to treat it with a great deal of consideration.

(While I am not a Doctor, I am a currently employed Executive Director of a large multilevel Health Care Facility with a current New York State Administrator's License.)

All the best of intentions and health to you.


Post by: MDemisay on October 01, 2013, 02:30:35 pm

Allow me to bring up once more for the newest newbies my words of wisdom (and just dumb luck) once more that you may better learn to identify your YELLOW FLAGS in yourselves and slow down,  just a wee bit.

 Time is so precious to you all, don't watch and wait too long, it is best to follow your gut here. You may not be as fortunate as to be given so many YELLOW FLAGS as I was!


Post by: grace on October 07, 2013, 02:14:41 pm
Beloved ANA  friends, I have hesitated to respond since I have been through 200 hrs + of research and  several visits to all the specialists who have been telling their opinions to me... as fragile as I was   am   I have to comment on what I just have read these past few pages... Holistically speaking, yes these are red yellow flags and how we react and what we change is how we live or exist. As a health & preventive professional  that was pushed out of my faculty position because of catching the admin who was my former Patient  in an affair w/ drugs and on and on never got my position back and 5 more tragic things happened after that all  within 3 month then I was left alone  empty nest and no local work for my husband so  this has been a long run, I was here for all 24/7 then w/o the teaching position, caregiver, wife & mother -w/o the money , party and making dreams happen 1700 resumes later... this  now I am just being  not doing, I realize the gift f time yet too much alone is an extreme yet I am a people person. I  now  don't like to drive much ? Anyone else feel this way. I DO but I push to get all done while I am out so I can be still afterwards.. Not that this changes this outcome but tumors grow from nurturing old hurts.. I did tell this story too many times -not the first 2 yrs but after 1700 applications w/o ever getting rehired,,, then this fullness off balance an headaches/migraines had me check into the ENT who left a phone message as if talking about the weather left the AN and other misdiagnosis - wow ... changed my world... yet I now after almost a yr am going to have the MRI to hope it has not grown. I have stopped- smelled the roses as well as pray. I want to have a roommate to enjoy our lake house since I live alone 90 % of the time and it is not healthy plus to share is a great thing quietude by nature and share a common an experience   with someone who really understands... and help and if interested  can co-write or assist on one of my 5 books, One is to our core AN group - why ? To address the few comments said above, Yes we do have to make a change but often jumping into surgery is NOT the answer, Take it from a researcher in this matter. I have asked and written the best of the field in AN surgery and they were honest enough to tell me that I was right in asking where are the long term studies? THERE aren't any long term studies on these radiation procedures especially. 5 yrs is hardly gold science to tell patients to go ahead with. I have an analogy  with the cyberknife or gamma or whatever name that they want to give radiation. I take x-rays in my field and also can simply say it how it was described to me from 2 of the top MD's . When you radiate the AN or anything in this high dose it makes the cells sticky  so if ever you need to get a surgery to remove it the stickiness of the cells are so close to the nerves needed for vital facial and hearing and balance functions that the removal is much harder microscopically. To visualize this. think of a piece of plastic wrap over a container and after you microwave it then it shrinks so much you see it looking sticky. That is similar but it is our actual brain / ear / facial nerve cells frying. After this I took a long break from DR's. The info was too black to white n their difference in treatment from the sane AN  specialists  WHY???? and I am the real person who feels the outcome. My questions to those of you who got any of the procedures done.... Does it take away the underwater feeling? Did you  come out with worse hearing or no hearing all together/ What is the best thing since the surgery besides getting it out of my brain? How any got headaches after or need more OT/PT to learn to use balance, or how to swallow? I have talked to people and read this for a while. I am now depressed knowing that I have not read but one happy positive outcome but even that one said he/she lost hearing of the ear worked on.  I hope to hear back as I have so much to give yet for the first time I am alone truly alone in my life on the lakeside of CT, I have not wanted to tell people so as not to be judged as I have not been in a good space for a while. Thanks to others posting here I guess depression is part of it plus it being such a change every Sept. no class full of students and nobody to hear all about prevention, I thought the whole world  wanted TO HEAR AND LEARN HEALTH AND PREVENTION, I WAS WOKEN UP 2 YRS AGO WHEN NOT ONE OF MY RESUMES WERE RETURNED. Our healthcare system I just realized we have a sick care system  not a wellness care system and although I pay a lot for my own insurance (615.00)a month -I only can get drugs & surgery - not any preventive care - massage , craniosacral release, swimming, ect... I hope to see   it different but after years of teaching  like DR Oz with a lot more on helping all students learn what was closest to them  to find the cure not mask it and I helped them use gold science by asking them to ask the right questions and going to the masters not the practices. The Cyberknife and all equipment must be paid for a the comment above was stated.. Unfortunately ,, Medicine has become a huge greedy business,,, as heart wrenching and as many years it has taken me to do this.... I now have to be sure if I get cut or fried to hopefully feel better after and pray  there won't be mistakes as this has been enough for me to handle. You posting this means a lot to me. I hope you know that, Your words are always inspirational, God Bless You all and  I hope t get responses...  Grace
Post by: MDemisay on October 21, 2013, 08:39:00 pm
Dear Grace,

My, that is a lot to handle! I would suggest taking it easy for a while and going easy on yourself. This condition can get you down in and of itself nevermind the multiple issues that you must be dealing with! If you need someone to talk to you can PM me if you like!

For now, take it easy on yourself and try to deal with things one at a time...Otherwise you will be overwhelmed!

Praying for you. I have found meditation helps along with directed prayer.

Post by: MDemisay on August 07, 2014, 01:27:28 pm
Hi friends,

Remember me?  It's time for all the newbies to learn what I learned the HARD WAY. Through reading this you are forwarned NOT to be "like Mike", each and everytime I overlooked my symptoms........I should have realized that 1 + 1 + 1 =3 but it made no sense!

Take a good look at your symptoms if you have them and if something doesn't add up get it checked out. Not many people are as fortunate as I was to have so many YELLOW FLAGS.

Here's hoping an old dredged up subject does some good. If you have read this already, pass on it, if not PASS IT ON!


Post by: MDemisay on August 20, 2014, 12:15:07 pm
To All the Newbies aboard for the first time Welcome to your Personal Journey, (we are all here together like it or not)

I am not trying to preach or to impress anyone! Believe me, I do not want you to go through what it seems has been a long journey for me, hopefully by taking time to think about yourself and pay attention to yourself, you can avoid the obvious mistakes I made in not listening to what my body was trying to tell me all along.

Yet, I don't know your circumstances, it helps to "listen" with your awareness of your own body, if something doesn't "feel" right, it probably isn't. Take time out and get to a quiet spot and plan your next move.

Without taking some quality time for yourself out of your possibly fast paced life, you are bound to miss some YELLOW FLAGS.

Out of Concern,
