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Archive => Archives => Topic started by: Crazycat on April 27, 2006, 08:06:47 pm

Title: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Crazycat on April 27, 2006, 08:06:47 pm
I was wondering if any of you have been given this steroid before and after surgery. Phyl and I were talking about this drug and its generic companion (can't remember the name). Since my ordeal last September, I've added a couple of inches to my waist even though I don't eat any more than I did before surgery. I think I'm starting to shed the weight now. It takes a long, long time to cleanse the accumulation of drug residue from the liver.

Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: wanderer on April 27, 2006, 08:14:40 pm
yes it can cause weight gain.   much like prednisone

I've been on it several times
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Battyp on April 27, 2006, 08:19:32 pm
Decardron is the other name and yes I put on weight before surgery after starting on the drug...still trying to lose it!
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: HeadCase2 on April 27, 2006, 08:54:13 pm
  Yep, it's steriod and can lead to weight gain.  When I was on it I had thoughts like "I want a cheesburger........Now".
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Battyp on April 27, 2006, 09:13:26 pm
LOL  Problem was I typically got what I wanted and then some! 
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Gennysmom on April 27, 2006, 10:20:21 pm
Secondly, I'm curious how long you all were kept on Decadron/Dex.  Dr. said yesterday he expects me to be on 7 days including the taper. 

Paul, my fellow bird owner, if you caught my comments on another thread (somewhere), I had quite the epiphany when I realized Decadron = Dexamethasone, as Dex is what we give birds that fly into windows, knocking themselves silly, at the wildlife rehab I volunteer at.  I've done an IM on many of them with that and they get the taper too.  Odd coincidence. 

I hope that 7 days isn't enough for significant weight gain, and I hope 7 days is it. 
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Crazycat on April 28, 2006, 01:22:20 am
Ahhh, I am holding the now empty container for the dexamethasone I was given before my surgery. There were 40 tablets. I was instructed to take four a day for ten days before surgery.

    My girlfriend has informed me that I was also given the same drug through the I.V. while in the hospital after surgery to decrease swelling.
This I have no recollection of, being out of it as I was at the time.

Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Kilroy1976 on April 28, 2006, 06:56:12 am
Gained weight even though I had difficulty eating and was bouncing off the walls the whole time. Still trying to shed it, sigh. I was on it for two weeks.
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Battyp on April 28, 2006, 07:48:19 am
Mom I know I'm the exception to the "rules" when it comes to treatment.  I was on it from aug around october if I remember correctly.  I was getting 16 mgs's a day (4mg x4 a day) after surgery before surgery I think I took one day but don't really remember very well.  I also had iv steriods during and after surgery to reduce swelling. I curse the drug but also know it saved my bacon so I know it's a necessary evil! :P
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Captain Deb on April 28, 2006, 12:01:29 pm
The steroids made me try to eat my weight in mashed potatoes nightly post-op.  They were fabulous (the mashed potatoes, not the steroids) I didn't have to make 'em and I slathered 'em in gravy.  Was still eating at the hospital cafeteria because we were at House Ear Clinic's guesthouse and all the other AN'ers were there. I won the mashed potato eating competition hands down! ;D

Captain Deb 8)
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Sue on April 28, 2006, 12:31:22 pm
Wow, I can talk about this one!  Went on the steroid the day of procedure and tapered off a week later.  These are important drugs and they give it to you for a reason, as far as I'm concerned. That tumor gets very upset when it get's nuked, and something has to control it's death throes.   I was only on it a week. I have no weight gain but then I am also diabetic and couldn't give in to my food cravings, which, believe me I had plenty of those!) I didn't sleep much. Yesterday was a horrible day because I never fell to sleep the night before - just layed there with my eyes shut, then moved to the couch with my eyes shut, then to the other couch with my eyes shut - but no sleep. Got in 2 hours and that was it in the late morning. It was a horrible, horrible day. I called the pharmacist who assured me that the drugs were working their way out of my system (24-48 hrs) and I'd be okay.  Last night I finally slept. And dreamed!  And woke up and WENT BACK TO SLEEP. Praise the Lord!  A good nights sleep is worth it's weight in gold. Especially when you feel like you got a case of the "punnies", anyway.  And when the brain says, "sleep is hightly overrated.." then you just gotta wait it out until the meds are gone. I personally don't know how anyone can take those meds and go back to work. At least I wouldn't have been able to.

My mother had cancer and died when I was only 15. She was on some sort of steroid then and for a much longer period of time. She has photos taken of her that don't hardly look like the mother I knew and loved - she had a full moon face and looked like a little dumpling!  She NEVER was overweight. She was a foxy chick.   ::)
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Battyp on April 29, 2006, 08:57:24 pm
Sue so sorry to hear about your mom.  Yes, dec can cause the "moon face". 

Sounds like you are in the decadron crash stage....all you'll want to do is sleep!
I think it's to make up for all the missed sleep  LOL
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Sue on April 29, 2006, 11:49:23 pm

Actually, I'm feeling pretty good today. I feel like I crossed some invisible barrier...the brain fog has lifted and I am feeling kind of like old Sue again.  My auntie says I sounded much better on the phone. My husband and I went to the fair grounds to take in the yard and garden show for a few hours, and then went grocery shopping. I did pretty good!  I made a nice dinner and we watched a movie. I'd still love a good nights sleep. Didn't get to sleep last night until after 3 a.m.  Didn't have ANY caffeine tonight and maybe if I read, I'll get sleepy. Don't feel near as tired as I did.  But I want to feel sleepy!!  I want to sleep for 10 hours. Really, I do.

But, the drugs feel like they are gone. Gad, I'd make a terrible drug addict.

Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Battyp on April 30, 2006, 08:21:49 am
Sue you're a hoot! 
I stopped caffiene while in the hospital and when I've had it since it wires me!  I do not like the feeling at all! 

You'll get to the crash and burn stage.  My problem was I tried to stop taking naps and just couldn't...problem was I'd want to crash by about 5 in the evening which of course would make it impossible to sleep at bed time.  It's such a vicious cycle!

Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Sue on May 02, 2006, 06:57:51 pm
Yes, I am a hoot!!  LOL ;D

I actually drove the car, ran a bunch of errands yesterday morning and did okay.  I ended up with a weird kind of headache and had it this morning, too.  But another dose of tylenol finished it off.  Didn't do much today but I got in two walks and should maybe take another one as I was snacking this afternoon, and shouldn't have done that.   Slowly coming back, I guess.  Dr.'s office called to reschedule my follow up appointment as dr will be in surgery.  Some nerve, huh?  So, don't see him until the 11th.  Anyway, I don't suppose he'll tell me anything of great interest anyway.  Pin sites look good,see you in 6 months, buh bye.


Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: Battyp on May 02, 2006, 09:07:40 pm
I hate when you schedule and appointment months in advance and they change it.  Wonder if we can charge them for missing an appt  LOL  I had to explain to the determinng disability official why I am not going back until June with all my problems.  DUH surgeon said I lived, NEXT  LOL  I did get interesting info on the ssd process :o)

Sounds like you're doing great!  I couldn't drive for months after my surgery. Heck I still don't drive that well  LOL 
Title: Re: Dexamethasone =Weight Gain?
Post by: ppearl214 on May 03, 2006, 01:09:13 pm
I refuse to discuss my weight, being 1 week post Decacrap!  Diet! Can you say diet?

*plunks head on desk*

ow!  No facial numbness today... oy. ;)