ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: blanc on March 16, 2010, 03:33:33 pm

Title: sucessful surgery
Post by: blanc on March 16, 2010, 03:33:33 pm
Dear all,its the 15th of march  and 4days post operation.
my surgery went very well  although a bit of the tumor was lsft behind to preserve my facial nerve and i am happy with that.i had the retrosegoid subbocipal approah,its tha 15th of march  and 4days post operation.
my surgery went very well  although a bit of the tumor was lsft behind to preserve my facial nerve and i am happy with that.i had the retrosegoidraoch by dr chin lawrence z,d dr s jalisi. i thought they were great doctors. my hearingm was preserved on the left ear and my facial nerves working
I do however have throbing headaches which im hoping will go away with time. i was released frpm bmc this afternoon so im home again. i also have serious balance issues and kind of a bleury or double vision and my lsft eye feels weird.
thanks alot for your support and prayers and hope someday i can someday give some one the knindness i have recieved.
Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: Jim Scott on March 16, 2010, 04:01:23 pm
Blandine ~

Congratulations on your successful AN surgery!  I hope and will pray that whatever lingering deficits you're experiencing will quickly resolve.  Now, rest and recover.  :)

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: Larry on March 16, 2010, 04:20:54 pm

congrats on the surgery and the preservation of your facial nerve. Just keep an eye on the headaches. For some, they go away within a few months, for others they are there to stay. make sure you monitor them because the surgeons will tell you that its normal to have these headaches. Well, I'm not so sure about that apart from a few days after major surgery.

There are a number of threads on headaches to read here but don't put up with the headaches without trying to minimise the pain.

wishing you a quick and positive recovery

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: CHD63 on March 16, 2010, 04:48:16 pm
Blandine .....

Glad to hear your surgery is behind you and now to concentrate on complete recovery.  The first few days are always the worst, and hopefully the headaches will soon be a thing of the past.  Do not overdo ..... listen to your body.  Walk as much as you are safely able to, but be sure to rest in between times.

Thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: Tod on March 16, 2010, 06:03:28 pm

I'm glad to hear your surgery is over, successful, and you are back home. Take your time and heal well.


Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: Mei Mei on March 16, 2010, 07:48:29 pm
Dear Blandine,
Congratulations on a successful surgery and having your facial nerve and hearing in place!  That is not an easy thing and you are very lucky.  Now rest well and recover well.  Drink lots of water and practice your balance exercises.  Work with the doctors on your headaches.  I hope they go away for you.
Mei Mei
Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: ppearl214 on March 16, 2010, 08:47:50 pm

When I stood at Brigham Woman's last Friday, I took time to stare down the street towards BMC to send good wishes your way! It looks like those wishes have helped. Congrats on being a postie... and please take it easy! Thanks for checking in with us but now time to focus on your speedy recovery!  Get some rest!

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: leapyrtwins on March 16, 2010, 08:52:50 pm
Blandine -

thanks for the update.

It sounds like you are well on the way to recovery.

Congrats on a successful outcome.

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: Debbi on March 17, 2010, 01:20:16 pm
Blandine -

So glad to read your post of a successful surgery.  Now, it's time to focus on recovery!  Take it one day, one step, at a time.  You've got lots of friends here cheering you on.

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: LisaP on March 22, 2010, 05:31:15 pm

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!

bmc, is that short for BayState Medical Center? Where did you have your surgery? ;D

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: ppearl214 on March 22, 2010, 06:50:27 pm
bmc, is that short for BayState Medical Center? Where did you have your surgery? ;D

I believe Boston Medical Center based on earlier thread: Phyl
Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: moe on March 23, 2010, 09:02:10 am
Congratulations! You made it! Still lots of work to do, but you survived brain surgery magnificently ;D.
And posting so soon.

Let us know how things continue at your leisurely pace. Do not rush the recovery. Go with the flow. Lots of rests, naps, rests, naps, walks, etc....
And watch the bending over (don't do it)- may increase the headaches.

Your symptoms should subside over time. Give it 6 weeks at least. I enjoyed soothing music on a CD or ipod to just float away with when I was recovering. I had massive headaches which did go away after 6 weeks. No headaches now. The balance will improve with just simply walking as much as you can, looking straight ahead if you can.

Continued easy recovery wishes going your way :)
Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: mimoore on March 23, 2010, 04:13:30 pm
Welcome to being a postie! Now get back to resting and relaxing and taking things slowly!
Michelle  ;D
Looking forward to your updates - sending healing vibes your way!
Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: joebloggs on March 24, 2010, 12:44:33 am
Congratulations!  Take it easy now, don't try and do too much too soon - your body will thank you for relaxing!  Good luck with the headaches - I hope they go away for good soon.

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: blanc on March 25, 2010, 01:15:20 pm
Thanks all for your wishes. Surgery was at the Boston medical Centre. I had my stiches removed yesterday and the headaches have greatly improved.
Title: Swelling,infection and in hospital again
Post by: blanc on April 15, 2010, 10:35:46 am
My dear AN Family,
Just when i thought i was one month post opt and recovering well, i found myself in hospital again. About 3 weeks after surgery i had severe pain on my incision site. Then it started to swell just around my hair line and my neck was so tender.Last saturday it started draining  and i rushed to ER and was admitted. Turned out it was a superficial infection. The sad part is my incision had to be re-opened and cleaned just so the bateria don,t go any further.So i had to go through the whole anesthesia, pain and recovery thing again. I was so heartbroken cause i thought i had made alot of progress.
But the good news is  culture was done and there is no bateria growth, so i have been sent home on oral antibiotics. Suprisingly i feel alot better today and thanking my god for a successful surgery.
Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: kenneth_k on April 15, 2010, 12:13:30 pm
That was very unfortunate. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.

Best regards, Kenneth
Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: Tod on April 15, 2010, 12:16:13 pm

I am so sorry to hear about your setback. Just keep in mind it is only a setback and you will back on the road to full recovery in short order. Just keep taking care of yourself and doing the right things and you will soon be fine.

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: CHD63 on April 15, 2010, 01:17:23 pm
Blandine .....

You did the right thing to get to the ER quickly.  Infection is never a good thing but so glad yours is responding well to treatment and you are feeling better.

Best thoughts and many prayers for no more setbacks and an uneventful recovery from here on out!

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: Jim Scott on April 15, 2010, 02:43:33 pm
Blandine ~

I can understand your disappointment and frustration with the incision infection/leak.  However, it's done now and you can once again start working toward your full recovery.  We'll be rooting for you!  :)

Title: Re: sucessful surgery
Post by: moe on April 16, 2010, 08:31:02 am
Sorry to hear of your infection, but sounds like they "nipped it in the bud", and you should be good to go now.
Setbacks happen, you are doing great and you feel better, so keep truckn!