Post-Treatment > Post-Treatment

Just Starting Recovery

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I had a 2.8cm AN that was removed by retrosigmoid surgery on Jan 11, 2007. Fortunately, no obvious facial paralysis (doctors can see some slight weakness when closing my right eye).   I did lose all hearing in my right ear.  The tumor had pretty much destroyed the nerve before they had scheduled surgery to remove it, so I was fairly certain that deafness on that side was likely.  All in all, after 2 days the doctors removed the pressure bandage and my recovery has been uneventful.  I have site/incision pain, limited neck mobility and mild dizziness that is triggered by quick motion of the head, which is to be expected.  I also have quite a bit of scalp tenderness separate from the operative location.  Some described it as having your hair pulled into tight pigtails for a period of time.  I would say that is 100% correct.

So, everything has been going pretty well for me thus far.  Are there any surprises that one should expect further down the road?  My surgeon said to expect some post-op facial paralysis due to tissue swelling around the nerve.  I haven't had that yet, should I expect it, or anything else for that matter?  Or if it hasn't happened yet, it won't?

This is my first post to these forums.  I appreciate you guys sharing your experiences with everyone.  It helps the healing process for those of us just coming to terms with the post-op effects of the tumor removal.


Great to hear you made it through surgery and doing well.
I just had mine on Dec 19th but a different surgery (middle fossa).
I still have facial paralysis after a month, but it is slowly coming back.
I have a little movement above my eye, and my face has lifted up some.
I have dry eye on my AN side and keep those eye drops handy.
The road to recovery for me seems to be long for my facial weekness, everything else (phiscal) is back to normal.
It takes months for those nerves to heal. So keep thinking positive.


Kenn A.

Sounds pretty typical to me.  If you're eye isn't closing all the way you need to use eyedrops to keep it from drying out and causing cornea damage.  Refresh works great.  I didn't for the first couple of weeks as I didn't know and I reached that point of my eye felt like i had beach sand in it.   >:(  The Refresh can be used over a course of 24 hours as you can recap it the off brands it's a one shot deal per vial. 

How's your balance?  If you didn't wake up w/ facial paraylsis then I wouldn't worry too much about it.  I woke up with facial numbness with slight asymmetry which the numbness is still there but the asymetery only happens if I'm really exhausted.  Some have gotten some facial issues about 10 days to 2 weeks out from swelling. 

It took me months before I could sleep on my surgical side and my head is still tender but not like the pull your hair too tight from the ponytail thing anymore. 

The best thing you can do is to walk and challenge yourself as much as you can.  Crossword puzzles word finds, games etc...sounds to me like you're doing great!


     To Kymera:

     WOW !!  Ten days out & you sound great !!!
     Good for you !!!  Glad to hear you're doing well.

      I had major balance issues, dry eye, etc.   Unfortunately have the facial paralysis.

      Best advice is to get plenty of rest (Don't fight your body if it wants to nap)
      Go for walks (weather permitting); a good balance exercise is to close your eyes & slowly turn your head side to side (have something ready to grab onto in case of                    extreme dizziness).
       No straining (I was on Colace 100 mg twice a day for 6 weeks, & Zantac twice a day for the upset stomach).
       Like Batty said, Eye drops/lubricant for the dry eye (if you have that problem).
       My headaches were real bad for about 3 weeks.  Took extra strength Tylenol.

       Well, if you have any problems, call the docs, check in with us, keep us posted.

       Again, wishing you all the best,   Nancy

Hi Kymera:


You sound like you are doing very well.  Congrats on that.

The only suprises I had (actually I shouldn't have been suprised, I was told both might happen) were my eye quit closing all the way about day 12 and late onset paralysis set in a little.  It was no big deal but I was dissapointed as the first 12 days were a breeze.

I used lacrilube for the eye at night and whenever I didn't need to read or watch TV.  It makes your vision blurry for a while.  Thick drops worked when I was out and about. 

The late onset paralysis amounted to a numb cheek and lips.  It was a challenge to drink, expecially out of a soda can. 

Nap when you want and you will be yourself again in no time.

Good luck,  Kathy


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