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Restrictions following surgery

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I am facing surgery for a 2 cm AN soon.  I see the surgeon January 22nd and a date will be set at that time.  I hope it's soon because I feel like I'm losing my mind from anxiety.  Anyway, I was wondering what the typical restrictions are following surgery and for how long (like lifting, driving, etc)

Linda in WV

Hi Linda:

First off I wish you all the best.
Well, everyone's post op journey is unique, but most have headaches, balance issues, fatigue -
i personally had bad headaches daily for about 3 weeks, the fatigue is improving but still there,
balance issues are just now improving (I've been going for balance therapy 3 months).
One of the most important things post op is to REST, REST, REST.  Your body will dutifully let you know when it's time for a nap.
Those of us with facial paralysis have eye issues (dry eye due to eyelids not closing), eating & drinking difficulties, also speaking difficulties.
(Hopefully you won't be in this small group post op).
Have someone to help around the house for at least the first 2 weeks.   I started driving 3 weeks post op, 2 weeks after returning home.
Have food prepared, laundry done, etc.  prior to surgery.
Again, all the best to you Linda,  take care,   Nancy

Hi Linda - Welcome!!

Once the surgery date was set, most of the anxiety was lifted.  Then, I was anxious to get it over with. 

My surgery was three years ago this May so my memory is a little foggy.  I think the no heavy lifting restriction was for the first month.  You can't take a chance on a CF leak. Plus, I remember no bending over to pick stuff up off the floor (I bought a reacher and used it many times.  I was always dropping stuff).  Don't worry about what to do and what not to do, they send you home with a list of instructions. 

The driving thing seems to be when you feel comfortable with it.  I drove myself to the eye doctor about day 12.  It was only a few miles from my home and no interstate driving.  The biggest problem with driving is turning your head.  Your neck will be very stiff.

My post op was very uneventful.  I wish the same for you

Good luck to you and if you need anything,  send me a note.  Kathy

Hey Catflower...I will be "celebrating" my 1 year surgery anniversary on Jan.25th.Every case is different but I was way concerned about what restrictions I would have to deal with after surgery.My Doc's instructed me to not attempt to drive for 3 weeks,although I did make a quick drive to the library after 10 days or so but I would not advise it.The only other restriction was not to pick up anything and strain myself for 6 weeks.I think this is something they really want you to follow.My Docs told me that walking was not a problem in fact it was required.For me the worst part of the entire episode was the 36 hours following surgery.My head never hurt at all but stomach was upset and I had trouble holding any food down.Sort of reminded me a a very nasty hangover that lasts for a day and half.Drink all the water you can in the days leading up to surgery and then continue this after surgery.I am convinced this speeds up the process of getting all the meds out of your system.You will see progress quickly after you have your surgery.After the initial 36 hours my recovery was real quick so just tough it out for 36 hours and you will most likely be on fast track to feeling better!!

BLOCK IS RIGHT, I forgot about the NO STRAINING, in fact, my docs had me take Colace twice a day for the first 6 weeks.
Between that & my mom cooking real healthy foods for 2 weeks, I was A-okay !!


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