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Social Security (Binder and Binder)

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Has anyone used the national law firm of Binder and Binder? All they handle are social security disability cases.

I was denied benefits and was considering using them for my appeal.
Any comments would be appreciated.


I used a Houston attorney recommended by my daughter, who is a paralegal.  Usually firms like Binder and Binder get the info on your case and then refer it to another attorney.  They make mega bucks on referrals.  Some of the big firms advertising on TV do referrals only.   I was denied twice and asked for a hearing.  The decision was "favorably" reversed before I got to the hearing.  Let me know if I can help in any way.

Ive been trying for months, you probably wont get it with out an attorney at least thats what Ive heard. But I have had  "Flemimg,Greenwald & associates Nation wide Representation  !-800-882-5500. I think they are all about the same. Because they get some of that money too. Hope you can find someone that works out Good luck. :) let me know too. :) They tell me you get deined apx. 3 times.

If yopu will go to the Social Security website you will find that the commissioner has instilled some new rules.  I was declined twice and before my hearing was scheduled I was approved.  If you have an attorney he will receive 25% and Social Security will pay that before you get your money.  Your date of disability is decided by Social Security and you will receive payment from five months after you first became disabled.  I hope this info helps both of you.

Thanks for the replies. I left a message on Binder and Binder's voice mail this weekend. My wife is calling our family attorney to get some local refferals as well.

It's funny, I worked for the Federal Government in a Law Enforcement capacity for 17 yrs. They offered me disability retirement and signed statements that they could not accommodate my condition. The disability insurance company (that I purchased through the job) says I am disabled and they are paying. But Social Security says that I can return to work within a year of my surgery! I think it would be challenging to find a law enforcement position for a guy who walks like a drunken sailor in poor light or darkness , has single sided profound deafnessand doesn't have any sound directionality.  Go figure!



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