Post-Treatment > Post-Treatment

life after GK surgery 4 1/2 years out what have I learned

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Great post! I remember trolling this site daily when I was first diagnosed and then awaiting surgery. Trying to gain hope and knowledge of what to expect. I now know that each person has their own unique experience, but you are right, some things are common and we can all relate. Thanks for sharing this "happy ending" and your great outlook to the future.

Thank you so much for your inspirational blog about your AN journey!  I am only 4 months out from GK but have your same philosophy and am not letting the wonkiness or facial twitches get me down.  I continue to ride my bike and walk as much as I can, even on the beach, in spite of the fact it sometimes wears me out tremendously!   Glad to know there's lots of hope and things to look forward to in the years ahead!  thanks for sharing.

Well done! Very inspirational! Maybe you should write a novel!

I had my surgery in March and will be returning to the classroom shortly.  I worry about not being able to hear from my left ear—triangulate sound/ voices. I’ve tried to visualize what I would do if I wasn’t teaching. Time will tell if I will need to make a career change. I tell my students about conquering the bumps in the road. Now I have to take my own advice.

Thank you so much for your inspirational post.
 I am one year post Gamma and I also have decided that this will not define me. I continue to do most of what I did before - everything just seems to take me longer!!My age (71) also plays a factor!!
Balance issues and walking are my biggest problems - other factors play into that.(polio, hip replacement and knee replacements) but I keep pushing - even when I don’t want to. Next week my husband and I are going on a trip. Bringing my walker, so that I can do as much as possible and not hold by husband back. All will be good. I have decided!!! Wish us luck.


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