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Smoking and AN's

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I have been a smoker for around 25 years.  I have been trying to quit for some time now, but haven't really had to motivation.  When my symptoms started about 2 months ago, I found that when I smoked it seemed to trigger dizziness and if I was already dizzy, it made it worse.  Ofcourse, this has helped tremendously in my quest to quit.  If there are any other smokers out there, you know that stress is a trigger for smoking more.  The last few months hae been extremely stressful which has made the quitting process that much more difficult.  Does anyone know of something to help with the process.  A friend told me of a new drug call Chantix that is supposed to be very good.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Susie,
  That is a tough one. Been there, etc. Don't expect it to happen over night; pat yourself on the back for every small step you take toward the goal; don't be hard on yourself for not succeeding right away. Nicotine addiction is a tough addiction to beat. One Yale psychologist calls nicotine "the finest drug".
  Chantix is a nicotine blocker, preventing it from triggering dopamine release, or so they think. Dopamine release is what you are actually addicted to. Zyban has been around a while. It is a mood enhancer, developed as an anti-depressant I think. It makes you feel good without nicotine/dopamine, so you don't care so much that you are in withdrawal. Patches, gums, and lozenges are just nicotine without the smoke.
  Most doctors are quite happy to help someone quit. Talk it over with a doctor you like, try some things out, see if there is a support group you like. It may take a while, but you can find a way to do it if you work at it. Kind of like getting your AN treated, come to think of it. ;)
  Nicotine is also a vaso-constrictor, meaning it makes small veins and capillaries shrink, reducing blood supply. Doing this to nerves in your head that are already challenged by the presence of a tumor can increase a range of symptoms. So it will be worth it if you can pull it off, and if you can't quite do it, every little bit of reduction will help.
  Good luck. If you give in, smoke one for me, I miss 'em still.


Hi Susie - I started using Chantix this July, & quit (almost) smoking July 21st - I was a 1 1/2 - 2 pack a day smoker & actually had no intention of quitting until I learned most plastic surgeions won't operate on me if I smoke.  The past 2 weekends I bought a pack & it lasts Fri thru Sun, (I don't smoke during the week) - I don't know why because I get no pleasure from smoking anymore & the smoke burns my throat.   I've tried every other method & the Chantix is working the best.  If I was more motivated I wouldn't need the cigs on the weekend.   It isn't cheap - the insurance cos. don't pay.  The first month cost me $115., the second month (now) is about $125. (higher dose).   I know the smoking has not helped my facial nerve coming back one bit, that is my fault.  I've been smoking for 37 years.   Good luck,  Nancy

Hi all,

*shyly raises hand*

Smoker here as well.... I don't find enhanced dizziness from smoking in my case but dr did note Chantix to me as well.  Primary care physician also pushing me to quit.  Will be curious to hear other's stories about Chantix as it may be a choice for me as well.

Thanks for bringing up this topic.... all too important.  Will follow along to hear other's inputs.


Oh - a few weeks ago I read in the news where Chantix is also being used for alcohol cessation - Steve is right - for nicotine & alcohol it blocks the dopamine, so you don't get the 'pleasure' from either of these vices.  But for me cigs & wine went together hand in hand - stop one & I stop the other.   (You don't drink you don't smoke, what do you do...don't know the name of THAT song !).
ps:  One of my co-workers asked if it would work for food....unfortunately not;( but if she had an AN removed & lost her taste like I did, she wouldn't care about eating either.)


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