ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: wendysig on January 25, 2009, 07:48:09 pm

Title: Six month update
Post by: wendysig on January 25, 2009, 07:48:09 pm
Hi all,

I just realized a few minutes ago that six months ago today I had my translab surgery -- time flies when you're having fun I guess.  ;D   I got off to a little bit of a rocky start after my surgery with my leaky incision (that was a fun two months) and taking Debbi's lead, you all made me Queen of the Icky Heads!  All in all, I have been very fortunate and count my blessings on a pretty regular basis. Although my balance has improved greatly, there are times I still get that wonky headed feeling and  the mall and crowds will never be the same for me, no matter what I do I still feel slightly disoriented in either circumstance, so I guess I will probably have to live with that and the fact that walking in a straight line also seems impossible  -- certainly, I could have much worse problems.  My biggest remaining problems  are being SSD and my lack of directionality.   I actually find them equally frustrating but hope when I get my BAHA processor in April that will be a big help.

I know the day I found this forum -- the day after my diagnosis (April 10) -- was one of  the luckiest days of my life.   I probably should have bought a lottery ticket that day.  You have all been so wonderful and supportive that I will be eternally grateful.  I can safely say that I could never have gotten through the past few months and kept my sanity (or what's left of it  ;D) without you, my wonderful extended family.   You all supported me, lent me your virtual shoulders to cry on, propped me up when I was feeling down or frightened and gave me invaluable advice, shared your stories and on occasion, your zaniness and hilarity.   "Thank you" somehow doesn't seem like enough, but thank you. 

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: sgerrard on January 25, 2009, 07:52:34 pm
"Thank you" somehow doesn't seem like enough, but thank you. 

Thank you is plenty, Wendy, it's been a pleasure having you here the last six months. I hope you stick around another six!

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: Mickey on January 25, 2009, 08:12:39 pm
Way to go Wendy!  6 mos. is a relitively short time. It sounds to me like you`ll be getting better and better especially with the baha coming soon. Best Wishes, Mickey
Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: Kaybo on January 25, 2009, 08:21:17 pm

It just keeps getting better!   ;D

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: leapyrtwins on January 26, 2009, 12:09:59 am
Congratulations, Wendy.  Half-way through year one - a great milestone  ;D

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: MAlegant on January 26, 2009, 10:06:57 am
Happy 6 months Wendy!  And you give as much as you've received so it all evens out in the end.

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: Pooter on January 26, 2009, 11:09:14 am
WOW!  6 months already!  Here's to the past 6 and here's another for the next 6!  Congratulations!  I know personally how good it feels to hit milestones like that..

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: wendysig on January 26, 2009, 12:31:58 pm
Hi all,

Thanks for all your good wishes!  It is hard to believe it has already been 6 months since my surgeyr, it seems almost impossible that it's been that long.   I think the fact that we cheer each other on even after the worst has passed and we go back to trying to live our normal lives, continues to make this journey a lot easier.  I have tried hard to embrace and laugh, when possible, at the changes that have come with the AN experience and you have all played  a major part in making that possible.  I have also found that in helping those of you I have helped, I have also helped myself.  You are all so very special to me and I hope to be around to lend a shoulder or hand and share in the crazyness for a long time to come!

Best wishes to all,
Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: ppearl214 on January 26, 2009, 01:45:23 pm
onward and upward, Wendy! :)  continued wishes of wellness! :)

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: Syl on January 26, 2009, 01:57:28 pm

CONRATS!! :) on your six month milestone. You're so right about this group being special, and you are part of it.

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: Captain Deb on January 26, 2009, 02:32:59 pm
Only the best of us gets to be Ickyheads, wench! Never forget that progress continues to be made even years afterwards, so keep on truckin, mama!

Capt Deb
Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: jerseygirl on January 26, 2009, 06:13:57 pm

It really is hard to believe that it has been 6 months already! Congratulations! ;D


P.S. I can't wait to eat your cake. You said it might be possible for the next get together to bake a cake in the form of AN on the MRI. So many people volunteered to destroy the tumor with their teeth! I have serious competition!
Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: Jim Scott on January 27, 2009, 10:31:21 am

Congratulations on your 6-month anniversary!  Your contributions to the forums ('paying it forward') are most appreciated and all the 'thanks' necessary. 

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: Debbi on January 27, 2009, 03:46:23 pm
Wow - can't believe it's already been six months!  Holy cow. 

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: NL on January 27, 2009, 10:44:46 pm

You have given SO much back to others on this forum over those six months! So congratulations...and thank YOU!  :)

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: wendysig on January 28, 2009, 12:34:08 pm
Hi again!

Thanks -- you all make me feel so special and I guess paying it forward is what it's all about in the end   -- the past six months just flew by, acually the last nine months did. I may have lost my hearing in my right ear and have some small problems with balance,  but I somehow feel I've gained more than I've lost.   It seems kind of fitting that I will (hopefully anyway) be able to start using my BAHA processor right around the one year anniversary of my diagnosis.  Now that 's what I call  coming full circle!


Eve -- I guess I'd better come up with a pattern for that cake!  I'm looking forward to it too!  I hope everyone likes chocoalate although I guess the AN part of the cake should be white cake!

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: jerseygirl on January 28, 2009, 03:20:03 pm

I have a feeling that the flavor of a cake does not really matter but NJ/NY ANers will never forget this day! Our revenge will be so sweet!

Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: mimoore on January 31, 2009, 10:01:00 am
Hi Wendy,
Heading in the right direction.
Michelle  ;D
Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: wendysig on January 31, 2009, 07:32:07 pm
Hi Michelle,

Thanks for your post.  I don't know if you are seriously intereted,but I checked and the following are clinics in Ontario (I hope this is right) that do BAHA surgery:

Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Audiology - Clinic C-10
401 Smyth Rd
Ottawa, ON K1H 8L1
Telephone: 613-737-7600 2379
FAX: 613-738-4222
Contact: Linda Moran
   Cochlear Implant Clinic Cochlear Implant Clinic
Baha clinic Baha clinic
Cochlear Canada Inc.
2500 - 120 Adelaide Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 1T1
Telephone: 1-866-296-8189
FAX: (416) 972-5083
   Cochlear Implant Clinic Cochlear Implant Clinic
Baha clinic Baha clinic
Vistafix Vistafix
Elgin Audiology Consultants
66 West Avenue
St. Thomas, ON N5R 5H7
Telephone: (519) 637-5925
   Baha clinic Baha clinic
Lindsay Ear Clinic
10 - 65 Angeline Street North
Lindsay, ON K9V 5N7
Telephone: (705) 340-5050
FAX: (705) 340-5868
   Baha clinic Baha clinic
London Health Sciences Centre
University Hospital, CI Program
339 Windermere Rd, Main Fl - Room B1-330
London, ON N6A 5A5
Telephone: 519-663-3641
FAX: 519-663-3916
Contact: Kim Zimmerman
   Cochlear Implant Clinic Cochlear Implant Clinic
Markham Hearing Centre
107-6633 Highway #7 East
Markham, ON L3P 7P2
Telephone: 905-471-4479
   Baha clinic Baha clinic
Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus
Audiology Dept, Parkdale Clinic
737 Parkdale Ave
Room 242
Ottawa, ON K1Y 1J8
Telephone: 613-798-5555 X18003
FAX: 613-761-4312
Contact: Christine Mcllquhim
   Cochlear Implant Clinic Cochlear Implant Clinic
Baha clinic Baha clinic
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Cochlear Implant Program
Audiology Department, Rm M1-102
2075 Bayview Ave
Toronto, ON M4N 3M5
Telephone: 416-480-6751
FAX: 416-480-5761
Contact: Karina Farrell
   Cochlear Implant Clinic Cochlear Implant Clinic
Baha clinic Baha clinic
The Hospital for Sick Children
Departments of Otolaryngology & Communication Disorders, Cochlear Implant Program
555 University Ave
Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
Telephone: 416-813-7259
FAX: 416-813-6487
Contact: Vicky Papaioannou
   Cochlear Implant Clinic Cochlear Implant Clinic
Baha clinic Baha clinic
Vistafix Vistafix
Toronto Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre
Craniofacial Prosthetic Unit
2075 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON M4N 3M5
Telephone: 416-480-4254
FAX: 416-480-7815
   Vistafix Vistafix
Union Hearing Aid Center
123 Edward Street; Suite #710
Toronto, ON M5G 1E2
Telephone: 416-364-2264
FAX: 416-348-0780
Contact: Nick Veronico
   Cochlear Implant Clinic Cochlear Implant Clinic
Baha clinic Baha clinic


Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: mimoore on February 01, 2009, 10:44:08 am
WOW you are amazing....thanks for all of your hard work...I am going to call and make an appointment. I would like to try the demo. I have to admit I am afraid of more surgery.
Thanks Wendy, have a great day!
Michelle  ;D
Title: Re: Six month update
Post by: bell on February 03, 2009, 12:50:53 pm
Hi Wendy,
Congratulations, thanks for your sharing story.
I am 10 weeks post-op and slowly feeling better.  Looking forward to 6 months recovery.  This is an amazing site, I always enjoy reading.