Post-Treatment > Eye Issues

Cannot cry out of tumour side eye

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Oh yes, me as well. It will be 2 years post op November 1. My right nostril never runs it's also slightly pinched. I'm thinking that is the way it's always going to be. I keep thinking it could be worse so I'm thankful. 

Me too. 

2001, I had a 5 cm. tumor removed from behind the right ear, (which is that? Sigmoid?, 12 hr surgery, they finally had to cut the facial nerve to get it.

No tears in the right eye, dry eye, need drops/gel when it gets bad, same as everyone else.  But also BLURRY PERIPHERAL VISION WHEN LYING DOWN, no lying down to watch TV.  Also my right nostril collapsed, I assumed facial nerve, but that means when I inhale I get half the air.  And of course headaches.  I am just now looking with a new doctor how to address some of these issues along with some other things die to thyroid ,etc.

Has anyone had any experience with the nose and eyes in conjunction with the tears issue?

We seem to be in the boat. No tears. And my nose is always dry.

Same for me. No tears since my surgery. I had radiation five months ago and now I am dealing with facial issues. My eye does not close so I am patching, using the ointment and occasionally I un-patch with drops but I do not last long and then it is on fire from dryness. I hope this gets better as the tumor dies and the swelling dissipates. I understand this process could take one to three years.

Yup me too and it’s been 3 years.


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