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Watering Eye while Eating

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Does anyone else have their eye water when they eat (post-surgery)?  It is just my right eye (the side my tumor was on).  My doctors said it is probably a result of the nerves "cross healing" instead of my mouth watering, my eye tears up.

Cheryl R:
I have it also and once you have it,it doesn't seem to go away.   It's called crocodile tears and is kind of annoying.     I had dry eye for 3 1/2 months so was nice to finally get tears.    I just make sure and have a tissue handy when I eat.    My nose runs also with eating.     I am 3 1/2 yrs post op.
                                 Cheryl R.

I also have it and my doctors said it is because of the way my nerves have rewired themselves. I get the eye and nose run when I eat, exercise, garden, just about anything physical. I am 7 years post-op. It gets annoying at times, but does help with the dry eye. Needless to say, I have a never ending supply of kleenex where ever I go.


I just started to notice this in the past week or so.  I am 3 months post-op today.  It's not that bad, but I do notice that my eye waters a bit while eating.

As for myself I also had this problem but it did get better after about 6 months or some sooner.  I think it is typical for those that have AN surgery.  I had the surgery two times and it both times it went away after a number of months.  Good luck!



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