Post-Treatment > Facial Issues

Survey of Facial Paralysis

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Hi Gang:  I have been wondering about this & hope those of you with facial paralysis will join in.  I'd like to know from those who have/have had facial paralysis: how was it caused, what was done, how is it now & what you are doing to assist with healing.  I would say for myself:

facial nerve cut 6/19/06 with end to end facial nerve anastamosis at time of surgery;   Get routine facial EMGs, last showed 10-15% nerve generation but still no movement.    Going for acupuncture since 10/06.

I appreciate all who volunteer for this 'informal' survey.    Thanks,  Nancy

Interesting survey.

My facial paralysis was caused from having my facial nerve stretched.  It was intact after surgery. 9/6/05  I am letting it come back on it's own.  It's gone from absolutely no movement to my now being able to make a small smile.  In June I will be going to see Carrie Loth, a facial retraining person who studied with Jackie Diehls.  No EMG's yet.


Hi Jean:  Thank you for the input.   I was thinking 'once again I'm in the familiar mode of (as people have told me)"no Nancy, just YOU are interested in this"'  lol
I was interested especially re: facial nerve being cut vs. stretched -from what I've read on the site it seems those that were stretched are more likely to get movement back, even if it takes awhile (which makes sense, it's not rocket science to figure THAT out - duh Nancy).  I'm curious, since mine was cut, how many others with cut nerve HAVE gotten movement back.   Oh well,  we'll see if others respond (or not, geuss I can be a bit morbid at times).
Take care Jean,  always good thoughts,  Nancy

Hi Nancy & Jean,

My surgery was only 4 1/2 months ago but my nerve was not cut. Dr. Brackman told me he had to leave a sliver of the tumor on the face nerve to preserve it. He said to be expecting movement in the next 2 mts but as of today I have had no movements not even a twitch. I still can't blink my eye but the weight help to close it at night. I watch both of your progresses and I'm trying not to get to inpatient.



The first movements are very small, almost imperceptable.  At least that's how mine was.  I got the tiniest movement next to my nose.  Isn't learning patience so much fun?  lol



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