ANA Discussion Forum

AN Community => AN Community => Topic started by: Pooter on October 05, 2008, 08:08:59 pm

Title: Pooter Update!
Post by: Pooter on October 05, 2008, 08:08:59 pm

I have been extremely busy, but here's an update just to show those recently diagnosed that life goes on and becomes "normal" again.  Today marks just about 5 months post-op for me.  I'm driving and all the normal things.  I'm back to work (sort of, that is a different story).  I'm probably about 95% "normal" and back to what it was like for me before surgery.

If you're still reading, then this past weekend I took my daughter camping.  We are involved in a YMCA daddy-daughter thing and go camping at least 6 times a year.  Our small little group consisted of 15 dads and 22 daughters.  We had quite the time, and quite the crew.  We ate good, played good and generally had a great time!  We left Friday afternoon and came back about 12:30pm today.  Here's a picture:


Last but not least, my facial weakness is just about completely gone.  Just to demonstrate, here's a before and after.  The first picture was taken about 1 month post-op and the other was taken tonight almost 5 months post-op.


Healing happens!  I'm living proof of it!

I'll be checking in from time to time.


Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 05, 2008, 09:47:04 pm
Thanks for posting, Pooter.  I was wondering just the other day how you were doing.

The pictures look great - quite a positive difference in your facial weakness  ;D and a wonderful daddy/daughter picture!!!

Hope things on the job front are working out.


Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: Sue on October 06, 2008, 12:16:30 am
Yay, Pooter!  Thanks for posting your photos.  Yes, healing happens.  Wonderful!   Your daughter is a cutie patootie! 

Sue in Vancouver USA
Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: ppearl214 on October 06, 2008, 06:09:26 am
OH, my POOTER! Look at you!!!!! That is fantastic and thank you for sharing this with us! You both look terrific (I think I have a boyfriend for the daughter... you just let me know! ;) ).....Hang in there... boy, onward and upward to wellness is certainly working! 

Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 06, 2008, 06:29:01 am
(I think I have a boyfriend for the daughter... you just let me know! ;)

Oh, no!  Just about every father's (and mother's) nightmare - a boyfriend for the daughter!  :o  ;D  LOL

Forgot to say last night, Pooter, that your daughter is darling.  She has a lovely smile  ;D

Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: wendysig on October 06, 2008, 01:16:35 pm
Hi Brian!

Thanks for the picture.  Wow - you look terrific and your daughter is adorable!  Glad to hear you had such a good time on your camping trip.  Congratulations of a great recovery.  I hope things just get better and better.

Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: msmaggie on October 06, 2008, 01:44:53 pm
Way to go, Brian!  I am so pleased and encouraged by your progress.  Great picture of you and your daughter, too.  You need to give us an update of the job thing.  Sounds like you are busy, so life must be rolling right along for you.

I go back to Dr. Vrabec tomorrow for an ABR.  We'll see if anything shows up.

Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: cindyj on October 06, 2008, 02:25:24 pm
Hey Brian,

Great to hear from you!  And looking just like any dad on an outing with his daughter!  You're so right that this is helpful to all the pre-posties out there to see how well you've recovered and returned to your life.  You are proof that it can be done!

Hope other things are going well for you also!

Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: lori67 on October 06, 2008, 02:39:30 pm

You look great!  And anyone who can survive a camping trip with 22 little girls is definitely in good shape!!  Your daughter is absolutely adorable.  I'm glad you had a nice trip and I'm sure there will be many more in the future! 

Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: Jim Scott on October 06, 2008, 03:06:37 pm

I think it's a tie between the kudos for your facial recovery and your cute little daughter.  ;)

Anyway, my congratulations on your regaining facial mobility and overall normalcy. 

I'm especially grateful that you made the effort to post your before and after facial photos so others can see the healing you've experienced and, as you said, take heart that it does happen.  :)

The camping trip sounds as if it was a memorable experience for all concerned (fathers and daughters) and validates your contention of returning to normal.  Thanks again.

Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: MAlegant on October 06, 2008, 07:01:39 pm
Wow Brian, you look great.  I can't tell who's cuter, you or your little girl!  (Although your pirate look was pretty cool) Thanks for sharing.  More on the job some other time??
Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: Debbi on October 07, 2008, 09:43:37 am
Hey Brian-

You look great!  Can't believe how fast (relatively) your face improved.  Yippee!  And, I agree with everyone else - your daughter is beautiful!

Have been wondering about your job situation - post when you can, okay?

Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: Pooter on October 07, 2008, 02:00:46 pm
Thanks all for the kind words.  I do have a beautiful daughter (and good looking son, too!).

Regarding those that have asked about the job thing.  I've been SLAMMED the last 2 weeks doing things for the company that went out of business as of 9/15 and for the new company that one of the owners is starting up.  I've worked harder than I ever have before.  The downside is that I got my "last" paycheck on 9/18.  I don't know yet if the new company is paying me or not or if somehow I will be compensated for my time and what I have done.  I interviewed (4 times no less!) with a new company that looks promising, although the commute will be 1 - 1.5 hours each way.  I do know that if I stay on with the new company, I will make about 1/2 of what I was before.  I don't yet know what the salary of the job that I interviewed with though because we're not to that point yet.  Long story short, I'm busier than ever but I don't know if I am being paid yet.  Needless to say, I'm on pins and needles over it.

I will say that people are right on when they've said that healing happens.  It may take a while (I'm still not back to 100%), but it can happen.  I'm not the only one, there are others.  I just want to give hope to those that are still healing and those that are contemplating surgery that healing can happen with some time and effort.  There will be bumps in the road (Lord knows I had my share of them) but eventually it all works out.


Title: Re: Pooter Update!
Post by: leapyrtwins on October 08, 2008, 06:53:33 am
Brian -

life - at least mine anyway - is full of bumps in the road so I guess recovery from an AN just follows suit.  Sometimes the hard part is just hanging in there.  As I told my dad recently (about my life, not my AN recovery) my bumps just keep turning into Mount Everest  ;D

I'm hopeful that the 4 interviews at the same place is a good sign.  If they need references, we'll all vouch for you  :)

Keeping my fingers crossed on your behalf. 
