Post-Treatment > Post-Treatment

Post Op recovery question

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Re:  Balance.  I'm 6 wks post-surgery, and my balance is starting to feel better... say 80%.   Once I'm upright I'm pretty stable.   Getting up from lying down on the couch after watching TV, causes the room to spin for a second.   Thats one of the exercises, getting up from lying down (20 times).   Also when I'm driving and I go over a speed bump that makes me dizzy.   Walking at night taking out the garbage or going to close the driveway gate is pretty shaky.   I need that visual fix on a stable object.   The improvement over the last 2 weeks have been good.  I've been to the high school track to walk some laps.   The straight aways are okay. but the cuirves can bring on the wobbles.   Keep doing your exercises...  OTO


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