Post-Treatment > Facial Issues

facial paralysis

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How do all of you with facial paralysis deal with it , especially going to weddings and big things.  I went to my nephew's wedding this week-end and I still feel so self consious about the way I look especially when I talk and eat.  I can never get used to the way I look now, it's been 3 1/2 years now.  My husband says no one cares how I look, most of the time I tell myself I am just glad to be alive, but it's still hard.  I was a self consience type person before all this.  I also don't have feeling on my AN side and that feels strange all of the time.  Also doe any of you that have had the 12/7 have your eye pull when you eat and blinkning doesn't feel right either.  I keep waiting to get used to the feeling.  I have been seeing Jackie Diels and she says as I look better I will feel better about myself.    any input?  Karen

I could have written your letter myself, I know exactly how u feel. I don't try to smile cuz it looks worst only one side works. Its been 2 years , hard to get used to it. Nothing is the same.

Hello Karen

It's so funny , your husband says the same thing my husband says. I am 2 years 3 months in, But as you can see from my photo I do look better but I was smilling. I do noticed I cover my smile alot with my hand so people won't see. I did have a man come into the shop 2 weeks ago and ask me to smile and I told him I couldn't, when I told him what the problem was he said you are smilling in your own way. All I said was yes

Yes, it is hard when you can't smile.  I feel grateful that I've gotten to the point where I can make a small smile if I think about it.  My new photo is a recent one of me smiling.  I find it the most difficult when meeting new people.  It's better with people who already know me.  This week should be a challenge.  We are having a family reunion on my husband's side of the family.  They will all be people I've never met.  I feel like I should have a photo of my old face made into a mask to wear.  :-)


What is a real relief is when I get botox, it relieves all my nerves my jaw doesn't feel so tight, I don't bite my lip so much when I talk.It smooths out the bunched nerves in my chin, my eye doesn't feel so tight. I have had 2 treatments so far every 6 months tomorrow I go again. I can really feel when it wears off, so I know the difference.


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