Post-Treatment > Facial Issues

facial nerve recovery time

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Jill Marie:
Hi Stewie,

I'm also fairly new to the forum but not new to facial issues.  I had a Facial Neuroma removed in 1992!  The most important thing I can tell you is despite the fact that we wish the doctors new everything & the doctors wish they new everything, they just don't.  The day before my surgery the doctor told me I wouldn't blink, my eye wouldn't close & I wouldn't drink from a straw.  The day after my surgery my eye blinked when my other eye blinked, it closed (90%) when the other eye closed.  When I was finally ready to eat and drink I tried to drink from a glass and the milk ran down my chin.  I got frustrated and my husband suggested I try the straw, I told him the doctor said I couldn't use one, he told me to try it anyway, I did and it worked just fine.  In fact, to this day I use a straw a lot as I have a bit of trouble with some of the water bottles we use while hiking.  I think for the most part I use a straw whenever I can just because "I CAN"! 

The doctors tell you what they think will or will not happen but they don't know for sure.  I started to regain the use of the left side of my face 6 months after my surgery as the doctor thought I would.  He told me my eye would water again within 2 years, it still doesn't. I can't tell you exactly when the improvement in my smile came about because I was to busy raising children and working to detect all the improvements.  I do know that I noticed improvements over the YEARS as my face grew stronger from the use of the muscles and the other nerves taking over for the nerve that could no longer do the job.  What I'm trying to tell you is DON'T give up hope because of what a doctor tells you. He may be wrong but if he's right you will be ok.  I have a closed mouth smile too, I also have a husband of 30 years that loves me & a job that I got 3 years after my surgery. Good-luck, Jill

Hello to everyone that responded to my question on facial nerve recovery time!

WOW! I can't thank you enough. Everyone's comments are so positive. Thank you thank you! I've decided to NOT give up! Today I'm feeling much, much better about my situation and all of you people have added to my optimistic outlook.

I like the calendar comment. It's so true. Everyone's body heals at a different pace. I'm always told that my tumor was "so unusual" and that my recovery has also been very unusual. Why should I give up just because I'm approaching 18 months?

Thanks again for all the encouragement! I hope that I can offer the same for someone else!


--- Quote from: amymeri on April 18, 2007, 01:52:34 pm ---All I will say is that I have heard doctors say no improvement is possible after 6 9, 12 and 18 months and I have heard plenty of people mention they have continuing improvement after 2 years.

I think that if you had NO movement at 18 months the prognosis would be bleaker...but it sounds like your nerve IS healing and it can't read a calendar!

I think you have plenty of reason for optomism!

Thank you so much for your input! I totally agree with you. I wasn't sure, but I thought that once before I've seen people post information that they have seen recovery long after 18 months.
Thank you again. I love your calendar comment. . . .you're so right!
--- End quote ---

Yeah Stewie:  I find it's so much easier to deal with the paralysis knowing others are in the same boat,  granted, at different stages, but we all know how it feels, etc.
Believe me,  just your writing in about it helps,  we're not alone.....
Best wishes my friend,  Nancy

I was reading before about how you feel about the facial issues. It's really upsetting, I know. You have a wonderful outlook. I'm sure everything will work it's way out. Someday all of this stuff will be long behind us and we will be laughing and smiling along with everyone else! I know it will be!!

Your friend as well, from across the miles,

Stewie (real name is Kathy)


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