Post-Treatment > Facial Issues

facial nerve recovery time

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Hi all,
I'm new to the forum. Had surgery in December 2005 on a 3cm tumor, so I'm about 16 months out. My facial nerve was left in tact, but seriously stretched. This past October I started to see a little movement. As of today, I can now make a closed mouth smile. Yesterday I saw my Dr. He told me that I was probably not going to see anymore improvement given that I'm approaching the 18 month mark. I am very upset by this. I was feeling optimistic until my Dr. visit. My question is. . . has anyone out there continued to gain facial recovery after 18 months? Should I just give up or should I continue to feel positive about moving forward? Any advice or experiences to share would be welcomed. Thank you.


It's only been 3 months since my surgery so I can't help you, but I was glad to read that you can now make a closed smile. Can you blink your eye yet? I have no movements yet and naturally when I hear that someone else has started to get movements I want to hear more.


All I will say is that I have heard doctors say no improvement is possible after 6 9, 12 and 18 months and I have heard plenty of people mention they have continuing improvement after 2 years.

I think that if you had NO movement at 18 months the prognosis would be bleaker...but it sounds like your nerve IS healing and it can't read a calendar!

I think you have plenty of reason for optomism!

Hi Stewie:  the neurologist I go to for facial EMGs said it can take 2 years for nerve regrowth.   I'm 10 months out with no movement at all yet, but am still hopeful, & if in the end I don't get movement, I'll probably opt for the 12/7 jump.   Like Amy said " nerves can't read calendars"      KEEP THE FAITH GUYS!!!!
GOTTA LOVE YA  AMY!!!!   Nancy

Hi Stewie,

I'm almost 20 months out.  I'm still seeing improvement.  I can make a closed mouth smile, too.  I see more and more of my face moving.  It's moving closer to my eye, but my eye still isn't blinking.  I hope that it will continue to improve.



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