ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: anissa on March 29, 2009, 03:02:41 pm

Title: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: anissa on March 29, 2009, 03:02:41 pm
I have had a drippy nose for several years now and I have no idea what to blame that on.  Now that I have something "officially" wrong with me I have to wonder if the drippy nose has anything to do with the AN.  It could just be some kind of a sinus issue but wouldn't they have seen that on the MRI?  Like a blocked sinus in my forehead or something?  Anyway, I say it is drippy because it just drips out and not something I can sniffle back, know what I mean?  After I met with the neurotologist they asked me to collect a sample to test it for CSF but it luckily came back negative.  Anyone?
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: msmaggie on March 29, 2009, 03:08:16 pm
Hi Anissa,
If it came back negative, then you are okay.  If it was a CSF leak, it would leak out only on one side, and mostly when you were bent over.  Can't say I know what you are dealing with, though!

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: HeadCase2 on March 29, 2009, 07:25:38 pm
  Is the drippy nose only on one side, the AN side?  If so, it's possible that it could be due to the AN compromising the facial nerve.  Some patients on the forum have reported various facial post treatment affects.  I stil have some slight facial nerve effects.  Whenever I eat flavorful food, my AN side eye will tear up and my AN side nostril will get a bit drippy.  The explaination has been that when the facial nerve is damaged and repairs itself, some of the nerve connections can become cross-connected.
 If your nose gets drippy on both sides, then my guess would be that the AN is not involved.
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Pooter on March 30, 2009, 04:08:43 pm
Dunno if this is AN-related or not, but in the year leading up to diagnosis/surgery, I had 4 or so sinus infections.  Since surgery, I haven't had so much of a stopped up nose.

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: lori67 on March 30, 2009, 04:49:17 pm
Could it be allergies?  My nose runs constantly depending on what's in bloom outside.
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Sue on March 30, 2009, 05:47:13 pm
Oh, honey, welcome to the club.  I have a drippy nose and it's mostly from the AN side.  It's very annoying.

Sue in Vancouver USA
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: wendysig on March 31, 2009, 05:27:44 am
I'm with Lori my allergies are starting to act up already -- guess Spring is here.

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Joef on March 31, 2009, 09:00:33 am

I too always get a "wet" nose when I eat a good steak or something instead of my mouth watering .... nerves have shorted out !  there is never any amount to blow ... but when I use a napkin to wipe my mouth , I try to wipe my nose too and not make it obvoius if there are people eating with me ....  ;)
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: southjersey636 on March 31, 2009, 08:18:18 pm

I too always get a "wet" nose when I eat a good steak or something instead of my mouth watering .... nerves have shorted out !  there is never any amount to blow ... but when I use a napkin to wipe my mouth , I try to wipe my nose too and not make it obvoius if there are people eating with me ....  ;)

Just made me laugh reading your response because I do the same exact damn thing when eating out in a restaurant or somewhere around people. I tend to wipe my mouth and then my nose very quick so it looks like I am wiping my mouth. I also get a runnny nose when its hot food etc..

This runny nose thing was talked about before on another topic but from what I remember reading and what I just read from you its a common symptom, its annoying at times but oh well, I'm glad I'm alive.
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: anissa on March 31, 2009, 10:10:52 pm
I'm so glad I'm not the only one!  It has been so irritating/inconvenient for so long but there is some weird sense of peace knowing that its a symptom.  I'm secretly hoping (with not any real expectations) that it will quit after my surgery.  I can hope, right?!  BTW, I do the same thing with my napkin, lol.
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: satman on April 01, 2009, 06:26:11 am
count me in,been there done that.
still waiting on the t-shirt.
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: EJTampa on April 01, 2009, 06:30:18 am
I only developed a drippy nose after surgery, and for some reason, it's on the opposite side of the AN.  Luckily, mine doesn't do it when I'm eating, but rather after exercise such as walking.  I'm guessing mine is unrelated to the surgery, perhaps just alergies as our oak trees are just passing their peak pollen season.
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: lori67 on April 01, 2009, 09:00:21 am

Mine does the same thing - opposite side of the AN and whenever I exercise.  I have to bring a box of tissues with me on the treadmill.  I'm sure everyone else there thinks I'm getting my germs all over everything, but I'm not sick - just drippy!  And springtime allergies don't help matters!

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Kaybo on April 01, 2009, 09:24:13 am
Mine is also when I am "exerting energy" or bending over.  Anytime I walk, run, eliptical, etc., it is BAD and also when I am gardening (pulling weeds) or putting Christmas lights around the yard - anything bending over!  Mine is ALL on the same side as the AN though!

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Joef on April 01, 2009, 09:43:30 am

Bending over? sounds like a CSF leak ...  I assume you've been tested right?  its been a long time since your surgery....
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Cheryl R on April 01, 2009, 09:52:47 am
I was told that it has to drip like a faucet when bent over for the CSF leak.          That is what mine did.         I get the runny nose big time when I eat on the left.      I did on the right after the first surgery until surgery no 2 and then it quit.            We should have boxes of tissue when we eat at the symposium.                 I get running from one or both sides when warm and active.      Even a bit of running from both when bent over occ.      Can vary from time to time.   
   I say it is just one of the annoyances of the day.                      Cheryl R
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Kaybo on April 01, 2009, 10:00:25 am
I guess I haven't been tested - how do they do that?  BUT it is really just when I am bending AND doing something active at the same time... ???

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Joef on April 01, 2009, 01:27:01 pm
Actually, Im not sure!! I think they can test any drippings to see if its CSF .. or bogers... LOL ....

is it a clear fluid ?  .. at least for me ... they kept asking me (at the hospital) when I lean forward if there was any clear fluid .....
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: bpham on April 01, 2009, 03:46:22 pm
I tear when I eat spicy food on the AN side (translab)...and that side of the mouth also does not taste food as good as the other side...and I learn to accept it and I'm OK with it.
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Pooter on April 01, 2009, 04:21:02 pm
Actually, Im not sure!! I think they can test any drippings to see if its CSF .. or bogers... LOL ....

is it a clear fluid ?  .. at least for me ... they kept asking me (at the hospital) when I lean forward if there was any clear fluid .....

I was repeatedly asked that while in the hospital also.  CSF SHOULD be a pristine clear fluid when it leaks.  I've been told that one would KNOW if they had a CSF leak in their ear, nose or throat because it's different than anything else that would be coming out of those areas.

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Sam Rush on April 02, 2009, 09:36:11 am
CSF leak fluid would have a positive test for glucose, in contrast to sinus fluid.
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Pruneface on March 28, 2011, 06:08:47 pm
Does anyone have a runny nose before the surgery, rather than after AN surgery?
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Suu on March 28, 2011, 08:26:25 pm
Kaybo - please go and have the 'leak' checked.
Mine only dripped on one side and only when I bent over, whether I was doing something or not.

♥ ´)
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Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: CHD63 on March 29, 2011, 09:51:11 am
it's possible that it could be due to the AN compromising the facial nerve.  Some patients on the forum have reported various facial post treatment affects.  I stil have some slight facial nerve effects.  Whenever I eat flavorful food, my AN side eye will tear up and my AN side nostril will get a bit drippy.  The explaination has been that when the facial nerve is damaged and repairs itself, some of the nerve connections can become cross-connected.

OK, I know this is an old thread resurfacing ...... but ...... last December I experienced this drippy nose only on the AN side.  It happened a couple of times, lasting several hours ..... no other symptoms, e.g. no stuffy head, sneezing, cough, etc.  It has happened several times since then ..... most recently last week-end.

Maybe it is my paranoia, but when this started I did not know that my AN was regrowing ..... now I do.  Could there be a connection?

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: tenai98 on April 03, 2011, 02:54:00 pm
I get the drippy nose symdrome when exercising or eating hot foods....On the treadmill, I always have a towel for my drippy nose and like Joef, I try to wipe nose without being drips only on my AN started right after surgery and I was tested to see if it was a CFS leak.
Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: ddaybrat on April 03, 2011, 04:13:46 pm
I also have the drippy nose on the AN side.  Between the tears running down my face on both non-AN side seems to sympothize with the AN side  and the drippy nose, I think I must keep Kimberly-Clark in business.  I have boxes of kleenex in every room and always a a few in my pocket.  My nose drips when I eat and also when I'm active...if I'm bending over for any length of time...such as tying a shoe or digging in a drawer, you can bet I need a kleenex to catch it.

I was so paranoid about a CSF leak last summer, that I actually bought some glucose test strips.  I don't remember what they cost, but the container has probably 100 in it.  It's easy to just catch the drip on the strip and if the strip turns color, then you have a CSF leak.  If not, then you're OK.  It saves running to the doctor all the time.  The strips are the same ones diabetics use to test glucose in their urine. 

I've been tests have always been negative.  Hope the rest of you continue to have the same luck.


Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: CHD63 on April 03, 2011, 04:51:38 pm
OK, this makes me feel better.  Gonna look for the glucose strips if it happens again.  Thanks!!!

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: MNTim on April 03, 2011, 06:02:44 pm
Within the last month I had a CSF leak from my nostril.  After some of my prior surgeries I thought I had a leak because of a runny nose but I discovered recently that a leak is very obvious.  It does run like a faucet and it is like water.  When you bend over it drips constantly until you sniff.  When I sniffed I got a very salty taste in my mouth.  I mean like I ate a spoon of salt not kind of salty. 

I was able to produce for the test very easily.  I walked down a flight of stairs while looking down and got the two drips in the vial that they need.  The ENT said he knew it was CSF as soon as he saw the vial.  They can't test boogers!

Last fall I was running 3 miles several times per week and would develop a runny nose after the first mile.  I know now that it was not a leak.

Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: Keeping Up on April 03, 2011, 08:11:48 pm
Mainly directed at Annisa ...

Don't you have a wack-load of very young children?  I have a constantly running nose (i.e. I am like a granny with kleenex up my sleeve, or if short-sleeved, tucked in at the top of my undies - I know where every kleenex box is in everyone's office at work as I grab kleenex constantly.  I take kleenex box from the supply room two at a time!).  The 'running nose' is similar to your description ... I bent over one day to look at a document on someone's desk and dripped (tremendously embarrassing ... and it just won't stop, until hopefully late spring/summer.)

I blame it on young children.  I have no allergies and have not yet had any treatment.  I never had this issue pre-children.  I could probably take decongestants to help it out ... but typically live drug free (except for birth control, of course!!!!)

Good luck, and hopefully it is unrelated to your AN (and treatment).


Title: Re: Drippy nose anyone?
Post by: ddaybrat on April 03, 2011, 09:51:56 pm
Ann...I had to laugh when you said you were like a granny with your kleenex tucked in.  My mother, bless her soul, always had a kleenex tucked somewhere.  As a child, she used to pin a cotton hanky to my dress every morning when I went to school.  Course, that was before kleenex became so popular.
