ANA Discussion Forum

Watch and Wait => For those in the 'watch and wait' status => Topic started by: Sheryl on July 25, 2013, 12:34:25 pm

Title: MRI yesterday - on to year 12 of W&W!!
Post by: Sheryl on July 25, 2013, 12:34:25 pm
Had my yearly MRI and since I have a new doc, also had a very good neurologic exam - I even still remember the "three words"they give you to recall!!    No change in size or symptoms.  Interestingly, I was originally told this neuroma was on the 9th cranial nerve and since things are very tight in there, it could be 7th or 8th.  I asked about it changing size at this point as I am almost into year #12 and the doctor was doubtful, but could not be certain.  He also said without a biopsy, it may be a meningioma or even a cyst.  Next MRI in one year.

Unfortunately, hubby's meningioma that he has had two surgeries for, one dose of Cyberknife, and 30 sessions of IMRT since 2004, looks like it may have started invading the skull bone.  Doc wants him to have another MRI in 2 - 3 months to check.  Hubby says he thinks he's done chasing this thing around and "I'm going to let it do what it wants"!!  That doesn't sit well with me, but he has to make the decision.  Doc said if you are not going to do anything about this (and not sure if there would be another surgery or radiation recommended or even if it will never do anything), then no sense having MRI's.

Title: Re: MRI yesterday - on to year 12 of W&W!!
Post by: Jim Scott on July 25, 2013, 01:14:22 pm
Sheryl ~

Congratulations on that great MRI result! 

However, I'm sorry your husband is still struggling with his stubborn meningioma and hope that issue can be resolved at some point.

Title: Re: MRI yesterday - on to year 12 of W&W!!
Post by: Derek on July 25, 2013, 02:03:06 pm
Hi Sheryl...

Many congrats on your superb result and I do hope that eventually matters concerning your hubby can be successfully resolved.

Best Regards

Title: Re: MRI yesterday - on to year 12 of W&W!!
Post by: Mickey on July 25, 2013, 06:34:47 pm
Hi Sheryl! So Happy to hear that your MRI and exam turned out good. I hoping that eventually your husbands condition improves. Allthough he may not want to be treated, I`m hoping that he gets into some of the supplements and pro active ideas we mentioned on the W+W brigade boards. Honokial, Shark Cartiledge, Bromelain, Phosphatidylserine, just a few supplements to mention. Wishing for the best, Mickey