Post-Treatment > Facial Issues



Is anyone taking Neurotin for the numbness and tingling in their face?  My doctor has me trying it three times a day.  This is my third week going up to three doses.  It seems to help, but I am wondering about side effects, so far I don't seem to have any..  How about any one else using it.  I am on the lowest dose 300 three times a day.  I am just trying it for a month to see if it helps.  Karen

Hello Karen,

What do you mean it seems to help. What effects are you getting?


I have been on neurontin for many years now for headache rel;ief. It does seem to help a little. As for side effects - none. However, as you increase the dose (some members have been on over 2000mg per day) you will get tired.

neurontin, as described to me, is about numbing or reducing nerve endindings pain.



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