Post-Treatment > Facial Issues

Head / Clicking Noises on AN side

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I am 5wks post-op (middle fossa).  Two weeks ago, I started hearing clicking noises on the AN side, at the surgery site.  The sound seems like it's not from my ear.  The clicking sound comes and goes.  It's not that bothersome since it is not loud.  Has anyone else experienced this?  And does anyone know what this sound is coming from??  I'm not really worried about it but just curious.

Thanks for your feedback.


I also had middle fossa and experienced what sounded like a drip/click. Mine started 2 weeks after surgery and lasted for about 2 months. I noticed it more while laying down and I could not pin point where the sound was coming from. I never got answer from my doctor as to what it was ???

It is always good to run it by your doctor and see what he/she thinks. I'm still curious, so if you find out, please let me know.


I am 19 days sence surgery and I noticed when i was still bandaged that i thougt they left a fly in there.. it is there and when I try and sleep it loud..I had translab

Hi everyone

I had Gk 18 months ago and I have had intermittent metallic clicking sounds on the side of my AN for the last 3 years as well as the usual tinnitus . The clicking sounds have become more frequent since GK . I also noticed that my tinnitus got much louder after 
fllying  but has since returned to normal . I am to have my yearly MRI in early December and will find out what my tumour is doing then. I have no reason to believe that it has grown but I will keep my fingers crossed all the same .

Regards to all Kat


I'm sorry to say, I too.......have "head-clicking" on the AN side.  I hope it won't get louder after CK by the end of next week.  I got one of those radio's with the time that shines on the ceiling.  It has those sounds to *rock* you to sleep, in other words.....keep background noise out if possible.  You know, the choices are, summer sounds, rain, ocean, rain-forest, thunder and waterfall.  It helps somewhat.  Some of you might want to try it or maybe you have that already.



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