Post-Treatment > Eye Issues

Eye Ointment Cost


Jill Marie:
I was wondering which Brands of eye ointment others use and where they get it.  I use a tube a day of preservative free eye ointment and since it's an over the counter item the cost really adds up.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Jill

I don’t use as much as I did once; however I generally use either Refresh or Systane brands. You can get it at Walgreens or any pharmacy. Probably Walmart or Target. Some of the store brands are good also.
Maybe you could look on Amazon,,


Jill Marie:
Hi Jane,  Thank you for replying.  I will check out the brands you mentioned and the various locations.  Thanks again Jill :)

I've had eye issues for 17 years, since my  surgery . While working I had a scleral lens and used ointment at night along with the NightEye bubble bandage.  Since retiring 5 years ago I only used Systane nighttime ointment because I hated removing the scleral lens.  I have a 2.4 gr. platinum chain implanted.   Recently had a corneal ulcer.  So I will be having canthorrhaphy procedure to tighten my eye.  I am doing this because I am 67 years old.  If I were younger I'd go back to using the scleral lens, it was great when working. No need for ointment until I removed it 12 hours later.  Hope this helps.   I haven't been on this site for years, thought I'd see what's happening now.  Glad to see alot less paralysis issues, surgeries seem to improving.   Always good thoughts.


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