Post-Treatment > Cognitive/Emotional Issues

Health problems come from emotional issues ?

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Hello everyone,

I have been trying to do a little research on the reasons WHY we get tumors and thyroid nodules and ovarian cysts etc...(I had them all) :o

Anyways, I have read in many sites and books and talked to many holistic doctors, and Reiki practitioners that the emotions and how we deal with problems in our life strongly affect the body.
Let's take my AN for example:

I have been told that it could have been cause from the fact that I am trying to "block" something such as people that talk to me that I do not wish to listen. When I started talking about it I realized there is a specific person in my life that always bothers me and has a very strong personality. The type of people that even if you tell your point of view they would go against it, showing they are always right, put you down and never believe in what you say and complain on how you do/decide to run your life.
You guessed it: MY MOM. She is a good person but her personality is hard to handle.

Therefore, since my mom and dad have been divorced since I was 15 (I'm now 27) I lived with her alone mostly of my life. I had to listen to all her problems and complains about everything in regards to my dad, my brothers and sisters (dad side that she would always bad mouth behind their back) boyfriends, my husband etc...I have realized that I would always try to think of something else (something good about another topic) whenever she is talking to me so that I don't have to listen. And the funny part is, is that my AN is on the right side and I was the one to always drive the car to her work, pick her up, got to the groceries with her, travel, she was always sitting on my right.

Anyways, In regards to my thyroid nodule, I believe it comes from the fact that I would hold back and not say the things I wanted to say to her because I knew she would either go against me, not believe me or turn it into a negative thing. So by keeping these emotions in my throat, by not releasing my thought, the cells started to get "stuck" in there causing the nodule.

MY QUESTION TO YOU IS: In regards to the AN, can you think of ANYTHING in your life that makes you "block" the hearing? because of someone that you are close to at work/ family/friends etc...Someone that is constantly in your life.

Please really take the time to think and let me know. I am very interested in knowing  :D

Anyways, thanks for reading!  ;)

Hey Pascale,
great to see you. thanks for understanding why I moved this thread from "Radiation/Radiosurgery" to this forum... I think you will definately get a wider scope of responses here.

Like you, had a thyroid nodule on my left side of thyroid... surgically removed back in 1998 (t'is was benign)... I took very ill as of (wow!) exactly 8 yrs ago... March 12, 2001.  I can think of things, emotionally, that were going on with me during the timeframe leading up to my first round of major illness/diagnosis (not my AN). 

I also believe in the mind/body connection.

I have my own theories on this but I'm going to reserve comment now and see how others respond. 

Hang in there.. and btw, great to see you!

Jim Scott:

Science has long since proven that there is a connection between emotions and physical maladies.  However, I'm skeptical about attributing the development of tumors in specific parts of the body directly to emotional stresses that can be related to that part of the body, i.e. your hypothesis that not speaking your mind to your domineering mother somehow generated a nodule on your thyroid gland.  Of course that's possible, but the correlation seems a bit too convenient, although I'm not a doctor and certainly could be wrong. 

Regarding my acoustic neuroma; I never 'held back' much of anything and aside from occasional work and/or financial pressures that came and went over the years, I pretty much did what I wanted.  I did not tolerate fools and, admittedly, I was a bit 'hot-headed' in my younger years.  My wife tells me I've 'mellowed' in the last decade or so.  I'm glad.  Being easily angered can be stressful, I know, although I've always enjoyed good health.  Besides, when you are quick to anger, you spend a lot of time apologizing.  Better to control the emotion and the urge to lash out.  I was never frustrated over my job (I loved it, most of the time), my marriage has always been stable and loving, (now in our 39th year) and my only son (now 29) was never a 'problem'.  Although we're hardly affluent, our financial situation is stable and our income is adequate for our needs.  Looking back, I just can't see any credible connection between my emotions and the tumor that grew from the sheathing on my 8th cranial nerve.  That connection may well exist but until it's proven, I have to , if not discount, at least remain highly skeptical of the theory.  I'm sure others will have different opinions.  It should be interesting.


Hi, Pascale,

You ask: "In regards to the AN, can you think of ANYTHING in your life that makes you 'block' the hearing?"

No, I cannot.

 I guess I've been fortunate and blessed that I haven't had to deal long-term with many people whom I've considered annoying or otherwise unpleasant/disconcerting to be around. I would venture to say that if that scenario could cause acoustic neuromas, more than 1 per 100,000 population would be diagnosed each year.

Catherine (JerseyGirl 2)

I had a large AN and thyroid trouble - I had my thyroid removed in June of 2006.  I have really thought about it, but cannot think of ANYTHING like what you are referring to.  I certainly am not one to repress my thoughts (unfortunately, I am more the other way but getting better!) and/or feelings.  Thyroid problems are hereditary in our family so I knew it was only a matter of time.  In fact, that is why they went ahead & removed the whole thing, even though they said they could leave it for a while - it was pretty inevitable that I would eventually have to have the whole thing removed and Dave & I figured that I would recover from surgery better at 35 than 45 or 55!  I will say that I have had PLENTY of surgeries and I would recommend thyroid as the best/easiest one I have had!!   ;D



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